View Full Version : another tv show with paintball

03-22-2004, 07:03 AM
I do not know if it was a rerun, but the king of queens had an entire show dedicated to paintballin. And out of all of the shows and commercials I have seen, this one is by far the un-safest one. As always they only had the goggles on, no face protection, but %90 of the time they just ran around with that off also. It is good to show paintball to mainstream people and get even more publicity, but why cant just one show or commercial get the safety issues right? I mean even with just goggles on you can easily tell characters apart from one another. Enough of the safety rant, but I am happy they choose paintball to show to the world. It was funny anyways seeing people fall down hills and being shot in the nuts from 10 feet away. :eek:

feel free to flame me if this has been posted before ;)

03-22-2004, 07:06 AM
"Scammers" on MTV had a segment as well with people playing paintball w/o goggles...meh, what can you do?

03-22-2004, 07:09 AM
Yes, this was shown before as well I believe. The safety violations in this show were so many that it isn’t even worth listing them all.

But I have seen shows do similar things for other activities, so I don’t waste my time getting all worked up over it. Know that once an activity becomes popular, you will see it misrepresented every time you turn around. Heck, martial arts on TV and Movies is not really correct either. ;)

But yes, that was by far the worst one I have seen.