View Full Version : oh no :( stuck barrel

09-27-2001, 08:21 PM
Im not exactly sure how it happened, but a Steel 14" Dye Boomstick is 'stuck' in the body of my Classic RT.
It slid on perfect, shot fine with it all day. But 3 guys pulling cannot remove it. (it twists fine)

Any ideas? We've tried various lubricants and wd40 in an attempt to losen it.
The only thing I can think of is that a o-ring broke and is caught between the barrel and the frame making a nice wedge.

Help! :)


Load SM5
09-27-2001, 08:34 PM
Try taking the grip and rail off. Then try and remove the small nubbin that holds the barrel in. Maybe that will help you be able to twist it out.

09-27-2001, 09:38 PM
yea, that worked. I didnt realize that pin was removable. I thought it was part of the frame.

finally got it out, and it was an oring that had created a wedge. however the dye barrel had super snug fit anyhow. I think I'll toss this, and try out a J&J instead.

Thanks for the advice.


09-28-2001, 12:12 AM
my friends boomstick got stuck in his mag too.

09-28-2001, 07:07 AM
My boomstick is tight, so I put a drop of oil on each o-ring
and have not had a problem.

09-28-2001, 11:30 AM
I always put oil on the barrel o-rings. A good barrel has a nice tight fit so a little oil helps.

09-28-2001, 12:28 PM
I have always had trouble getting the barrel off of my Automag. To be honest, I hadn't thought of a little oil on the O-rings before. It's the simple answers that tend to evade me (well, and the complicated answers, too).

-Ooo, wow. One Hundredth post!

09-29-2001, 12:26 AM
go with an ACI zero-gravity barrel. Have had no problems putting it in the marker or taking it out. No lube necessary :P