View Full Version : Performance of E-mag without Warpfeed

09-28-2001, 07:12 AM
How well does the centrefeed E-mag perform without a warp feed.
If I have an E-mag with a 12v revy will I chop alot, or is it just a case of turning the ROF down to 11 bps?

Sorry I haven't recieved my E-mag yet and Im too excited to not post questions about it on the forum.

09-28-2001, 08:18 AM
the gun is quite capable of high rates of fire. however, you must have at least a 12v revvy with good battery charge. once is starts acting screwy like not feeding properly or turning on/off when there's a full moon, etc. then get rid of it, you will start to chop quite a bit as you will be trying to fire way too fast. i just ordered a turbo rev board for my revvy, if i get it today i'll throw it in this weekend when i go out and i'll let you know how much better it is. don't worry, the centerfeed is plenty fast.

09-28-2001, 08:24 AM
I wouldnt put a Revy on it, Id wait, and get a HALO loader instead, that thing surely can keep up with an E-Mag, even in high rates of fire.... though, I personally would have one on my Warp Feed... Id go nuts with having to put that 'blimp' over my marker again :D Check out the link below, has some demo footage of a Hyperframe 'mag shooting at 16BPS, with a HALO, its quite phenomenal.

HALO Loader: Odyssey Paintball Products (http://www.odysseypaintball.com/)

09-28-2001, 08:30 AM
FiTiR's jaw hits floor, tongue rolls out and he trips over it. Holy #$!@%.......first time seeing it in action. damn! but c'mon guys!!!!!!! that's 2 cases a day easy! they're making faster loaders but the paint is still too expensive! we should start a petition!

09-28-2001, 12:12 PM
My E-mag is a powerfeed, not a vert, but it does great with a 12v Rev. Of course, I have the bps set at 12. Any higher and it will chop (speaking from experience). Set at 12 bps I haven't chopped a ball at the bolt in @ 6 cases. I would imagine the vert would have similar results.

Also, I highly recommend running your Rev off of the E-mag battery. That way you never have to worry about older batteries resulting in slower feed rates and chops. I have run 2 cases through my gun on a single charge with the battery powering both the gun and Rev and I'm sure I could shoot a couple more.

Enjoy the E-mag, they Rock!

09-28-2001, 01:31 PM
fritzy, i'd be interested in finding out how to do that. i'm a retard when it comes to wiring. that would be very cool indeed.

09-28-2001, 04:43 PM
RobAGD's Revvy Emag Hack -> http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8725

Also, My P/F E-Mag hasnt chopped yet with just a 12v Revvy and the bps set to 12.

09-28-2001, 06:13 PM
I'd really recommend a Ricochet 2000 over a VL Rev. They both feed about the same but the Rico spins immediately sort of like the Intellifeed on Angels. they also come with a bunch of other neeto little features.

I'd say set the Emag at 9bps. Both only feed UPTO 12bps, that meens only like when the batt are new. Hell, my Rev is only feeding an average of 6bps but my batteries are low...

09-28-2001, 08:14 PM
Actually, most Rev's will keep up well at a 12bps setting. The lowest you should have to set it is 11bps. If you use the Emag battery to power the Rev you will encounter zero problems with dying batteries. I used Rob's instructions from the link above. Very easy to follow.

09-28-2001, 10:47 PM
I know I chop like a chinese chef when I don't use warp, and that's with the gun set to 9bps and fresh batteries in the rev, but I do have the warp body which could cause problems, but I don't see how. It may be a problem with my gun though, I can't tell a difference between 8bps and 16bps using 6 shot burst, maybe I should call AGD.

09-30-2001, 07:33 PM
If you put your gun in burst mode it overrides your sps setting and reverts to 9bps. That is why you can't tell a difference, it is always 9bps in burst mode.