View Full Version : Any logic framed mag videos ?

03-27-2004, 12:21 PM
Was looking for a video of a logic framed mag shooting, It would really be helpful if it or part of it was up close so we could see how good the trigger worked with the trigger stop. If anybody has any, please post.

03-27-2004, 02:49 PM
not yet.....video are coming......they're mine all mine.....silly aoers....they tries to takes them from us precious........

um, sorry. i believe he is still waiting for the parts to come in.:D

03-27-2004, 06:55 PM
What about the non electro version.

03-27-2004, 09:00 PM
i havent seen or even heard about a mech version. but it is a mech version, so it fires liek a mech. maybe one day though....:confused:

03-27-2004, 09:26 PM
phantomhitman, I dont even know what the hell you just said. The non electro version is the one thats out now, does anybody have any videos of it ?

03-27-2004, 10:55 PM
um.....just this week coolhand announced that he will be posting a video of his elogic mag. this is what i thought you were talking about. if you would have said "i want to see a MECH mag video" that would have helped me out because I am kind of stupid. and in my last post i said i did not know about mech version of the video being released-not impying that i did not know the mech version of his frame existed. you had very bad timing when asking this question because coolhand just announced he will be posting his video soon. so sorry, i forgot to turn on my fortune teller option in win2k. let me reboot and i will be right back :rolleyes:

03-28-2004, 12:51 AM
Hey phantomhitman thats cool man I look forward to seeing the video. Any idea how much the electro version will cost ?

03-28-2004, 10:13 AM
so far the estimates point to no more than $350. check out coolhands thread for that (the thread was created by prezents). Read the last 3 pages or so, because the first 15 are about hte development of it. It is looking great!

03-28-2004, 01:35 PM
i'll try and get some when my mag gets back from power coding