View Full Version : Tough First Upgrade (68'Automag)

03-21-2004, 08:57 PM
Alright Im selling my spyder for 120 april 3rd, and with that money I will either get an Intelliframe, or a Level10 (both are 130 CDN). I know, LX is essential, but the price for the intelliframe is great.

Any reccomendations?

03-21-2004, 09:05 PM
If you can get a sweet deal for the Intelliframe, get it while you can. LX is not mandatory, but it can sure help. I've never chopped a ball in a Mag, so, for, me atleast, the I-frame would be the first upgrade. When I get my Mag soon, it will probably be the first upgrade, if not ULT.

03-21-2004, 09:08 PM
Get a level x. They run for like 70 bucks on paintballgear.com Intelliframe is about 110 same place. Go for the level 10 first. Hope that helps.

BTW, what's CDN?

03-21-2004, 09:20 PM
yeah get the level 10 first its a great up grade. it will save you more times than the intelliframe will. But once you have the funds get the intelliframe.

Target Practice
03-21-2004, 09:30 PM
I would talk to RougeFactor or FragTek, they might be able to help you out.

03-21-2004, 09:34 PM
CDN = Canadian.

I doubt anyone would be able to get me better deals unless they were highly generous.

Thanks, I think Im going to get the Intelliframe for now.

03-21-2004, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by OysterBoy
CDN = Canadian.

I doubt anyone would be able to get me better deals unless they were highly generous.

Thanks, I think Im going to get the Intelliframe for now.

some may not agree with you here, but i would. i had zero problems w/ chopping when i had my single trigger frame and my my "I frame".

people learned to shoot w/o the lvl 10 before it came out, and so can you until you can afford one :]


03-21-2004, 09:44 PM
I got the lv 10 first when i was in the same situation. It made up for the fact that i had a single trigger frame. It was the bestupgrade ive ever gotten. and one of the only upgrades for any marker that makes a drastic and obvious change in perfomance. Lv 10 all the way man

03-21-2004, 09:48 PM
few Q's about the LX; is it easier on the trigger? And is ULT possible to install? I remember seeing a video clip of someone who succesfully installed a ULT into a Classic valve. And on the 'easier on trigger' note, I am finding it a little difficult to shoot fast with the single trigger, so i dunno..

Thanks guys, but Im still confused...:confused: :p :confused:

03-21-2004, 10:17 PM
for the full power of the ULT to work, get a RT/X valve first.

it may work on some classic valves and sometimes it may not. (from what i know anyway)

If you want the i frame, get the i frame, if you want the lvl 10 get that.

if you plan on keeping your marker for a while, you are gonna get both anyway almost garunteed, so just get the one you want now.


03-21-2004, 10:36 PM
Well, Im thinking the I-Frame is the way to go, as I know someone in Nova Scotia who may be able to get me one for cheap.

03-21-2004, 10:37 PM
does the ult do nething on an emag...or would it just be worthles since the sear is being pushed electronically and the trigger is magnets anyway.

03-21-2004, 10:44 PM
the ult is not recommended for the emag

Creative Mayhem
03-21-2004, 11:01 PM
HEy man.. I say get the Iframe... if you have played with your mag without LX, then you shouldn't have anymore issues than you alread have. However, if you are having chopping issues, get the LX or slow your finger down.

As for the ULT, I wouldn't try it in the classic, there are too many variables to screw with and we wouldnt want you blaming AGD, or whoever you buy the ULT off of, for any bad performance you may/may not get. I would say, get a Iframe, play for a bit, then save and get an xvalve. Xvalves have the LX factory installed, and you get the RT tech. One of the best upgrades ever. Good luck and if you need anything from me, just PM and we can hook up I'm only a 30 min drive away.

03-21-2004, 11:52 PM
Are you buying these new or used?

I haven't been keeping up on the FS forums, but it seems intelliframe deals are harder to come by than LX deals, plus the LX is generally cheaper... They shouldn't be about the same price. i.e. I got my LX for about $50USD, and intelliframe for about $90USD.

Personally, I'd lean toward intelliframe if it were between the two.

What kind of hopper do you have again?

03-22-2004, 07:09 AM
Right now Im using a VL200, gonna buy a PMI (hah) just because Im starting a 'project hopper', so , yea.

Im poor.

CM, how much did you pay for your stuff?

ANd where abouts are you located?

Eric Cartman
03-22-2004, 11:27 AM
Hey Oyster, where are you getting an I-frame for 130.00? If it's from a store and there's more than one, then I need one for my spare parts mag!

By the way, I'd say get the I-frame first and then save up 'till you can afford the X-valve withe the LX included.

03-22-2004, 02:36 PM

its not on their online shop yet, but give Vince a call or email and he can hook you up, hes cool (tell him Alex H reffered you ;) ) And right now hes got ONE X-Valve left for special price of 200, wish i had the cash... ;)

But hes got plenty of I-Frames, ULE Bodys are 180, LX is 130 (Boo-urns)and Retros are 350.

03-22-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Mag_SEAL-6
Get a level x. They run for like 70 bucks on paintballgear.com Intelliframe is about 110 same place. Go for the level 10 first. Hope that helps.

BTW, what's CDN? CDN= Canadian(or is it canukian?:p )

03-22-2004, 02:39 PM
Either will suffice.


03-22-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by OysterBoy

its not on their online shop yet, but give Vince a call or email and he can hook you up, hes cool (tell him Alex H reffered you ;) ) And right now hes got ONE X-Valve left for special price of 200, wish i had the cash... ;)

But hes got plenty of I-Frames, ULE Bodys are 180, LX is 130 (Boo-urns)and Retros are 350.

$200 CDN?

Eric Cartman
03-22-2004, 03:45 PM
hes got ONE X-Valve left for special price of 200 :eek:

Looks at credit card balances, considers driving to Hamilton area...

03-22-2004, 03:50 PM
You could always order online, just tell him what you want and where to ship :)


03-28-2004, 07:38 PM
Ok, hows this idea;

Im getting 170 for a spyder package I'm selling, so how about I buy the Level 10, and then get one of these:
http://www.888paintball.com/product.asp?plid=PARTS&icid=AIRGUN+DESIGNS&scid=AFTERMARKET&csid=386544340927985121614050763055165656160141208 35603&andor=OR&lookup=Automag&code=16%2DACS+DBL+TR+S+AM+B

I think its the perfect solution for now.

03-28-2004, 07:51 PM
omg what a great post. i had the same question. i just got my first mag yesterday, i already ordered a ULE vert feed body, and have enough $$$ for one more upgrade until next payday. i was thinking of going with the intelliframe as well.

03-28-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by OysterBoy
Ok, hows this idea;

Im getting 170 for a spyder package I'm selling, so how about I buy the Level 10, and then get one of these:
http://www.888paintball.com/product.asp?plid=PARTS&icid=AIRGUN+DESIGNS&scid=AFTERMARKET&csid=386544340927985121614050763055165656160141208 35603&andor=OR&lookup=Automag&code=16%2DACS+DBL+TR+S+AM+B

I think its the perfect solution for now.

I reccomend you take this course of action ;)

03-29-2004, 12:51 AM
I'd say get the Intelliframe. Learn the trigger, keep the marker in good shape, and you shouldn't need the Lvl X immediately. My MiniMag ran fine with a Lvl 7 bolt for 7 years, so maybe I'm biased.

I would certainly recommend NOT buying a two-finger trigger and butchering a single trigger frame to make it fit however. Unless you have a foregrip or similar, it may not even be legal. Many fields enforce a rule that the trigger must be enclosed in a trigger guard.

Keep in mind, with an old classic valve, you will likely also need to replace the reg piston assembly when you go to the Lvl X bolt, which is another $15 USD.

03-29-2004, 06:14 AM
Yea I had thought of that so I may cut a slot out of the bottom, so one 'finger' fits in the trigger guard and one is outside. Ill ask them thursday when I goto team practice.
Thanks for the headsup.

03-29-2004, 10:48 AM
hey u would be better off getting the level 10 because if u dont have it when u have your intelli, u will be chopping like crazy (not really, but u will chop.) ur intelli will be shooting a lot faster than your valve can keep up with. the level ten will help, then save up to by the i frame, and i can guarantee that u will be out on the field ripping with your i frame not chopping any balls in no time.

03-29-2004, 10:50 AM
welcome jimmyBeam... and good luck with your new mag!!!

03-29-2004, 11:44 AM
thanks, ive heard nothing but good things about em, and a friend let me play a game with his and thats all it took, i was hooked.
oh and btw, nice little forum you guys got here:D

03-29-2004, 02:32 PM
Yeah, welcome to the forums. The mag is certainly my favorite mech gun, but alas I havent any. Oh well.

Get the intelli first. Unless you have an INSANE trigger finger, you shouldnt need the Lvl X with an intelli, as it aggitates every time you shoot. Constant feed + mech trigger = generally not many chops. Hope that helps!

