View Full Version : X valve Maintenance Help!!!!

03-24-2004, 10:55 PM
I just got a custom ULE mag, and I want to take good care of the x-valve to make it last. I know to drop some oil in the air hook-up then fire it, but I dont see any other oil holes like the classic valve had. Should I be unscrewing the valve and lubing something in there, or something like that.
PLEASE help before I do something stupid and screw up my valve!

03-24-2004, 11:24 PM
Run air through the air lines. THat's about it.

I find that taking the valve out and lubing the on/off orings and assembly as well is a good thing.

03-25-2004, 06:08 AM
If your lvl10 is set to be really gentle on paint, it might be a good idea to put a drop of oil down the powertube. Lessens the risk of getting bolt stick.