View Full Version : Autococker X-Ray!

Doc Nickel
03-22-2004, 10:38 PM
I had a chance to get this done, so I jumped at it!


There's a bigger pic (450K) here (http://www.docsmachine.com/tech/xray1.jpg), and more details about it here. (http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/message?forumid=9013&messageid=1080011546)


03-22-2004, 10:47 PM
lol thats awesome doc

03-22-2004, 10:50 PM
man doc... too much time on your hands... good pic though :cool:

Rope a Dope
03-22-2004, 10:51 PM
Couldn't have thrown a mag in there.. huh? :(

03-22-2004, 10:51 PM

I may have tryed Xray-ing my trick ankle instead but I wouldn't expect anything less from you Doc.;)

03-22-2004, 10:52 PM
It wouldn't do at all to kill a 'Timmy LCD board just to get a cool pic. come onnnnnn....you know you want to

Haha, thats awesome though, very cool pic.

Target Practice
03-22-2004, 10:55 PM
If only we could make an all diamond body, then the only things that would show up would be the internals....:D

03-22-2004, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Target Practice
If only we could make an all diamond body, then the only things that would show up would be the internals....:D

I have seen something like that somewhere... except for more plastic and less diamond. Right.

03-22-2004, 11:06 PM
perhaps a talon (plastic)

03-22-2004, 11:06 PM
seen the AR15 xray?
http://www.savvysurvivor.com/gun%20pages/_derived/constructing_and_gunsmithing_the.htm_txt_arxray.gi f

Doc Nickel
03-22-2004, 11:47 PM
I'll probably try a 'Mag. especially if I can lay my hands on an X-Mag, but a standard/classic style probably won't show much. Look at the Apoc reg in the above pic- I don't know if the X-Ray has the power to go through better than an inch of stainless steel.


03-23-2004, 12:22 AM
Three things:

1.) Only Doc Nickel would XRay a cocker, that's just nutty

2.) It's dangerous somebody with as much creativity as you has the kind of resources to do the stuff you do and still write a funny cartoon, I'm waiting to see a mushroom cloud over Alaska and a last minute post on AO from you simply saying "oops, my bad"

3.) And finally..... very impressive, good work Doc!

03-23-2004, 12:25 AM
i didnt know that x-rays were powerful enough to penetrate aluminum... but sweet!!

you have some friends at the hospital i suppose?

03-23-2004, 01:54 AM
It's been done before ;). http://www.wgppress.com/viewtopic.php?t=19202&highlight=xray It seems this one was done on an airport scanner, as the different density materials show up as different colors, and I'm not quite sure where else they use that type. The reg seems to show up better, probabily because of the different colors. The fiber wrap is looking cool too in orange.

Doc Nickel
03-23-2004, 10:57 PM
Cool. :D Never said I was the first or only one to do it, just had the chance to do it, so naturally I jumped at it.

I just wish I had access to one that could do a nice, sharp, clear image, and could still go through the heavy stuff (like the QD on the reg, which is onscuring most of the upper half of the Stab) while still giving a pretty decent image of the soft stuff (note you can see a hint of the fingergrooves of the grips, just below the trigger guard.)

But hey, no matter what, it's still cool. I can't wait to see things like a 'Timmy or Shocker.


03-23-2004, 11:07 PM
A shocker or a dm4 would be sweet. I honestly have no clue whats going on inside those guns.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-23-2004, 11:38 PM
...what is that thing that is inside of the tank?

03-24-2004, 12:36 AM
That thing "inside" the tank is a backwards "R"

They put an R or L on the X-Rays so that the doc knows which leg/arm/hand it is.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-24-2004, 01:14 AM
ooooooooo gotcha

03-24-2004, 02:45 AM
How come I can't see the elves?

Do they not show up under x-ray?

03-24-2004, 11:45 AM
Lunch break?

03-24-2004, 12:13 PM
You can't see the elves because they only reside in 'mags with a level 10 in em... That thar be a cocker.

Cool pic!

Its interesting how the hammer and valve spring line up.. all crooked and stuff, wouldn't have expected that... Now its gonna bother me that my valve and hammer spring are all bent outa shape in there...

03-24-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by whizbop
That thing "inside" the tank is a backwards "R"

They put an R or L on the X-Rays so that the doc knows which leg/arm/hand it is.

They only put the "R" on x-rays, and only on the right side of the body.

Just FYI.

03-24-2004, 12:26 PM
I still don't feel confident taking my autococker apart.

03-25-2004, 10:57 AM
'cockers are extremely simple once you understand how they work. Heck, its VERY similar to a spyder inside. There is an autococker animation that will open your eyes completely. Maybe someone would be kind enough to post a link to it from here, I dont remember where I saw it, but it foats around in several places.

03-25-2004, 11:58 AM
Is there a bolt in there Doc. I went to the detailed description, and it mentioned a Delrin bolt. Is that why you cant see it? Very cool bro!

03-25-2004, 01:46 PM
heres the skinny on the AR15 image:

Doug Napier writes: "The rifle is a Colt M4 upper on a Pre-ban (or grandfathered, as they say) Eagle Arms lower.* The camera was a Golden Engineering Inspector, shot at about 5 feet on polaroid transparency film.* Exposure was about 45 pulses, as I recall (the batteries were weak).* The real film image is actual size, so my full-size scans are, well, full sized (and amazingly detailed).* It's a tough x-ray to shoot...enough power to see through the bolt carrier or into the chamber, and the aluminum parts wash out.* The image you see is a pretty fair comprimise, I think, and is the result of several hours of work.* Since the original is a tranparency, if you hold it up to the light a lot of the detail that you loose on the flatbed scanner is apparent."

03-25-2004, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY

2.) It's dangerous somebody with as much creativity as you has the kind of resources to do the stuff you do and still write a funny cartoon, I'm waiting to see a mushroom cloud over Alaska and a last minute post on AO from you simply saying "oops, my bad"
Now that caused soda to come out my nose, I just took a sip as I was reading that..............