View Full Version : Dollar per BPS

03-24-2004, 02:47 PM
Again another thought today, however moronic. I was trying to determine how much money I will have tied up in my current mag project. In order to circumvent that process I then gave alittle brain power over Nicad's new toy. My thought was I think I can pull 10-12bps on my ULT mech mag. Now knowing how fast I can shoot an electro I figure I could shoot 12-17bps with Nicad's gizmo. So how much is Nicad's new frame going to run? Well AGD's frames are around 140 + whatever Nicad puts in to make the magic. So lets say for argument sake it will cost about 250.oo for this XLT (I think that is on the low side, I am willing to bet it will be around 275-300, but we will see).

My next thought was cost: ULT= 47 XLT= 250. So the difference is about 203 bucks (conserative est. and I guess I am going to have to buy a halo too) for 2-5bps. Keep in mind that there is more at stake than cash. Such as: alittle more complex, alittle more weight, alittle less efficient, etc.

What do you guys think? Is it worth the extra cash for a few more BPS?

03-24-2004, 02:58 PM
I'm going to get it. I prefer to walk the trigger as opposed to pulling the trigger. I cant get more than like 12 on a ULT, 15-16 maybe on a non-ULT Retro. I can walk a true 18+BPS, tho. Its worth it to me.

03-24-2004, 03:10 PM
Interesting question. Though if you buy a halo, you can sell your old hopper, whatever that might be.

For me, it would depend on the actual price. I'd expect it to be somewhere south of an Eclipse frame. In the 200-300 range, I'd definitely buy it. Heading north of that, I'd start to question whether or not it's worth it. But that's just me.

I suspect it'll be different from person to person, just like everything else on a paintball marker and markers in general.

03-24-2004, 03:41 PM
It wont be cheap, I think we can agree on that.

I'd say 300-400 range just for a frame.

03-24-2004, 03:48 PM
Alright, still.


You can get a RTCustom base for 410. Thats ULE body, Xvalve, stock everything else. + say 400 (I doubt it will be much over 300, but for the hell of it, well say 400) for the deadlywind frame.

~800 for a tournie level marker. Is that unheard of? no. infact, you will usually spend more for performance of the same level. O, and you dont have to change batteries.

03-24-2004, 05:07 PM
For me, it's not about BPS, it's about accuracy. Your own personal mileage will vary. The max BPS sort of is a measure of max performance, but I think the benefits go further than just the number.

You potentially jar the gun less with a lighter trigger. It also seems easier to walk a burst than pull/fan a similar burst of the same ...instantaneous speed (?). And the effect becomes more noticeable as you increase the rate of fire, but even for someone who only bursts 2-3 shots, I think the improvement would significant.

I get about 10-12 on my mech as well, but this goes in the toilet when I'm on the run. Maybe I'm just uncoordinated, but it would be far easier for me to walk a trigger while running than pulling/fanning.

And of course, lastly, the faster you go, the more at risk you are of messing up and short-stroking. The mod would eliminate this mishap.

03-24-2004, 07:47 PM
i got a lazy players technique of reachin high bps get 1 of them delta pistols like i do n wear it as a side then wen u run ur can run ur mech rt over ur left arm while pullin that lil delta n its 10 rounds out sure ull run out of that delta in not to long but it looks kool n does get more paint out there plujs its not that accurate which in this case i like because ull aim the fasters gun more then the slow 1 so the rest is like spread
Actualy seeing how moronic that looks on my screen i think ill carry my delta but not use it lol

my mom musta slipped sumthin in my nesquik wen i decided to order rthat delta

03-25-2004, 03:47 AM
damn steve, please, use punctuation. that was a completely illegible post to me... kinda looked a little interesting tho.

03-25-2004, 04:26 AM
I don't really think the extra few BPS alone is worth it to me to spend the extra money (although it is quite nice). The part of it that does make it worth it to me is the fact that in theory I will be able to get the performance of an electro without having to worry about batteries or frying a board. Plus I love to tinker, so when this comes out that's just another mag for me to build.

03-25-2004, 08:31 PM
The few extra balls a second may or may not be worth the couple of extra dollars but for many of us building a gun is like building a car...sometimes you you add things for the cool effect just as much as the performance effect. A mech mag reacing 18 bps is freaking cool