View Full Version : Possible Project: 04 Classic. Possible???

03-26-2004, 10:40 PM
Well after racking my brains trying to figure out a valve, and looking at my 68', Ive decided I'd like to make a ripping ol' mag using the classic valve as the key feature. It would have a simple I-Frame, brown-ish wood panels, and a simple but stylish fore grip. Oh, and an old SS body cause they rule :)

Any ways of turing that mother out' ? :p

Oh, and of course LX.

So heres the list so far:

-Centerfeed SS Body / SS No-Rise Body
-68' Classic Valve
-Black Intelliframe (Double-Trigger, not blade)
-Dye Wood Panel Grips
-Backwards-Drop-Back-Bottle Adapter (With Drop)
-Vert Bottle Adapter
-AGD Gas Thru (Rubber Grips)
-Crown Point Barrel / Other Twist Lock
-Level 10

Any other ideas? I know that ULT isn't recomended, but I also remember a post where someone installed on succesfully into his classic valved mag. Maybe in the future NiCads mech trigger frame may find its way in here ;)

Thanks in advance;

03-26-2004, 11:10 PM
Oh and what I mean by 'backwards drop' dealie is to have a drop-forward mounted where the back bottle adapter would go, so its kind of in the middle of the grip, only farther back. Im hoping frymarker could get me wooden grips with the AGD lion logo on them. My goal is to get it to look like a classic mag but with new 'styles' in it.


03-26-2004, 11:15 PM
If you want wooden grips I would think your best bet is shartley. I don't think Heather does wood grips, maybe i'm wrong though.

03-26-2004, 11:19 PM
Well actually I was planning on getting the actual grips from someone, perhaps shartley, and see if she could get them kind of 'milled' (for lack of a better word) and dyed in that way. Or maybe shartley could...?

But the real question is, is this a good/decent idea?

03-26-2004, 11:49 PM
Im not sure what your doing? Are you basically just trying to make an oldschool mag? As far as grips... shartley makes REALLY good looking wooden grips, and I believe they are available in tinted colors... not like, red, blue etc... but im the wrong person to ask. PM him.

03-26-2004, 11:55 PM
How much do you think this will cost to buy? If you can sell them cheap enough, I think it might work, but it's hard to go into business...

03-26-2004, 11:58 PM
lol I dont ever plan on selling this/these but if people want to do the idea as well im not stoppin them. I just want to make a mag using the valve that started it all. In the automag video, TK seems really proud of the valve system (maybe its just me?) and Id rather make a nice, (albeit heavy ;) ) mag that looks old school but uses things from all over AGDs product-time-line-dealie..

03-27-2004, 12:02 AM
So bascially you plan on making a basic Mag, just like the one's sold on ebay everyday?

If that's your bag then go for it!

03-27-2004, 12:06 AM
lol not quite a basic mag, more like a... ah damn i dont even know what i mean... basically, I want to make a ripping mag that looks old school.. ya know..? Mainly peripheral, but I want to revive the classic (atleast on my mag setup). WOuldnt that be something, if I did make an ***-ripping mag using a classic. Newb says 'isnt that a 68 classic mag?' I say 'Yes' ;)

03-27-2004, 12:12 AM
Well.... im not sure how he did it, but I could talk to a friend who did something to his trigger. Im not sure at all what he did, but he basically made the thing RIDICULOUSLY light and fast with a classic valve. Like, lighter than the ult, it was just bizarre. I can talk to him if you want, or hell, hes probably sell you the parts.

03-27-2004, 12:47 PM
alright man, talk to him :)

03-27-2004, 01:03 PM
`This is a dumb thread, whats the point of it?

So you're making a mag, hooray.