View Full Version : Ironmen Intitmidator Vs. DM4

03-23-2004, 07:49 PM
Well I'm thinking of buying a DM4. I have a awsome working Ironmen Intimidator, with WAS 2.7. It Rocks. However, I want to try something new. Can someone give me some info on how comparable they are too the regular matrix? Example-All the matience?

Is the DM4 gonna be a gun that I can just flip the switch and its gonna work all the time? Or is this gonna be something were I have to tinker with the LPR all the time. I want a simple reliable gun. So spill the down falls of the DM4 before I screw my self out of a great gun which I already have.

03-23-2004, 08:03 PM
well, it does have some really horrid milling...


03-23-2004, 08:49 PM
Are you looking to sell your matrix to buy the DM4? The DM4 is just another matrix, just super uglified. I would stay with what you have, and just focus on becoming a good player.

Too many people are switching markers every damned day! Why isn't anyone happy with what they have?

03-23-2004, 09:00 PM
I'm new to the Matrix family as of 2 weeks ago when I sold my Emag and bought a DM4, and I couldn't be happier ! This gun absolutely rocks ! It's so fast it's not even funny. The LPR is great. It's not like the LPR's on the regular Matrix. It's more like the AKA LPR where you set it once and don't mess with it again. It's self-adjusting. If you change your inline reg to increase or decrease velocity, you don't have to mess with the LPR at all. In fact to set the LPR, you turn it all the way in, then back it out 5 turns which sets it around 75psi. Then you never touch it again. The only maintenance is keeping the bolt lubed up. It's also got a lot of orings so they need to be replaced from time to time. The bolt is very simple and has less parts than the stock matrix. My only beef is the efficiency. I only get about 1000 shots off a 68 4500. I was told that after I put about 3-4 cases of paint through it, the inline reg breaks in and the efficiency gets a little better. Evolve is also testing a prototype bolt now, that when it comes out (hopefully in a month or 2) will give about 2000 shots off a 68 4500. Also I was told it can be finicky in cold temps. I played this weekend and it was around 30 out. My velocity did drop so I turned up my LPR and then it shot fine. You can also use a thinner lube in the cold too. It will help to keep the bolt moving smoothly.

I've never shot a regular matrix so I can't give you a comparison but the DM4 is an awesome gun ! Very light too !

03-23-2004, 09:13 PM
If you dont like tinkering and maintenance what about an Angel?

03-23-2004, 09:14 PM
it appears you want to try a new marker, and you have had your timmy for a good amount of time now. If you feel its time, then by all means, go for it! Serriously! If you get a dm4, and for some odd reason it doesnt work out for you, you can always trade it for an even better timmy! (empire, alias, dawgs, and soon the dark) if you so desire!

So go for it man! and dont look back! i loved my old trix, and im lookin to get a dm4 now too!

03-23-2004, 09:32 PM
okay, now I feel silly!

I thought you were comparing a matrix to the DM4.


No sKiLLz
03-23-2004, 11:15 PM
I have the biggest hard-on for the Matrix ever since I got the NYX, but the Alias is a better gun than the DM4 right now. DM4 is too new, not so much the design, but with DYE manufacturing it. IMHO they set back Matrix development for 9 months to a year by buying the rights, but anyways...

I was in your shoes 2 months ago, but what I decided to do is wait to see what the Toxic and NYX versions of the DM4 will be, but for the spring and summer pick up the Alias.

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-23-2004, 11:20 PM
The DM4 is going places. They have the XSF Advantage chip (www.xsfadvantage.com), evolve is coming out with a bolt kit for it, shocktech just released a new body for it, and they are working on an NYX version of the DM4 as well. Personally, I'd wait and see what the NYX version will be like, and get that, or get the shocktech version, but you would have to have some serious cash.

03-23-2004, 11:25 PM
Forget both, get the new Fly 4. I know i'd sell pieces of your anatomy to get one.

No sKiLLz
03-23-2004, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Forget both, get the new Fly 4. I know i'd sell pieces of your anatomy to get one.

Alias pwns the fly. (raises hand) ...Has messed with and shot both.

03-24-2004, 12:05 AM
Yeah, in your opinion it does, too bad I cant take you seriously after that comment.

No sKiLLz
03-24-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Yeah, in your opinion it does, too bad I cant take you seriously after that comment.

Gee, kid, that really hurt my feelings. I guess you wouldn't mind telling everyone from your own superior experience with both markers why the Fly is better? Can you?:rolleyes:

03-24-2004, 12:46 AM
It's all personal preference. I've shot out tons of people who used high end guns back when I still had a Piranha. The gun doesnt make the player. If you want a solid shooting platform, you cant go wrong with an Angel. The new Fly has alot of features, that I'm sure rival the Alias. So why do you think the Alias is better?

03-24-2004, 12:50 AM
I think the Alias is better because I personally have held and shot both guns...which is more than you have done..

03-24-2004, 07:29 AM
I looked at the alias as well, its fast but my beef with it is it is too small. I have pretty large hands so it just doesn't feel right for me.

03-24-2004, 10:15 AM
Maybe my 2 cents will help you out...

I own a Species Intimidator but I used to have a DYE LCD Matrix. Heres what I got to say on both of them

Weight- Matrix is heavier then the Timmy
Speed- Their about the same but Timmy would be in favor (but since your getting a DM4 the speed will be godly)
Balance- It all matters what kind of set up you do, I had a unimount haloB and used a 68/4500 tank that balanced out quite well on both guns
Matience- I cant really help you out here because my DYE Matrix had so many problems with it.

03-24-2004, 10:55 AM
Get the DM4, you clean them every 6 cases and they will love you and serve your nefarious evil through constant slaughter of noobs and wannabe's. Your performance will increase and women will flock to you like the swallows to capistrano.

Seriously, get the DM or a FLy4 . everyone has a timmy

No sKiLLz
03-24-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
It's all personal preference. I've shot out tons of people who used high end guns back when I still had a Piranha. The gun doesnt make the player. If you want a solid shooting platform, you cant go wrong with an Angel. The new Fly has alot of features, that I'm sure rival the Alias. So why do you think the Alias is better?

HAhaha. "It's not the gun it's the player". Such a cop out. The discussion had nothing to do with player skills. It was about the "solid shooting platform".

Why don't we start with the fact that it's $300 less. $300 that can go towards the suped up versions of the DM4 when it comes out.

Add to that the Alias has a phenomenally better trigger which is MUCH more easily adjustable. The lightest I can get that leaf spring while still staying in contact with a slayer trigger is still a 2.3 gram pull, which, after removing the tension in the trigger, caused all kinds of slop which needed to be cleaned up with shims and aluminum tape before it was finally walkable. The triggers travel is only adjustable by those two adjustment wheels which, if you haven't noticed, also have slop in them that needs to be cleaned up. After several hours worth of work, the trigger was the best I could get it to be, but it was spongy and only acceptable at best. The Alias comes with a very thin light weight trigger running on a microswitch instead of the eye sensor in the Angel. Clip the spring or take it out entirely and it's ready to go.

There is a break beam eye in both. Both have LCD's in the grip frame, and both run on low pressure; the Alias being the more efficient one unless you run no volumizer on the Angel, in which case you can only shoot Zap Primer through your gun because everything else will explode down your barrel.

Tuning the LPR on an Angel requires a $50 tool kit.

Alias is lighter (weigh them, I did) with a lower profile and center of gravity.

Alias doesn't have a problem with being force fed with a Halo like the Angel does.

Since I am still getting this A4 ready for this weekend, I'm sure I'll come up with more, but maybe I won't have to. I think this is plenty to justify an Alias over a Fly. Unless you think for some reason the new Frenzy board is slower than the Angel's.:rolleyes:

And if you get a DM4 and a new version comes out with an Evolve designed bolt, better regs, and nicer milling come out, would you rather have a stock DM4 and a suped up DM4, or an Alias and a suped up DM4? If you're going to spend that kind of money, time it right. If you plan on selling the DM4 before getting a better version of it, think of what will happen to the resale value of the DM4 when the new stuff comes out. You would already be ahead with money if you had bought the Alias.

No sKiLLz
03-24-2004, 12:35 PM
Ask this guy if firepower matters.