View Full Version : Team Body Count : 1st turny 1st win :D :D

Micromag man!
03-21-2004, 07:37 PM
After playing a tough tourney today, im please to announce Team Body Count won 1st place today. It was nice, the first tourny i and most of the team have been in and we won. It was a rookie X-Ball Style tourney, and VERY fun. We lost the first game, but we went in a gun short because one of our guns were down because the battery tray to his egg was broken, and the refs wouldnt give us an extra 30 seconds, but we didnt skip a beat after that :). In the finals we maxed 180 and it was sweet, and afterword the team met up at Beef-O-Brady's for fooood (Mmmmm). no one was shooting a mag :( but i brought my micromag for a backup :) and all in all it was a good time for us all... i should have pics up soon.

(The second place team said we were cheating, and now aparently wants to beat me up next time he sees me cuz his friend said i called him a ***, but we didnt cheat, we do it honest or it doesnt need to be done.) Just an example of poorsportsmanship :(

03-21-2004, 08:03 PM
I'd beat you up too! Calling him a arse. That's improper grammar my lad, he's AN arse! Get it right.

Good job, congrats on your win. Welcome to paintball, you better get used to the "you cheated" thing. Apparently if you beat the other team, instantly you cheated. Even if you didn't. Because you know the other team can't ever lose, unless somebody they play against cheated!

Micromag man!
03-21-2004, 09:15 PM
Haha, hey, they talked crap on us so i talked it back, and i didt say arse, i said f .ag, cant believe it bleeped it out

03-21-2004, 09:19 PM
Congratulations. :) Start some sort of war with that other team. It will get you soem press and noteriety. Besides, you and your team will look like a bunch of bad asses, which can't hurt.:D