View Full Version : PSI problems

03-20-2004, 08:32 PM
I have a nitro duck mega reg tank that I'm using with my x-valve. I used to be able to get about 950psi with the classic valve, but now I only seem to be able to get 850. What's the deal? Is there something I need to adjust?

03-20-2004, 09:21 PM
I'm not quite sure what your asking.

Are saying that since you put in the X valve the tank only adjusts up to 850psi?

03-21-2004, 12:18 AM
yeah, it's weird

03-21-2004, 07:42 AM
Do you use the same gauge? If you have two different gauges that aren't of the best quality, they might show very different readings for the same pressure.

03-21-2004, 09:22 AM
the only gauges that I use are the ones that come on the mega reg...they're the same ones I've always used

I also get inconsistent velocities by 10fps

03-21-2004, 12:20 PM
I think it must be coincidense that the tank has developed an issue during the swap.I can't see how the valve could have any effect on the tanks ability to output a given pressure.

Try the tank on another marker and see if it will go higher,for that matter you could try it on a blocked ASA,and add a gauge to the ASA and see if it matches up with what the tank gauge says.

03-21-2004, 03:36 PM
I'd love to, but I don't really know anyone at school who has a gun that uses HP...I also don't have an ASA that I can block. I suppose I could try to get someone in the chemistry department to help me out. They might have something...

03-21-2004, 03:53 PM
Practically all markers can use HPA

03-21-2004, 06:17 PM
well, I have a spyder and a tippmann 98 here in my room...I know the tippmann can use hpa, but I don't have the hoses and what not to hook it up

03-21-2004, 06:36 PM
Ok, but connecting your HPA to another marker wont change the pressure it outputs. My guess is that something is wrong with the reg, but I have no experience of a mega, so I can't help you there.

03-21-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by SeMonkey84
well, I have a spyder and a tippmann 98 here in my room...I know the tippmann can use hpa, but I don't have the hoses and what not to hook it up

Well like I said, I think you'll find it has little to with the valve.

03-22-2004, 02:27 AM
maybe I'll just call paintball mania's tech line and see if they know anything about what might be going on