View Full Version : X-valve shoots once on gas-up

03-21-2004, 10:35 PM
My X-valve always shoots one shot when I first gas it up. Not a big deal; I just have to be sure where it's pointed and know if there's paint in it when I turn on the air supply. Things one should always be aware of anyway.

I've tried playing with my ULT and LvL X, but haven't gotten it to stop yet.

It does this whether I'm holding the trigger back or not when I gas it up.

Any ideas what's going on?


03-22-2004, 12:28 AM
Good question. My ReTro valve does that once in a while and I'm not sure why. Maybe because the trigger rod is in the pushed back position when the 'Mag is first aired up; causing the bolt to slip forward.

03-22-2004, 01:59 AM
Mine used to do that too... but i think i found the problem.

Here's what used to happpen. After playing, i would turn my ASA off. Then, to bleed the gun of any pressure i would pull the trigger once. The second trigger pull didn't fire all the way (sounded like a chuff)... the next time i gassed up, the gun would fire and would scare the crap outta me.

I think what was happening, was that the second shot let just a little bit of air get trapped in the bolt, but not enough to make it fire all the way. As a result, the next time i put air through the gun, there was enough pressure to complete the cycle.

So now what've i've been doing to remedy the problem, is to first turn off my asa... then either unscrew the tank without bleeding the system (takes a lot of strength to get the tank off)... or fire just one shot, and then proceed to unscrew the tank with ease. Hope this helps.

03-22-2004, 05:01 PM
BagelBoy-that's what I thought at first too, but if I have the trigger pulled back on gas-up, it should seal the on/off. That would leave nothing in the air chamber to shoot the gun. This kinda leads into Sharpie's post...

Sharpie-pretty much same as what's above. I'm holding the trigger down while turning on the gas. This shouldn't let any gas into the air chamber to complete the cycle in the scenario you gave until the on/off is pushed down, which latches the sear to the bolt, preventing it from firing.

The other thing is that it only happens to me when I first screw in the tank and the gun is completely empty. Turning the ASA off, bleeding the gun by pulling the trigger, and then turning the ASA back on does not produce the same negative result.

Thanks for your ideas though. Keep 'em coming; I'm sure we'll figure it out.


03-23-2004, 11:59 AM
easiest thing to do is just hold the trigger in when you gas it up.

its no big deal
also leave your safety on

03-23-2004, 03:00 PM
I have this same problem but when I hold the trigger during gas up my gun shoots full auto untill I let the trigger go and then its just normal single shots.
If I just gas up without holding the trigger it just fires once and is fine after that. If someone can help us out on this subject that would be great. I think alot more people than just us have this problem, I heard people talk about this so much before I thought it was normal.

03-23-2004, 08:25 PM
fire1811-As I posted, the marker does this whether I hold the trigger down or not while gassing up. I'm also sure to always have the safety on when I'm gassing up.

RT77-Sorry to hear you're having the same problems. Although, it is good to know it's not just my marker. :)


04-13-2004, 07:47 PM
Saw this thread and mines doing the same thing. Except after the first shot the trigger doesnt reset at all. I'll screw in the tank, it shoots once, and then it goes dead.

I've heard it might be faulty o-rings? I just put in an RT valve that had the Level 10 already installed. Could something there be causing it?? Any help would be....well.....helpful!

04-13-2004, 08:20 PM
i belive this problem is due to a shortened on/off pin, make sure you have the correct length on/off pin for your valve/gun

04-13-2004, 10:36 PM
danheneise - i think youre right, the pin on my rt valve doesnt have the larger head of that one shown in the RT diagram. the pin on my RT is straight. also when I go to remove the valve from the rail, the pin sticks behind the rail and i have to take the body off to get it out. can anybody confrim that the on/off pin is my problem?

update: ha! i pushed the pin in a little and now it works :cool: