View Full Version : why 3-A so cheap?

03-24-2004, 02:01 PM
i've never used any of there stuff, but i saw what looks to be a descent barrel kit for about 70, anyone ever use this?

03-24-2004, 02:09 PM
second person to ask about their barrel kit on here recently...everyone has resoundingly given these barrel kits an F- on performance. You really will get what you pay for! Check out the Sanchez Machine barrels(shameless plug) that I carry. Talk to me for more info!


03-24-2004, 02:28 PM
I'd stay away from any products that were designed with ebay as the target market.

Check out CP barrel kits, Empire barrel kits, and J&J barrel kits. All have positive reviews and are relatively inexpensive.

Lord, I've not heard of that particular brand... Do you have a thread in the dealers forum? (might be a good idea...)

03-24-2004, 02:40 PM
I've got the Sanchez and it's a very solid kit.

There are some issues with getting it all set up but once it's ready it's a very sturdy but nice looking barrel. I believe there are 7 backs total but they come separatly in a small and a large kit.

03-24-2004, 02:45 PM
wait...Sanchez Machine=SM1, right? I've seen those...

Is the SM-3 a barrel kit, or a single piece barrel?

03-24-2004, 02:58 PM
If you have standard (cocker) threads, you might try a Matchstick barrel kit. They are only $99, but supposedly have great performance. I haven't tried one yet, tho. Satisfied with my Scepter.

03-24-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
I've got the Sanchez and it's a very solid kit.

There are some issues with getting it all set up but once it's ready it's a very sturdy but nice looking barrel. I believe there are 7 backs total but they come separatly in a small and a large kit.

What issues? You screw it together simple as that and if any O ring needs replacing then a set of picks are your friend. Incidently Sanchez are making the barrel for the Racegun 'Cocker together with the insert so you can actually have a barrel with a marker that you won't throw in the bottom of your kit bag

03-24-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by MarkM

What issues? You screw it together simple as that and if any O ring needs replacing then a set of picks are your friend.

Well, it's not really as simple as that is it.

There are three pieces and while they all screw together perfectly(As you know. I'm typing this part for those who don't), the trouble comes when you screw it into the gun.

It is difficult to take the barrel on and off the gun without unscrewing the back pieces from each other instead of the out of/into the gun. You have to use the wrench (provided) and that can be a pain.

That issue is a negative it's a simple as that. Is it such a negative that it makes the rest of the quality not worth it? Not to me.

I love the barrel and I think it's very well make with great quality control. It does have one issue however.

03-24-2004, 05:24 PM
Metal + Sweatshops in China = 3A's products.

03-24-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp

Well, it's not really as simple as that is it.

There are three pieces and while they all screw together perfectly(As you know. I'm typing this part for those who don't), the trouble comes when you screw it into the gun.

It is difficult to take the barrel on and off the gun without unscrewing the back pieces from each other instead of the out of/into the gun. You have to use the wrench (provided) and that can be a pain.

That issue is a negative it's a simple as that. Is it such a negative that it makes the rest of the quality not worth it? Not to me.

I love the barrel and I think it's very well make with great quality control. It does have one issue however.

I am guessing that you bought the barrel from an online store or by mail order. I bought mine direct from Sanchez in person (well the booth operators) and was told (common sense really) that you use the spanner to torque the pieces together before you put it on the marker. I clean my Barrel after every game regardless if I have had a ball break or not and have yet to have the insert stay on the marker.
On the occassions I have broken a ball I only knew when I came to clean the barrel as I had not had any indication on the field, the barrel is that good.

03-24-2004, 07:54 PM
I am completly lost. O-rings in a barrel? Im sorry if i sound stupid here. I think you guys are talking about those barrels with 2 or more pieces. What is the benefit of having a barrel more than one peice.:confused: :confused: :confused:

03-24-2004, 08:06 PM
Less weight in your kit bag for one, as you have inserts and the main barrel not a barrel bag with 4 complete barrels.
Dye ultralite to use as an example have an O ring on the tip section, the barrel we are talking about has an O ring at the point inside the barrel that the sized insert comes to, this can move sometimes....I say sometimes as mine hasn't but an O ring in that position will not stay put forever.

Go look at the site and it will explain a little more the questions you have http://www.sm1paintballbarrel.com/

03-24-2004, 08:10 PM
yes i do have a thread in the dealers forum...its a little down there as i havent upped in a while. Also check out www.poormanspaintball.com for more info!

03-25-2004, 12:14 AM
yeah... so far, every 3A nitro tank (and I mean EVERY) that has come into the store I'm a tech at, has been in the hands of an upset customer who got this SWEET deal online, but when they went to a field to play, the tank either wouldn't fill properly, leaked from the pin valve, or recharged like, oh, 20 times a MINUTE... just my experiences for ya. --Funk

03-25-2004, 12:44 AM
Yeah 3a has gotten a bad rep from me ( techie too! ) Kids just end up dumping the bottles all together or I send them to PMS to get reregged....

I fully endorse any barrel kit made by Empire ( if you do the ninja bling thing ) or CP if your anal retentive with colors like me :)
03-25-2004, 02:01 AM
The 3a regs are all the pmi reg parts that didnt pass the product inspection thing (that name has slipped my mind)

they suck horribly, my friend bought one ofr his sister and the reg broke, but they didnt even play with it. They filled it on there way home, and the reg broke that night

sont buy them they are crap.

Posted by GAHHH on AIR-Powered.com :)

03-25-2004, 12:35 PM
3-A owned by the Gardners? Sounds like the company is someone's get-rich-quick scheme.

03-25-2004, 01:58 PM
This makes me laugh, some kid who comes to my store got a TES and a 3A tank on ebay....hahaha his stuff is never going to work right

03-28-2004, 07:20 PM
well I have a 3A 91/45 tank.
What reg (for all you techies) should I get to "Better" my tank?

03-28-2004, 07:21 PM
get a nitro duck, centerflag, crossfire, or AA reg.

03-28-2004, 07:35 PM
well I was looking for some direct links Cryer

03-28-2004, 07:43 PM

AA ( in their store, you cant buy just the reg, but try contacting them via email or phone)


crossfire (their store is kind of confusing, too... try contacting them via email or phone)

03-28-2004, 09:45 PM
Crossfire for one, and most companies are beginning to follow suit, will NOT sell regs individually anymore, due to safety and insurance reasons. --Funk

03-29-2004, 12:38 AM
Never thought bout that b4.. But it makes perfect since dumb noob or just not concentrating airsmith and it all looks bad for the company.