View Full Version : hopper dillema

03-26-2004, 07:20 PM
I'm shooting, presently, a classic RT (Classic being the dignified way of saying "old" "outdated" etc. You know the one.)

I've been in dire need of an electronic hopper from day one with this marker. So here's Punky's Dillema:

I'm looking to put my tax return into the gun, so I'm going from stock to pimped or semi-pimped in less than 5 or 6 business days. I want a hopper that I won't be outshooting once everything is all together. Besides the hopper, I'm looking at the RT Upgrade program, a new grip (been thinking Y-Frame, but that logic frame is making me salivate profusely), and whatever seems to come the most natural after that.

I never said this was going to be brief. :D

So here are my main concerns:

1. What hoppers will keep up with an RT on a double-trigger setup? I'm mostly interested in the Halo B, TSA, or an Empire Reloader, for their various functions.

2. My local field paint is black and yellow. Will a Halo B still cause problems with my RT if it's upgraded to a level 10 bolt?

3. You do not talk about Fight Club.

4. The level 10 seems to take care of ball break problems pertaining to outshooting your hopper. In that case, is less really more? Is it simply better to go with a lower feed-rate hopper that won't burn itself out?

5. Is the Empire Reloader B really worth it? I mean, really?

6. How effective is the revvy-to-intellifeed trick (http://www.airgun.com/downloads/eureka3.pdf), and does the revvy still feed fast enough to satisfy the RT?

And is anyone still reading after all that crap? :D Any insight or feedback on the issue, and what is going to give me the most bang for the least dollars will be intensely appreciated. My position on all the options here is that of a child in a candy store, gawking at everything, but knowing he must ultimately choose only one.

Eenie, meenie, miney... hmm...

03-26-2004, 07:25 PM
Take a look at the ricochet apache. ABouth $100 with a feed rate of 18 bps plus it's much lighter than other nice hoppers.

03-26-2004, 07:32 PM
Go with the reloader or TSA, possible reloader-b. They are all sound activated so there is no need to spend time with wiing it all together. Reloader feeds 15, tsa 14, and reloader b 25. The rico apache is also a nice choice. Bounces and a bit cheaper then the reloader b. So reloader-lighter than tsa or apache. Saves you money and no worry about wether the eye can see certain paints.

03-26-2004, 07:51 PM
level ten will eliminate CHOPS, but it still can chuff them into the barrel and break paint. def get a hopper. i really suggest Apaches or Evo II's. I prefer to have the larger capacity. Eggs are a bit fragile, and Ricochet has awesome service.

if possible, i'd try all the grips. never personally used a logic, but I have my space frame- very nice. i had y and i frames, and used z and hypers.

Depending on the money, I'd say go for an Apache, LX kit, and a new frame.

Not sure on price of the RT upgrade, but an x valve is paying to up to a lx aluminum valve - no performance difference over an LX RT.

The ULEs are definetaly very nice, but remember, threads are different- want to swtich barrels?

Probably wont get an apache used on the forums, but the other stuff you probably could.

hope its understandable, i came back and left a couple times

any more questions, just ask

03-26-2004, 08:10 PM
Thanks for the intelegent feedback, everyone. :)

Originally posted by mark_426
level ten will eliminate CHOPS, but it still can chuff them into the barrel and break paint.
I'd not even considered that. Thanks for the tip!

Originally posted by mark_426
Not sure on price of the RT upgrade, but an x valve is paying to up to a lx aluminum valve - no performance difference over an LX RT. The ULEs are definetaly very nice, but remember, threads are different- want to swtich barrels?
Well, that's part of it, but also I'd like to have the full compatability of an RT Pro. The lighter weight is certianly a bonus more than a feature for me. I'm more worried about losing support for the old RT internals, etc. As for the barrel, I really do like the look of the Lapco Autospirits, personally. n.n

I do wonder, though, does the RT upgrade come with any sort of stock barrel? The description isn't fully clear on that.

Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
Go with the reloader or TSA, possible reloader-b. They are all sound activated so there is no need to spend time with wiing it all together. Reloader feeds 15, tsa 14, and reloader b 25.
Well, my big qualm so far with the TSA is the dubious 'approx 14 BPS' estimates given officially, which could mean 12 BPS sometimes and 16 BPS others. Which isn't going to help me much. Still looking around to see if Warpig or anyone has corroborated the feed rates so far.

Originally posted by Crimson_Turkey
Take a look at the ricochet apache. ABouth $100 with a feed rate of 18 bps plus it's much lighter than other nice hoppers.
Good call. I'm looking into it. n.n

03-26-2004, 08:20 PM
One of my teammates has a TSA. My reaction to it- its HUGE .. it looks like its about as long as the marker itself :D. It isn't much faster from my experience either.

Within our team, we've got it all, halo b (2), egg 2 (y and z boards), apache, TSA, re:loader (older, the revvy), a 12v x board, ricochets (ak, 2k), warp, soon to be q-loader.

Out of them, I like the Z-board Egg, and the Apache. No feed problems really, and they are about the same price. Feeding, the Z is claimed to be a bit quicker, but thats disputable. The Apache isnt really much higher, if thats a concern. Depending on the feedneck configuration (cut, low/no/mid rise, etc), it can actually be shorter than an egg. It is definetaly lighter than most of the other hoppers (one 9v if im not mistaken), and the oring neck=no more sanding.

As far as barrels, I wasn't sure if you had a kit or something that you could switch backs or similar, or if you have other markers.

03-26-2004, 08:30 PM
I have a TSA, it is pretty big and heavy. Empire reloader has the same performence but much lighter and a little smaller. So take off TSA.