View Full Version : The Paintball Community Here Sucks...Help

03-21-2004, 12:19 PM
I'm in 9th grade right now, and I've been playing paintball nonstop, mostly recball, since my first game with my brother and his friends in 5th grade. But now, I'm thinking about giving up paintball for lack of people to play with. It's not that there aren't any people to play with, but rather that I don't really want to play with them. See, the thing is that there is no real field here. We had one, but it closed down two years ago due to lack of business. Unfortunately for them, the paintball community here starting growing about 6 months after they closed.

So, instead of having a set, official field, we have two smaller fields in the woods that sorta....suck. I say they suck mainly because of the people that are drawn there. On your average weekend, the lowest velocity there is at least 350, average being around 400. Not only that, but the sheer stupidity pisses me off beyond belief. For example, if you beat someone honestly, they'll say you cheat, and then if nobody does anything, theres a 40%+ chance that they'll shoot you with frozen paint the next day. And yes, EVERYONE here is like that. I'm sure that there are some people who aren't, but they never go to the spots that we go to, and noone knows where they go.

Another issue is the ignorance possessed by just about everyone here. The ignorance spreads like a disease, it's unbelievable. Out of the usual group of about 5 kids that I go with, 3 want scopes for their guns, and the other 2 swear that their the best players ever, although they're definitely not (not that I am either, though.)

EVERYONE, and I repeat, EVERYONE calls getting someone out a "kill". They call paintballs Ammo, and they call masks "helmets". They think because someone wears a jersey, they are unbeatable, and if someone wears camo, they are 100% invisible on the field. Everyone thinks that the Tippmann A5 is as good as an autococker, but, of course, "Nothing can beat an Angel, because they are the best guns ever!" People will swear on their life that "X Gun hurts so much more than anything else!", and out of the ~ 70 kids that play, ~60 (at least) think that a 16 inch barrel is 1,000,000 times more accurate than anything else.

I have tried everything to disprove every single one of these rumors, but to no avail. In fact, now people think that I'm the stupid one, because I go against the popular opinion (which, as you all know, is wrong in this case).

I really can't take it anymore. Please don't argue with me over the things that I've said other people around here do, because they do. I know it might sound far-fetched to you, but it's true. My theory is that there was a group of about 5 kids that were ignorant, and they got others into the sport and shared their lingo with them, and then those people got more into the sport, etc.

So, my question to you all is this: What should I do? I need a place to play, and I need more knowledgeable people to play with. Please help.


Edit: By the way, my brother and his friends have since stopped playing paintball due to other interests that require the money once used for paintball (example: cars).

Edit 2: Added spaces inbetween paragraphs.

03-21-2004, 12:32 PM
man, thats sounds crappy. i to know of the same kinda people, especially the " i am the best player in the world, but i have only played for 3 days against 2 kids in my back yard"

i suggest that you try the next town, the drive may seem unworthy on the way the first time, but once you get there and have a great time, the drive will be worth it. btw - where is it that you live? there may be a place close but i can't suggest a good field or group without knowing where you live....

if you do find an out of town location, grab one of those "greatest" players and take them with you. either they will report back about how things are different and re-educate the masses back home or they will hate it and be stuck in their little world.

good luck

03-21-2004, 12:35 PM
get yourself a chrono. That might help. Stupid people are impressed by fancy objects. At least you can get the speed down. People still have disbelifs about stupid stupids stuff but as long as it doesnt affect you who cares. Also buy a jersey cause you get super powers with it that you can use to impress them. Try to get your field to open back up.

03-21-2004, 12:38 PM
I doubt very much that anyone will care about a Chrono. They know they shoot at as high of a velocity as they can, and they think it makes them better players. And Mok_Star, I live in South Florida. I would like to just drive over to a different town, but I don't think it's much better anywhere close to me. Maybe all the way up by Wayne's World, but that's a really long drive.

03-21-2004, 12:55 PM
You should go once at least to check things out. And as Mok suggested take one of the "best players" so they can influence all the others.

03-21-2004, 01:06 PM
That sounds like many of the outlaw fields around here.;)

One reason why we built our own field and only invite those we want to play with,that might work for you if you can find a suitable location.

If not,your only option is to travel farther,perhaps find a legit field.Unfortunatly,like most sports,you need applicable real estate to play which may or may not exist in your immediate area.

In my experience,a chrono does help.I originally thought people would be unwilling to chrono and I wasn't sure how I would get them to.To my surprise,at pretty much everywhere I break it out and chrono our guns,everyone else is like "Please do mine" or "Can I try it?". So you never know.

Other than that,I really don't see playing it if your not enjoying the experience.That is the ONLY real reason to play.

Good luck,I hope it works out for you.

03-21-2004, 01:16 PM
Bear with it. I had the same problem here for a few years. The closest comercial field is about 100 mi away. The people that came to the field i helped make were unbelivibly ignorant. After months of trying to persuade them about things like paint to barrel match and the faster your gun shoots doesnt make it more accurate, they started to believe me when i could make shots land on each other while they may hit the person 6 feet away on accedent. I showed them AO and now most of them are better educated and not everyone thinks angels are teh best guns ever. Just keep with it or go somewhere else, just dont quit paintball.

03-21-2004, 01:22 PM
I'd love to make my own field, and have it be invitation only, but I have nowhere to make it. Any suggestions? My backyard is way too small (thanks to a "decoritive" man-made lake).

03-21-2004, 01:25 PM
You can't freeze paint.

And if you hate the community, move.

03-21-2004, 01:27 PM
See if you can get rides to a nerighboring towns fields or something.

03-21-2004, 02:25 PM
Well PBR says there is about 60 legit fields in Florida, so I am sure you can find one that is close.

Fields Good luck (http://www.pbreview.com/fields/11/)

03-21-2004, 03:11 PM
The only field on that list somewhat close to me is Mike's Paintball, but thats still a fairly large drive. Not only that, but not many people go there anymore, due to the insane prices for paint.

03-21-2004, 03:41 PM
give the the address of the field... i WILL come there next year when i have a liscense, and i WILL whip every one of their little tippmann-hugging arses

i'll bring my rhythm and RT-Z and see what they think of me playing with a freak & TAG tip... shooting at the velocity limit (if there is one)... in a t-shirt and shorts, and the like... just to disprove the idiots

basically, its ignorance, and i don't like ignorance... theres just too much of it in the world of paintball

03-21-2004, 04:04 PM
I can't believe you don't have many fields near you.. I mean it's Florida.. Paintball weather year round.. I guess I kind of have it lucky... Even though I can't play all year I have an alright indoor field 20 mins away.. And a kickass indoor field 2 hours away.. And during the summer season outdoor is only a 10 min or less drive..

03-21-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
give the the address of the field... i WILL come there next year when i have a liscense, and i WILL whip every one of their little tippmann-hugging arsesTake me with you. :) Virginia's practically on the way.

03-21-2004, 04:40 PM
Hey, Sneaky. I'd join you, but I have commitments here.

I got a nice idea: bring the lot of those idiots up here to Wisconsin and see how big a bunch of paintball gods they really are! I'll break out the Sniper 2 and show them how REAL paintball is played. Hee :D Hee!

trains are bad
03-21-2004, 05:00 PM
You can't freeze paint

I have frozen diablo midnight (it's the only flavor I've tried.) The fill turns about like hard frozen ice cream, and the shell gets really tough.

03-21-2004, 09:14 PM
Hey Sneaky, Count me in. We'll whip them in style.;)

03-21-2004, 09:28 PM
Hey u should find some1 with lots of $ and have him open your field bak up.

03-21-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by billabongboy13j
ALso whats the web site for AO ive like looked everywere and can't find it

AO = Automag Owners = Automags.org = where you are right now.

03-21-2004, 11:58 PM
Stop hijacking my thread! C'mon guys, I seriously need help here.

03-22-2004, 12:07 AM
we have given you some ideas and you keep shooting them down with out trying.

03-22-2004, 12:21 AM
damn we will just use my dads fed ex van and we will pick people up on the way :)

yeah ignorance sure is funny just like sneaky thinks his mag is faster then mine! haha thats funny we will see in 2 weeks ((( VIDEO )))

anyways yeah just find a sweet feild close by im sure theres more cuase when i went looking at feilds close by i found about 10-12 with in a 1 hour drive to my astonishment how ever 5 or 6 of them completely suck and then some are to expensive to play everyweek and then some just lack the skill so once your able to drive im hoping is in 1 year since your only in 9th grade. hit up as much feilds as possible just dont give up man dont let the ignorance of others get to you

03-22-2004, 04:06 AM
check warpig they have a good listing and alot of the listed arent listed on the pbr site

im from vegas been trying to get their lagiate feild on pbr for months now i finally gave up.. funny part is it is the most legiate outdoor feild in vegas.. anyhow check warpig i started making a list but its 1 am and i have to work if you tell me your city ill come up with a list later today...

03-22-2004, 09:33 AM
sorry, didn't read your post - there were no paragraph spaces and it was too hard to read.

03-22-2004, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Mindflux
You can't freeze paint.

And if you hate the community, move.

Eeek - captain grumpy! :p

Back on topic:

I would really direct them towards some of the more informative paintball sites online (AO, Warpig, PBStar)

I would keep them away from PBN as long as possible!

03-22-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by mjs1217
Stop hijacking my thread! C'mon guys, I seriously need help here.

I think you've got all the options available to you.;)

Or......I guess you could take up golf.:D

03-22-2004, 03:52 PM
or just take up actual arms and pick off all the ignorant kids... this way you dont have to hear there crap anymore :)

03-22-2004, 04:17 PM
You write very well for a ninth grader, im impressed.

03-22-2004, 04:48 PM
Praire: Thanks...Usually (on AIM, etc) I don't write like this, but I try to use good grammar and all on forums. Also, I'm in AP English, so I get plenty of practice (not that I want it, heh).

Trevorjk: No thanks...
1) I'm not crazy (lol)
2) As much as I hate the ignorance of these people, I'm friends with most of the less-stupid ones.

tyrion2323: Most of these kids are the "thug" type ones...
Y'know the type, usually rich white kids with credit cards who insist that their $700,000 house is in a ghetto. So, I doubt very much that they'll even consider goin to a paintball forum. And, frankly, I don't think anyone here wants them posting on AO, heh. They'd be banned within a month, garunteed.

Sorry for rejecting all the suggestions, but I guess that's just sort of my nature. Thanks everyone for reading and helping me out, I really do appreciate it. And even if this thread dies out (hopefully not for a while...), at least I woulda had a few good laughs outta it (ie: Take up golf!", lol).

03-22-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by mjs1217
Stop hijacking my thread! C'mon guys, I seriously need help here. First thing you have to do is to stop playing with morons. Anyone that shoots 350-400 has the capability of busting a lense. That means eyese are going. I bet the first one to the emergency room will get your fun halted fast. Grow up you fools! Turn it down before someone gets hurt and we read about you in the papers.
:mad: :o

03-22-2004, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
First thing you have to do is to stop playing with morons. Anyone that shoots 350-400 has the capability of busting a lense. That means eyese are going. I bet the first one to the emergency room will get your fun halted fast. Grow up you fools! Turn it down before someone gets hurt and we read about you in the papers.
:mad: :o

You don't need to tell me to turn it down man. I ALWAYS play with my velocity set to ~280. I even take the time to check it with my friend's radar chrono every day before I play (which is why I said before that nobody cares about a chrono). And about the "stop playing with morons" part, that's why I made this thread. Notice how I said that that if I didn't find an alternitive, I'm gonna stop playing altogether.

Sorry if that sounded angry, it wasn't intended to.

03-22-2004, 07:41 PM
I'm surpised nobody asked you this. What city/state you in?

03-22-2004, 08:40 PM
Actually someone did earlier on, but I don't mind sayin it again. I live in southern Florida, but I dont want to say the city.

03-23-2004, 02:56 AM
dude im sorry but its hard to find a field close to you with out knowing what city you live in... um look on warpig or start a south florida players thread..if you get enough good players that know what they are doing to those fields the dumb asses will feel threatened and try to find another field...happens alot at the field i work at.. thats all you can do aside from 100 mile drives... sorry wish i could tell you more.

03-23-2004, 10:14 AM
Yeah man I'm not going to stalk you or anything I'm just trying to help you out. If you dont have your lisence then its going to be hard but there are a lot of fields up in north and central florida