View Full Version : Interesting question about "The Passion": advertising?

03-23-2004, 03:53 PM
Obviously "The Passion of Christ" is raking in some serious cash for Gibson, in addition to stirring up all that wonderful controversy (some would say the two go hand in hand). This morning I realized that I don't think I ever saw a single TV commercial, heard a radio commercial, saw an ad in the paper, ANYTHING promoting this movie. Am I totally wrong, or was all the hype generated simply by word of mouth? To me, this is fascinating!!

Will Wood
03-23-2004, 04:51 PM
Yea.. I never saw any news about this movie untill AFTER it was released... and then the info was all about someone dying, how much money it was making, etc..

03-23-2004, 05:03 PM
I see posters on every Baptist church in my town, and they are bright red and say "The truth or not? Come here for answers" and then it has a picture of Jesus on the side. That may not be the exact wording, but something to that effect. Stupid if you ask me.

03-23-2004, 05:08 PM
word of mouth. any religious movie does not need advertising since there will ALWAYS be a conflict of interest in that subject. there are even ads at my local theaters for churches telling people to come hear the real story.

03-23-2004, 05:11 PM
My dad told me at Church they were telling people to go see it. I have seen adds for it though but really short ones on tv.

Load SM5
03-23-2004, 08:07 PM
Come up with a potentially controversial idea and the advertising is free, thanks to the news media.

03-23-2004, 09:15 PM
Free advertising is called publicity.

In the marketing world it is the best thing possible because it tells A LOT of people about your event/whatever and you dont have to pay a dime. Newspapers do it all the time.

03-23-2004, 09:18 PM
there have certainly been newspaper advertisements, but load and the others are right. there has been more than enough advertising done through the media and through word of mouth.

03-23-2004, 09:37 PM
i havent seen the movie or ads specifically for it however locally ive seen some ads on tv from a church from what i feel exploiting the movie with its ad's especially since i know that particular church isnt even the same branch of christianity that alligns with mel's beleifs (i know thats not that big of a deal but they are making the ad sounds like mel gibson's movie was made for them or something which it wasnt)

03-23-2004, 10:59 PM
I just saw one on NBC at 9:58

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-24-2004, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by MayAMonkeyBeYourPinata
I just saw one on NBC at 9:58

Same here, but that is the ONLY preview for it that i've ever seen.

03-24-2004, 01:51 AM
This is probably because he wanted to show how he was less interested in advertising and making money and maybe more interested in the message the movie had.

not that theres any lack of cash comming in though...

Crime Dog
03-24-2004, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
i havent seen the movie or ads specifically for it however locally ive seen some ads on tv from a church from what i feel exploiting the movie with its ad's especially since i know that particular church isnt even the same branch of christianity that alligns with mel's beleifs (i know thats not that big of a deal but they are making the ad sounds like mel gibson's movie was made for them or something which it wasnt)

Mel's beliefs are that Yeshua (Jesus) died on a cross for the sins of mankind, that he was buried, and that He rose again. This core belief is the belief of any orthodox Christian...Catholic or not. Therefore, there was no "exploiting" going on. You can talk to any Catholic, any Baptist, any Assemblies of God, any Methodist, and they will agree on the same thing: Jesus died for us. It's not solely a Catholic belief.

Sooooo...basically what I'm saying is, Mel Gibson's movie WAS made for them if they believe that core belief of Christianity. Even though there may be different "branches" of Christianity, we ARE still ONE Body in Christ. It's a mistake to try and make the type of division you are.

Just thought I'd clear that up.

And to stay on topic: Yes, Mel Gibson took a much more "grass roots" approach to advertising this movie, since the Hollywood elite showed their true bias and wouldn't get near this movie. I'm always so amused to read how many make the excuse that it was "too violent." My gosh, their hypocrisy is simply...astounding. Let's see: "Braveheart", "Gladiator", "The Patriot", "Pulp Fiction", "Terminator" (take your pick of which one), etc, etc, etc...all very violent movies. The violence of this movie was no excuse for Hollywood not to support this. No one would pick it up because it's the story of the Christ, and well, you know, you don't want to look like one of them "Bible Thumpers" or anything. It's not P.C. to do that.

03-24-2004, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Come up with a potentially controversial idea and the advertising is free, thanks to the news media.

Bingo! Why spend money on advertising when the press will give it to you for free.

The Franch just gave him some more with some chains banning it!:rolleyes:

03-24-2004, 01:22 PM
I've seen a couple of unimpressive TV spots for it. They have some guy that sounds like a narrator on the History Channel, speaking while showing clips from the movie. It wouldn't make me want to see it.

These were a waste of time, though. Everyone knew when it was coming out.

03-24-2004, 08:24 PM
maybe im dark an demented but i was amused at how many pastors were commenting on the violence. as if any of them check out R rated movies. people that enjoy violent movies are by and large not really shocked at the violence in this movie.

i was kinda hoping this would be like so many movies adapted from books. where they always change things around and pervert the story to the filmmakers view. i was hoping that arnold would play jesus and just before he was nailed to the cross he picked up a m60 hidden in the bushes and wasted all the romans. mel could just put "losely based on a true story" at the beginning and all would be right. my mom says i need to go to church more, i wonder why. :)