View Full Version : ELCD grip on classic mag, problem with the fire modes...

03-21-2004, 10:18 PM
I just installed an Booyah ELCD on my classic mag, and it works perfectly fine in the semi-mode, even walking/fanning the trigger with the board set to 15bps, not a hickup. But if I switch into the burst, or Full Auto modes, it fires once per trigger pull and that's it. I'm wondering what might be the cause. Anyone else had similar issues with ELCD grip frames?

Its almost seems like the solenoid in the other modes isn't pushing the sear hard enough to open the on/off valve.

03-23-2004, 09:55 PM
what type of battery are you using? If you are not using a fully charged 9.6, then you can have some issues with it not being able to charge up the capictor quick enough. I would suggest going to radioshack buying a huge arsh 9.6 battery and charger and wireing it externaly.

03-24-2004, 05:20 PM
what kind of ROF are you actually firing at with it in semi? are you really being able to reach 15 BPS? the reason I ask is in the other modes, your trigger finger has little to do with the ROF. it will fire at 15 BPS in bursts or full auto (or it will try) most people I have seen with this grip frame have a hard time getting it to fire that fast. (the AIR valve will not cycle that fast reliably on some mags.)

I had a similar problem on my spyder boo-yaah. I upped the battery voltage to 12V and it works really well. alot more power to the noid (and no it wont hurt it. been using it that way for more than 3 years)