View Full Version : whoa-dillinger escape plan sucks

03-24-2004, 03:27 AM
went and saw the dillinger escape plan last night, and it was like the second worst show eva. the new singer is crap with his pig sqweels, and he made i guess it was a joke that made no sense. all he does is try looking buff(granted he is) and suck, they older songs the played, were totally changed for the most part, and the new songs are crap. i must have missed something by not listening to the last 2 cds they made though lol. i think the only thing worse was they korn rock meat head kids actin hard in a push pit. funny as hell though when my friend got in there and started pickin up change he straight messed those kids UP! lol, the wall of death had knocked drinks all over the pit on the floor was tile so kids were sliping and stuff, it was pricless

11-30-2006, 09:16 PM
yep suckiest band ever.

11-30-2006, 09:22 PM
*paging Triangle*

Your services are needed in this thread.

*paging Triangle*

11-30-2006, 09:37 PM
I used to listen to Dillinger Escape Plan. Not as much anymore.

The wall of death is a funny thing to watch. "Hardcore dancing" in general is always amusing. Same goes for those tough Korn kids. Why do so many bands have followers like that? They look like morons.

12-01-2006, 07:42 AM
Speed kills.