View Full Version : Your Personal Best

03-24-2004, 12:47 AM
Post what your personal best record is in a game of paintball. Mine is at Tombstone paintball park in so. Corona i got 10 ppl out with my automag 68 classic. it was great at the end four guys ran out from behind a building like 40 ft away and just got raped by me and my friend they never stood a chance! any way post what your guys best game was and lets get this thread off the ground!:D

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-24-2004, 01:32 AM
15 barrel tags in one game with a broken gun

03-24-2004, 01:35 AM
very cool senario or tourney field?

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
03-24-2004, 02:30 AM
scenario, if i attempted this in a hyperball or airball field i'd probably have 15 barrels pointed straight at snoopy

03-24-2004, 02:37 AM
I once got hit with 468 balls without crying.

In my best game ever I marked 6 bunkers and 1 unlucky (and now pink) squirrel. :eek:

03-24-2004, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by NeoMoses
I once got hit with 468 balls without crying.

In my best game ever I marked 6 bunkers and 1 unlucky (and now pink) squirrel. :eek:

What did you do, drop a bag of 500 on your foot?

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
03-24-2004, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by GoatBoy

What did you do, drop a bag of 500 on your foot?

haha that's a good one.

03-24-2004, 07:46 AM
My whole team folded at country club paintball, and I was left in a 7 on 1. I worked on pinning the guys on the tapes, and picked off 2-3 guys moving up the center of the field. Decided I had no cover from my bunker on the 30, and ran back to the 10 on the opposite tape. Caught a couple more guys unawares, and worked my way up the tape to the 50. The last two guys were in the center 50, I made a move to knock knock (barrel touch) one guy, while popping up and shooting the final one out of another bunker. So I knocked, popped up and shot at the last guy. But the guy I wanted to knock had actually crawled to a different spot and got me in the shoulder. I ended up taking out 5-6 guys from a 7 on 1. Even though they were mostly n00bs, I thought that was pretty kick ***.

Another time, i got trapped in a 3 on 1 while in a 3 man rookie tournament. I took out all 3 opponents and won the game, thought that was pretty crazy too.

GA Devil
03-24-2004, 08:16 AM
Playing a 4 on 4 on a airball field barrel tagged 3 and the 4th gave up...he thought i was gonna light him up. Little did he know my gun was down.

03-24-2004, 08:37 AM
In a scenario night game I barrel tagged 43people and walked right into the other teams base to win the mission befor they realised I wasn't on their team(it kind of sucked when they did figure it out though). My best in speedball in my seven man team was practicing against 34 local players who chalenged us, and we won the game with a perfect score in just under 90 seconds.

03-24-2004, 08:50 AM
Did a 4 player bunker tag 'surrender' my 2nd time at a new field. Wasn't much 'cause i rarely play, but I'm proud of it.

trains are bad
03-24-2004, 11:06 AM
i got trapped in a 3 on 1 while in a 3 man rookie tournament. I took out all 3 opponents and won the game, thought that was pretty crazy too.

Happened to me^

03-24-2004, 11:19 AM
This will be my first post on AO...I have returned to the game after a few years away and should have a shiny new Emag by Friday morning. I am SOOOO looking foward to playing again. Here goes:

Back in the dinosaur days of the NPPL at the DC Cup in 1994 I was playing in the pro division in a game against the Palm Beach Predators. It was the second day of play and we needed to "max" all three games to make the Sunday Club. We went for broke and I led a 7 man break out of the flag station that did not stop until we hit the Preds rear tapeline. During that rush I bunkered 2 and tagged another 5 before getting shot out. This all happened in about 3 minutes.

03-24-2004, 11:24 AM
Oh...BTW...I was playing with a Minimag which had a vertical 20 oz. tank, T stock, 9" J&J chrome barrel, VL Shredder black mainbody and gold ano...loved that mag.

03-24-2004, 11:25 AM
Welcome to AO! You may find this (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=129952) intersting. :)

03-24-2004, 11:32 AM
Doobie...thanks! I am not sure I would hit the event in PA, but I would be willing to play in something around Chicago. I'll have to break out the brasso to polish up my old Pirahna Long Barrel.

03-24-2004, 12:09 PM
I once shot a guy in the balls and he cried, for awhile.

03-24-2004, 12:31 PM
My best game has to have been the one a while ago when my favorite field was still open. It was me and this kid Max (his first game ever) and two little kids (5th grade, at oldest) vs a "team" of 5 who were obviously not new to the game. So anyway, game starts, and I run like a madman, as usual. The other team only has one guy spraying paint, so I get half way up the field and take cover. I look back, and what do I see? Max and the two other 2 kids were still at the starting bunker. I yell at them for about 20 seconds, saying stuff like "Just run guys!" and "You can make it, just go anywhere but there!". But, they don't budge. They are convinced that the entire other team is raining paint on them, but in reality they had no idea where anyone on my team was. I ended up getting 3 people on the other team out, before the remaining two that had tagged me bunkered the rest of my team in one signle move.
Hmm.. In retrospect, I guess that isn't really my best game. But it was still pretty funny to see the look on Max's face.

btw: Since then, Max hasn't gotten any better, but yet he thinks he is the best player ever thanks to his new Jersey and 2k3 Autococker with a 16inch barrel and 20oz anti-siphon co2, ALL of which he bought with his credit card. Spoiled brat if you ask me..


03-24-2004, 02:02 PM
school trip. almost all new players. we were defending a fort. i take the right side. for some reason nobody else does. there's a big open space with some bunkers fairly close to the fort. i make sure nobody crosses that open space. i lost count of how many eliminations i got. nobody made it to a bunker until i ran out of air. :p i was running a 68/3000 that i just filled prior to that game.

03-24-2004, 02:21 PM
I seem to remember acing Dead Cell once in a three-man :)

Almost twice... got out Adam and Damon and then their last guy got me 1 on 1. :(

Maybe not the best I've done, but I liked it the best because its always more fun to shoot people you know :)

03-24-2004, 08:09 PM
ALright so here it is, Tourny day 1 of our guys are sick so i call in the person i think has the best marker who isnt playing wich happend to be a factopry a-5 with response agh
well first game the other two guys got nixed on the break leavin me alone against another team a three I decided id play possum n sit there pretending to be afraid popin a few shots off now n then. butt wen i hear that rain off paint hit the bunker signaling that the other team wqas attempting a move on me i came out screamin like a wildman n shot em all 1...about 5balls then2 about another 12 balls then finaly 3 witha few bonus ball that addrenaline hits u with. i did this twice that day but it wasn't enought to win that tourny. o well practice make purpose

03-24-2004, 08:46 PM
remember this is in a speed ball course.

I get 3 people out and my team takes care of the rest and then get out. It's down to me and 2 people on the opposing team. So I run up to one of the kid's bunkers and barrel tap him. The last guy I shoot one side of his bunker, so that he thinks that I am going to bunker him on that side. This is his second time playing, so he is freaking out. I run out so that I am on the other side of the bunker that he is at. then I take off my barrel and with just my gun shooting I shoot right by the side of the bunker, so that the balls whiz by. THe kid peeks out that side to see what's going on and with only my barrel I barrel tap him.

this could have all been solved had I just disobeyed the 10 foot surrendur rule. Oh well It was all so sweet.

03-24-2004, 08:55 PM
The last time I played, I played a 3 on 1 game. We arent really talking newbs either. They arent GREAT, but not newbs. I get the first two out no sweat, then its only my friend and I. My friend is shooting a brand new ULE RT Pro. I start walking without any cover. I see him move behind a bunker. I walk.. then break into a run (stupidest thing I could ever have done). Well, I round the bunker, shoot about 5 shots, and all of them miss (because I'm running and I cant shoot worth a crap while running) he hits me 3 times. One on the cheek, one on the knee, and one on the thigh. Man that sucked. Oh well, I learned a lesson. That was still a pretty good game though.
I had some other awesome games last time I played too. I dont recall them all.
03-24-2004, 09:12 PM

pwn3d 6 noobs in woodsball (10vs10) with my E-Orracle (now sold) :D without being seen (and NO, I'm NOT wearing CAMO! My E-Orry was even VERY shiny!)

Granted it's woodsball... not much to brag about... :rolleyes:

03-24-2004, 09:24 PM
honestly, probably 4-5 in a 10 on 10

03-24-2004, 09:35 PM
I actually have to post this on behalf of someone else.I have had LOTS of great moments playing , but this was absolutely awesome.
Guy comes down to my buddys backyard field to play.He had an old Spyder that looked like 5 miles of bad road.When gassed up it had a horrible leak out of the bottomline where he had forced the wrong threads.It became a noticable whistle after wrapping it with a great deal of duct tape...(lol)
He was wearing a bright red sweatshirt and white pants.

The game starts and this guy just goes walking right down the center of the field.Not hiding , just walking down the trail.He walks all the way to the other teams base,circles around and walks out of the brush right behind where they all had bunkered down.
By this time he had run most of his air out just walking , but it was still hissing a bit.He walked right up behind a group of 5 players and made them all surrender firing 2 shots on an almost empty tank.

03-24-2004, 09:40 PM
first game at a field EVER, got 5 of 7 opponents out and...didnt get out?
anyway, that was just exciting because i was new i guess, probably my real best move was mugging all three guys on the other team off the break in my first 3 man tourney

03-24-2004, 10:03 PM
ok this is a true story, i'm saying i'm freakin awesome or anything, i just got lucky i guess.

Ok, me and another ref take on a group fifteen, about half have play before, about two have pro level guns, 5 other with their own equiptment. right off the break (we're playing a city type scene four buildings on either side of this street, one building on each side has two stories, some bunkers in the middle of the street) i go right get two out, he gets three out and immediately gets gogged, well i'm like oh crap, but i keep playing i pick off three more, the whole time working up the right tape, i lose count though and am feeling pretty confident.
i come around the back of their side, full sprint, thinking i needed to bunker a couple of them and it would be done, but no. I come around the two story building and shout surreneder, look up seven guys staring back at me, i shout surrender again, a little softer this time... and much to my surprise they all say "OK", i take the game, i was so surpised i almost fell over, man just good luck.

last weekend me and two other friends took on three guys and beat them, my team had 6 balls in the bottom of a pos of paint, a squeegee and a rental gun, it was nice.

03-24-2004, 10:11 PM
My best move was in a 3 man tourny. I was at the center 35, my teammate was at the 50 dorito on the left side of the field, a kid on the other team was on the other side. I came out of my bunker shot across the field nailed him then I finished if off by bunkering the last guy.

03-24-2004, 10:16 PM
I was playing with some friends. out of the ten of us we had teams divied up fairly evenly. On each team there was 1 die hard, 1 rec baller, 2 regular joes and 1 chick on each of the teams. Adding**** I had my mag but since it was being timperemental, I whipped out the ole workhorse 98 custom.

Anyways. we were playing on the Cyberball field (ribbed plumbing bunkers). I run up the mid right. Make it to about the 30. See someone running up my left. Take them out with a stream starting from the bunker they were running to to them. thats 1. I go out the right. someone tried to run snake, pop them 2 times. I move up to 40. See the pther die hard at about 10-11 o'clock. Ignore him for now. See the chick sticking out a bit in front of me. Pop out right. Give her one to arm (was a mercy shot she had layered shirts). I bump up again to the opposite 30, then 20. Got an angle on that guy and he was gone. :D

All that was less than a minute and a half.

Another great moment that day was At the fort field.

It was just me and 1 teammate against 1 guy. We were holding the fort. Guy is mabey 40 feet away from us. He sees my buddy up on the top tower and is having a little duel with him. I sneack up to the far side so i can see more of him than my bud can. I let off about a dozen shots 1-2 feet to his side to rile him up. He ducks back. He leans his face out. 1 shot to the middle of the gogs. 8 guys in the nearby 'dead box' all go OHHHHH. I become glory hole ect ect. :rolleyes: :p

Edit*- oh and of course team sandbaggers! :p ;)

03-24-2004, 10:33 PM
good times what kinda gun did you have?

03-24-2004, 10:33 PM
we won our first game in under 10 seconds. i couldnt even holler out positions

03-24-2004, 11:02 PM
What's with all these surrender rules, especially in tournaments.. People wouldn't be caught dead around here trying to surrender someone except in the crappy woodsball field or if a bunch of noobs are playing and want it on.. But then again we don't really have walk on people and we usually play with a group that actually ball.. But on to the stories..

I have a few.. Not really extrodinary.. Just cool.. lol..

One game it was me, and 3 friends vs. like 16 noobs I think and we maxed them.. In like 30 seconds haha.. My brother and one of my friends were already at there end of the field and had bunkered like 5 guys all in the same bunker before I really new what had happened lol..

2nd was.. Well it was a tournament and we had a not so great team (we took 3rd overall) and it was vs. the team that ended up taking first.. We needed to win this to make semis if I recall (which we only made by 1 point, lol), so ya to the story.. Off the break I ran to a bunker right infront of the 50 then went to the 50, bunkered the guy there ran for the flag, grabbed it, ran to the bus, and shot out the 20 from there and by then we had maxed the team.. I am really proud of that game because I play on the team we maxed and although I didn't think much of them before.. I know there true talent, and it is pretty big that we maxed them

3rd is kinda funny.. It was at Nationals in Calgary, AB.. And I was playing for the team that we maxed in the story above and well.. We had atleast 4 of us left, and I don't know how many they had but one of there guys ran for the flag, grabbed it, then all 4 of us (might of been five) began to light him up and the guy who got the flag started screaming.. lol, just a funny story I think..

oh and one game when we were playing at a friends field I had teamates shoot at them from another angle and I snuck up the side of them and got all 3.

And the last.. It was at nationals again, it was our first game playing together (well we played a bit together at a diff field, but it was like 4 on 6 against noobs except for maybe 1 guy.. So it wasn't the best practice), but ya.. It was the first game and it was against a fairly good team, and well in the end we ended up maxing them.. We were proud of that lol

03-25-2004, 01:33 AM
Off the top of my head I can think of a game that made he have a BIG grin at the end of the game since my dad and my friend were on the other team...
It was a 6 on 6 on a nice hyperball field and I hit the right off the break and eventually it cleared up in front of me and all that was left in front of me was my father in the back center. Then he moved to my left and the remaining players were all to my left and I just would bump up a bunker have clear shots, take them, keep movin up untill it was my friend and another guy in a bunker and I just walked up their left side and lit them up. I took out 5 guys that game and was pretty happy about it. I have had other great moves and games but that the most interesting in a while, besides leading a team of newbs to victory for 3-4 games of airball.

-Ryan F.

ohh..I Just remembered a better one, I hit the 50 crakpipe(hyperball) and took out about 3/5 of the players (really good players) and the game ended in about a minute.

03-25-2004, 01:40 AM
Lets see.... in Huntington Beach last weekend, the round my mag got DQ'd I ended up having an 03' shocker tossed into my hands and was told to go. So I got it chronoed, and went out to play. Ref gives me my marker back, and we go out to the field. Bear in mind that I have NEVER used one of these for more than a few seconds at a time. Game starts, I slide into the 50 on the JT field and.... NOTHING! I can't get the marker to fire, and there is are 2 guys within 5 feet of me.

So what do I do? Crawl UNDER the 50 and try to fix the marker. Meanwhile my team gets swept. It is 7 v 1, and I'm still unable to fire. Suddenly it dawns on me that I should try to hold the button to turn the thing on. Sure enough, hold the button, hear it chirp, and come out from under the bunker. I got 4 guys out in the next 15 seconds before i got bunkered. It was fun though, cause the whole area was going crazy for me, and even the refs were cheering.:rolleyes:

03-25-2004, 01:57 AM
ok this is probably my favorite.. i decided to try out my used sp stainless for a prolite so after having spent 20 minutes removing the guards on a few of prolite rentals we had at the field I was working at i finally find one that functions perfectly. so slap on ricochet and on to play. The first game ends up being myself and two newer guys against three of the best players that were out that day. Off the break I move up and after a short time realize that both my players are dead. So it’s the prolite and I with its heavy trigger on 3 I take out the guy at the 50. Ace their guy on left in the mask. Then advance on the last guy who is amazingly good. Get into snap contest and one ball squares him I had won the game against 3 of the best guys I know. It was great and the fact that I did it at 5 bps only made it better.

03-25-2004, 02:04 AM
my most recent great game is...
we start 5-5 i break to play back with my mag..thing wont fire suddenly it dawns on me that the field could only fill to 1800 when i filled and that was 4 games ago. so i start calling positions eventually one of my guys gets out and i ask if i can borrow his a-5. immedialty laying fire down on everyone i move right to clear snake snap him then move to take out 50 kill him then nail another guy. then i move up and find a newer kid posted on one of the two guys left on my team i hit him in the mask so square that he dropped down and the mask ripped off. game ends due to unnecessary danger and i walk away with 4 of 4 kills and we would have cleard their last guy who was playing back!!!

03-25-2004, 02:06 AM
ok this is my last one and i will be short. play our canyon field against group of 22 newbs against the 8 experinced guys on the local team but we can only use entry level guns which means the mags get put away and most of us just went to rentals. we clear the field of 22 on 8 with out losing one player. that was great fun and the newbs were all like holly cow.

03-25-2004, 09:37 AM
The best ones I'm proud of is when I'm crouched beside a tree(to big te hide behind most trees at my field), and people just keep running straight at me but not seeing me.
This is odd due to the fact that when I play I am wearing a bright tie dye t-shirt with a big yellow happy face in the center of my chest, and my butt pack is made of Happy face material.
Many a time have I heard "I can't belive I didn't see you and in that shirt."

03-25-2004, 11:49 AM
One day was fun where I ended up in a 1 on 1 with a strange imp and I had a dead in the water phantom (I guess I should of brushed up on my gas laws before I tried to run 12 grams in 20 degree weather...). Anyway, I basically ran cirlces around the guy and he ran outta paint, I just trotted over and barrel tagged him.


03-25-2004, 01:03 PM
I ran to the 48 or our side shot out like 6 guys in the center one on the right side and then bunkered another guy.

^all in rec ball but what the hey

in my first tourny there was one game where i could have shot out the whole team but the second last guy i shot out shot me after he was out.

03-25-2004, 02:54 PM
I played at Edwards Air Force base and demolished the other team. 2 games in a row I killed all 7 men on the other team. Played all day and only got shot once... by a 12 year old kid! He was the best they had to offer there.

Head knight of Ni
03-25-2004, 10:31 PM
Alright my personal best was in Rec ball.:( But my Mag had been having atrocious shoot down and could get 1 BPS with shootdown even then (classic Mag).

The game was a seven on seven and I went snake but left for the tires. So I wasted half of the game already. I noticed that my whole team was gone when I fell back. So I posted up on a "dorito" at my 30 for the ensuing seven on one. I leaned out and got a quick elemination, then messed with a kid for a little while then tagged him, so I look to my right and see a kid ghost walking unawares and whip my Mag up to gog' him with the ohs and ahs from my team mates on the sidelines. Finally a kid was walking with an eliminated player I got and surprised me when he shot. I pulled in but my goggles stuck out too much and I got gogged but got my due respect.


Recon by Fire
03-25-2004, 11:18 PM
Best game?

Either a 3 on 3 match, eliminated the other team myself in under 30 seconds. That was the longer of the two back to back games that I repeated the same results :)

Or eliminating 5 or 6 people using only a PT Extreme (facing off against cockers and angels).

03-29-2004, 07:03 PM
Well it was yesterday, and it was my first day w/ my mag. The first game was ok, got a few head shots, but got pretty lost cause it was a giant field, but we won the game anyway. Second time was a tire field, i got one head shot, a gun shot and then ran in deep and got bunkered and my buddies where supposed to be covering me on the right but didn't and then i got shot in the back.

Here's the good stuff. It was the last game and we were doing centerflag, and i ran in deep to a tire bunker, there were two guys to the right and left shooting at me, i bunker the left guy then cross over and shoot the other guy in the mask( i was on a role w/ head shots), the left guy shoots more at me, then stops, then i bunker him, and then run up to his bunker and tip over and shoot him, but then he shoots me, i was like wtf are you doing(he was a noob), so i go back to my base anyway.

Then i run back out and hide behind some trees, i see one guy running for the flag and pull a string out in front of him and he runs right into them, then 3 guys straight in front of me at a tire bunker start shooting at me and my friend who was at the flag(he layed flat behind a pile of wood), i back of and let the branches take the shoots out, then scoot back up and unload on the bunker while there firing at my friend and get all three of them out:D . It was freaken amazing, and no chops w/ a lvl 7 bolt.

03-29-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by 68ClassicMag
Post what your personal best record is in a game of paintball. Mine is at Tombstone paintball park in so. Corona i got 10 ppl out with my automag 68 classic. it was great at the end four guys ran out from behind a building like 40 ft away and just got raped by me and my friend they never stood a chance! any way post what your guys best game was and lets get this thread off the ground!:D

I believe my best is about 8 people from about 20 feet away and it wasn't till I was right at the bunker wall that they even saw me. This was using a pump, btw, and they never hit me, I called out on a hit I thought was a break, but was a bounce and the shot that hit but didn't break was an erroneous shot from my own team.

Dye Angel Guy
03-29-2004, 08:10 PM
I am going to go with this story.....

I was playing back on a 10 man hyperball field and found myself the last one in playing 4 other guys, so I was shooting while running and made it to the other teams back stand up shooting out 2 of the guys, then I shot one guy in the back but that 4th guy did me in.