View Full Version : Team Dillema; Money Or Friends???

03-25-2004, 07:19 PM
OK, Im between a rock and a hard place on this. A tourney is coming up (young gunz) and I have somewhat a team. 1 guy who wants to be on the team, very little experience, very hard to get along with and really just not that bright, BUT, he also wants to buy my spyder for his brother. Then I have 3 friends who I trust are competent players, but wouldn't work well split up. So my options are very few, as I said the one guy could be on our team before I got to know him. Tourney is in march so I have a little time to think this over.


03-25-2004, 07:26 PM
A good tourney team is hard to come by. Is playing with this guy and selling your Spyder worth the aggravation of a "bad" tourney. What if you are not doing well, how hard will he be to get along with well. I love my team, even when we are doign badly we are having fun

03-25-2004, 07:33 PM
keep your team together. Money isnt that hard to come by. Someone else will buy your spyder. your team is way more important.

03-25-2004, 08:24 PM
Stick with your friends. It'll only come back to bite you in the butt if you cater to everyone's needs. Let him practice with you guys so that he gets better.

03-25-2004, 08:32 PM
Well the main problem is I said he could play, and I'll see him at the field everytime I go lol.

ALso, hes the first person YET who offered to buy my gun :( :( :(

03-25-2004, 11:04 PM
Offer him to be an alternate.

03-25-2004, 11:16 PM
I agree with Warped1, you could use an alternate in case of injuries but quite frankly this guy sounds like a loser, who's to say he'll actually go through with the sale and why would you break up a good team for a sale that can't exceed $150? How much are you selling it for anyways? It doesn't matter if you'll see him all the time, but straight up and honest, but respectful, and let the cards fall as they may. But offering the alternate position is the best bet to not break your promise and still keep your current team intact.

03-26-2004, 08:03 AM
Ive talked about that but the kid is a hotshot, and since there are only 3 set prizes, he wants one no matter what. But Im thinking I just have to say 'Ok, your a sub, you get a segment of a prize' and then see if he stays on the team or not.

03-26-2004, 10:26 AM

This is a no-brainer. Keep your team together. I love the team I play on (Mag Daddies). Win or lose, I'd walk thru hell on Sunday with them. No way I would ever consider bumping one of them for ANY reason. In the long run, the few dollars you get will be minor compared to messing up a good team and maybe losing some friends over it.

If you have already told the guy he could play then, then rotate during the tourney and have everyone sit out one game. Tell him it's a tryout for him. If it works, then you have an extra guy which is not such a bad thing. You never know what might happen.

And as far as the prize thing goes, don't let a new guy that is trying out for YOUR team tell you how it's gonna be. That is a bad sign right there that things are not going to go well.

Just my $.02

03-26-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by OysterBoy
Ive talked about that but the kid is a hotshot, and since there are only 3 set prizes, he wants one no matter what. But Im thinking I just have to say 'Ok, your a sub, you get a segment of a prize' and then see if he stays on the team or not.

Kick him out. Nobody comes into a team and demands something like that.

List the spyder on ebay and ramble on about how its a sniper gun. You'll get more $ that way anyways.

03-26-2004, 10:48 AM
Well, it appears you have learned a large lesson about a tournament team. I definitely say to keep your team together before bringing this kid in. Sometimes you have to apoligize and then stick your foot in your mouth and smile. However, you should avoid creating sitautions like that, when you are in charge of a team and the personnel, it happens.

I am super lucky to have wonderful guys to play with. Reign of Fire, although we haven't been together long, definitely has a since of brotherhood (and sisterhood (Emily!!)). The only guy I invited two guys to play with us before I saw them actually play. Wesley (Enigma) because he a great guy and is a mag lover. Turns out he is a good player who adds to our team so much as well as keeps us laughing and calm in tight situations. The other is Zach, and I asked him to be on the roster because I know his level of committment. If someone has a good attitude and is willing to learn, you can teach them the game and in turn, bring your team closer together.

Important lesson to be learned, recruit for your team based on attitude and not completely on skill level. I'm just lucky that I got five guys that are good players as well as wonderful people. Good luck and I hope you do well.

Captain, Reign of Fire

03-26-2004, 11:43 AM
I love it. "I got 'x' guys for my team..."

Dude, you need PLAYERS for a team, not guys, not friends (good teammates become friends), not some prima donna with money, not people who think they run the show just cause you're talking to them - you need PLAYERS.

Team Captains need certain special skills, not the least of which is the ability to tell some ******* wannabe that he is not playing. It sounds to me like you need to backup a bit and figure out what you're going to do with your team.

For the most part, WINNING (at the upper levels) is not compatible with 'having fun'. You 'have fun' when you win.

My suggestion, if you want to really build something is stick to your guns: only bring on players who fit the mold for YOUR team. Play short until you have a full roster of the kinds of PLAYERS you want. It will be tough, but guess what - there's hardly a game that goes by that at least one team isn't playing short once the whistle blows. You'll just be practicing early...

03-26-2004, 11:46 AM
did the guy say he'd only buy ur spyder if he was on the team? i'd stay with ur current team. cause u know them better u can have more fun. what i like about tourneys is after the 3 min or whatever time the game is of the best game of ur life is hanging out afterwards joking about moves you made or your teammates. it makes it a lot more light hearted and we do better when we aren't thinking too hard about our moves and angles ahead of time.

also, a bit off topic but what spyder do u have? i love spyders and if it's an electro i'd love to see pics of it. pm me for my email.

03-26-2004, 04:14 PM
Thanks guys, and yes, I have learned a lesson.

Also, sorry but its not electro... but it is an old spyder (sonix).

03-26-2004, 06:53 PM
so it's not an electric. neither is mine, u got pictures? i love spyders.

03-26-2004, 08:15 PM
Sure do. add me on MSN [email protected] for webcam pictures (better) or email me at [email protected] for pictures.