View Full Version : Possible Ebay scam alert

03-25-2004, 08:29 PM
I was talking to this fellow about his ebay auction for anew condition emag. It turns out he is in the UK and doesn't use paypal or any other trackable form of payment. He wants Western Union or other wire transfer and he will cover all costs associated with shipping. He offered to me for $375US shipping included from the UK. I turned it down. I smell scam.

If anyone else is bidding on this item, beware.


03-25-2004, 08:38 PM
hmmm I agree scam seems to be the right word

Has anybody ever caught someone on a ebay scam before anybody actually got scammed?, other than the really obvious ones like that guy who was selling a kid

So if its a scam what does one do? Email Ebay expressing concern? I imagine the burden of proof is on the accuser not the seller

03-25-2004, 10:13 PM
It says the item is in vancouver canada why is he in the UK? 0 feedback, account made 3 days ago. Money Order only.. can I sell you a bridge?

And btw ebay could care less, once they have their fees they are out of the picture.

Mr Orange
03-25-2004, 10:18 PM
guys you are right this is a scam. I have contacted ebay about items that are like this before. twice on motorcycles and once on a freeflow cocker. The guy is always over seas with the item in the US, wants money through western union, all the emails he sends are not typed in very good english, and the items usually end early. Evidently a way has been figured out to hack into others accounts. Just a heads up.


03-26-2004, 02:24 AM
and that picture just looks too photochopped. the grip frame is all wrong, the annoed parts looke like crap, and im sure they never made stainless emax valves.