View Full Version : Paintball, where does it fit in?

09-28-2001, 01:03 AM
Hi everyone, i just currently became a mag owner and after reading everyone's posts, this seems like the place to come for advice. I, like many others, have been bit by the paintball bug. Its hit me to the point of an obsession. Im not real sure where to put my talent level, but i know with time i'll be an extremely successful paintball player. My problem lies in the fact that im a 19 year old college student. I want so badly to play on a tournament team, yet i really don't know how i can do this. During the summer i live in northwest ohio, while during the school year i live in midwest indiana. Its a little hard to try and develop a tourney team with such a distance between residences at certain times. If i had everything my way, i'd move to a much more popular paintball area and live my life playing pball for the rest of my playing days. But thats a dream, and not a reality. So basicially im wondering if there is anyone out there that can give me advice. I have such a passion for the game, but im not in a situation where i feel like i'll be able to do what i want to do. I really picture myself being able to play in an ultra competitive level, but with college in the way, it seems like it will have to be put off. Anyone have any advice or just some words of encouragement? Its just extremely hard for me to sit back and play recball while i should be starting a tourney team. Also...anyone have a Z-Grip for sale? Sorry about the length. Thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any guidance you can give me.

09-28-2001, 02:04 AM
might i suggest starting a team within the college. i wouldn't however put off school just to play, try doing both at the same time, just rec-ball at first no tourneys yet, or finish school first then play all you want.
good luck in your school and paintball life.

09-28-2001, 07:01 AM
Yeah, I agree w/pharcyde, don't put off school. Take that advice from a college dropout. Just play and enjoy, and play at both areas. You can meet some cool people at both playing locations. Good luck and welcome. :cool:

09-28-2001, 08:04 AM
What I've done is paid attention to regulars that show up at the rec field... then try to organize meet times and stuff. Also, I go play with the kids that work at the pro shop... they have a team that practices.

I wish I could get all my friends to play... unfortunately most my friends are broke. :)

09-28-2001, 08:54 AM
Welcome to the forums. Anyways try to start a school team, or meet some people at a local field.

Space Cowboy
09-28-2001, 09:13 AM
What school do you go to? I go to IU in Bloomington.

09-28-2001, 09:56 AM
Stay in school first of all, then you can get a decent job and be able to affort more paint. Try to start a club at school, then you'll find some people for a team. We have a team at our school. RPI A, and RPI B. Then you can play some inter-college tournies, those are fun. How close are you to Purdue? They are having a tourny Oct 20th. Get a club together, try to get funded (we're still workin on that), and go to http://www.college-paintball.com

09-28-2001, 10:17 AM
gimp beat me with posting the webpage of college paintball. I play at the Iowa State Club and it's really great.
My advice is find some people and start a college club.
There are severall college tournaments you can go to.
Paintball is fun but don't even think about dropping out of school because of paintball!!!

09-28-2001, 10:32 AM
I joined the Kstate paintball club, which fields several teams in lots of events. Definately check out college-paintball.com, the intra college tourneys are great.

09-28-2001, 11:27 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I appreciate all of that. I go to school at Ball State, and they don't have a team there, so i'll most likely be starting a pball club. Its amazing to me how different everyone is here on these message boards, almost everywhere else people would have been flaming me for asking such a genuine question. Anyways...thanks for the advice, i'll get my degree and start making some money before i start my dream, i guess it can wait. Hopefully i'll see you guys on the field. Those of you in indiana, any tournaments second semester?

09-28-2001, 12:43 PM
Wow, how nostalgic. You remind me of how I used to be when I was in college. I got bit by the "bug" before college. Ironically, when I was invited to go play with a college fraternity that a friend was a member of.

Anyway, I tried to start a team during my college years, but because of the lack of money, obligation to school and college sports, I postponed my plans to play tournaments until I was out of college. I found time to play at rec fields back home and in between seasons at a field an hour drive away. Being able to play paintball kept the fire stoked for plans post-college.

Like you, I had the urge to play higher competition when I was out. I moved back home after graduating, got a job, and was able to devote more time and money. Eventually, I formed my own am-B team and we started competing at the local, and later, at the national level. What I learned right away was how expensive our sport is when trying to do the tournament scene. If you plan on trying to make a career in paintball, let me be the first to tell you that there is no money playing tournaments that justifies making a life out of it. And, to try to make money on the retail side will be just as difficult in an already crowded and highly competitive market. It can still be done.

When I got frustrated at the amateur level and knew that the job I had wasn't going anywhere, I decided to go to grad school. Luckily, there was a school in Chicago that offered the program/degree I wanted. Plus, one of the best teams in the world was based there. Solid. Move to Chicago, practice against the best, makes me better, did better on the amateur level, got noticed by the pro's...viola, made it on Aftershock. (Sidenote: been playing a long time)

My desire to play at the highest level never diminished and eventually it paid off. The others that have posted got it right. Stay in school, get your degree, join a local club or team if there is one. Driving is a sacrifice that all paintballers have to make. You may have to join a team somewhere aside from Muncie?(Ball State)if you can't start a college club/team there. In the end, all your efforts will be rewarded one way or another if you keep at it.

Just remember, it's a game, there's no money to be made competing, and you'll reap many more rewards from your college degree. Besides, there is so much to enjoy in college. I miss those days. It's not something you can do over (well, you can if you got the money, enjoy the studying part, don't have a family to feed, blah, blah, blah...).


09-28-2001, 08:22 PM

I am in your exact position. Being a 21 year old college student I have been playing recball for about 12 years now. When I got to college though, my playing almost went down to nothing. After two years of school, I have finally been able to start back up again (i changed majors from computer science to Health Science, LONG story). Anyway, what I have done this year is, with the help of my colleges Outdoor Adventure Club, is started a Paintball day!! I know the owner of a local field and he gave us great group priceing, and were all going to play Oct. 21st. I got prices from other frields, so hopefully I can make it like an every other month thing. My school even let me do a paintball demo right in the middle of campus!! I borrowed some Tippmans from that local field, and had everyone wear masks and fire 20 shots at targets, so they would get "the bug." It was a HUGE hit, more girls than guys wanted to play believe it or not! So, hopefully I will have a good turnout for the 21st and hopefully I have given you some good info!

Good luck!

09-28-2001, 08:38 PM
Well, here's my 2 cents...

I think you should just find some paintball people at college, and play as a fun-team. When you're in Ohio, do the same there. After college is over, you'll be even better then you are now, and you'll be able to settle down in one place where you can start a more serious team there. Don't worry, its probabaly not as long as it sounds :)

Either way, good luck!

09-28-2001, 08:59 PM
Thanks guys, your advice really does help out. I just realized why paintball is such an amazing sport. Its the only sport where im just as happy to lose a game as i am to win one. In all my years of soccer, football, basketball, and whatever else i used to play, i was always way too competitive to handle losing, with paintball losing is a way for me to improve my skills. Its an extremely important life lesson that i wish other people would realize. I mean, can you imagine if paintball was televised? I'd never leave the tv!! I have yet another question, this time its mag related. Im supersitious to the fact that i need a double trigger, i'd like a z-grip, but i can't find one...is the dye double trigger frame worth purchasing? Just curious, and thanks again.

09-28-2001, 09:44 PM
I'd pick up an Intelliframe over a DYE- easier to set up, AGD warrantee'd, DYE stickies, and that AWESOME package:) Or, pick up a Z-Grip on www.paintballgear.com if you want it. Yeah, college teams are becoming emmensly popular - the Texas A&M team has about 20 hardcore members (as in, travelling across Texas every 3 months for the past... time) last I checked. It'd take work, but you can do it with a little effort. Currently, I'm working on a high school club, so I'm in the same predicament as you right now, sorta. Good luck with your club, keep us posted!

09-28-2001, 10:50 PM
Remember, School is Cool. Don't Do drugs. Only you can prevent forest fires.

09-28-2001, 11:33 PM
You are really from Aftershock? Cool!

09-30-2001, 01:04 PM
I like my DYE 2x triggerframe. But thats not to say I had to work to make it right. After all is said and done, I'm pleased, and there is too much work to throw away. As for the Intelliframe, I have not held one, but, if it has the same quality as the rest of their products, it will be awesome!! See if you can try both before purchasing.
