View Full Version : I just got my new 03 Shocker

03-28-2004, 08:01 PM
I just got home from a NY trip to my waiting 2003 Shocker :) :) :)

Its incredible right out of the box. Its greased and the trigger is very nice right out of the box. All I had to do is screw on the barrel and it was assembled. And the ASA has an on/off too! Very convienent :) And the angle of the drop is nice, I liked it immediatly.

The Speed.

I havent dry fired it that much, but the instant I put my hands on the trigger (with air) it FLEW! It was INCREDIBLE! For some reason I cant get half as fast trying twice as hard without air, but, that doesnt really matter I guess, lol. I CAN <u>NOT</u> wait to play with this thing... oh man... I'm about to spaz out right now just thinking about it

Pictures in a second

Pictures! Yes, they're crappy, I took them in 12 seconds without flash cause im dumb


03-28-2004, 08:02 PM
Dang, wish I had as much money as you to waste.

03-28-2004, 08:08 PM
good luck with it. I hope its not a freaken blender like every 03 shocker i have ever seen.

03-28-2004, 09:40 PM
I hope all of the AKA and ICD supporters don't bunker you too much for supporting Smart Parts.

03-28-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by ThisIsTheLongestUserName.
Dang, wish I had as much money as you to waste.

i don't think he bought it, i think it was from their sponsors

03-29-2004, 12:32 AM
Can't say I've had on prob in bout 3 cases from mine no vision and stil no chops hmm. Dont see the blender in it.

03-29-2004, 12:08 PM
it can be the weather. Any time its been under about 50, even with really good paint, it just has terrible FSDO and chops every first ball you fire, if you dont shoot for more than about 8 seconds.

03-29-2004, 12:14 PM
Yeah its a problem with spool valve designs. The Lube that they require gets more viscous and all things go downhill...

03-29-2004, 01:00 PM
Amazingly I had been lucky with mine ... no problems what so ever till I decided to try the FreeFlow bolt. It spent about 3 days in my marker before I got tired of the low FPS issues.

I had my maxFlow up to 215psi, and my dwell was something like 34-36 up from bottom andI was still just hitting 270fps.

Thankfully FreeFlow has their 2nd Gen bolt out and its free for 1st Gen owners ...

Aside from that I never had an issue with my stock setup at all. No leaks, no ball breakage from the SFO-ring, etc. And mine is numbered 17## well under the number before they started adding the new bolt/switch/etc to the markers.


03-29-2004, 06:40 PM
I got mine last week and personally I love it. Its is very easy to shoot and easy on paint. My brother purchased one when they first came out which had some issues. I even commented on them here on AO when someone said they had purchased one. After shooting my brothers and seeing him playing with it, I decided to get one. So far not one complaint. I my opinion its just like any other marker when first released, there are bound to be some issues that need to be worked out. The Matrix would be a good example of that.

As for the whole "evil" Smart Parts deal, I personally don't care. I like what they have to offer and am going to shoot what I prefer to shoot.

03-29-2004, 06:44 PM
For the same price you could have gotten a much better gun, and by a company whose reputation isnt found in a toilet :o

03-29-2004, 07:16 PM
Dont care personally ... :)


03-29-2004, 08:32 PM
Awwight, that's gweeat. Have fun with it! Oh and get those pics up now!:)

03-29-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by UltimatePaintballer
i don't think he bought it, i think it was from their sponsors Actually, we're still waiting on those for another couple weeks... this one is *his* that he got... god only knows why he wanted two shockers, lol.

03-29-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by BobTheCow63
Actually, we're still waiting on those for another couple weeks... this one is *his* that he got... god only knows why he wanted two shockers, lol.

You're kidding....right? Please tell me Jeff isn't going to have TWO of them!!

03-29-2004, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
For the same price you could have gotten a much better gun, and by a company whose reputation isnt found in a toilet :o
its all subjective. aside from an empire timmy there isnt a gun i would rather own than my 03 shocker. its a great gun, light, fast, and sexy. never chopped a ball and the effieceny issues are not much of an issue for someone that was shooting a mag.

last i checked people bash france for giving into germany instead of standing up and fighting. so why do people bash sp instead of the companies that went french? double standard or should real world events not be used in the paintball world?

03-29-2004, 09:33 PM
accualy to put that in more proper perspective its more like germany and czkelslovokia (yeah i murdered the name im tired lol) rather than france and last i checked we bashed the germans more then we did the french when it came to the time period your refering to

03-29-2004, 10:01 PM
Pictures up!

I would like to know from anyone who owns a shocker, what their operating pressure is and dwell is, I have no idea what ballpark to put those things in. Thanks a lot :)

03-29-2004, 10:09 PM
Pictures don't work for me. :( But then again, I got to shoot it today, guess I really don't need 'em. :p

**edit** Never mind, you got the pictures up.

03-29-2004, 10:29 PM
nice choice!! I love mine. The only suggestion I would make is LOSE THE DROP AND ON/OFF. The on/off caused me a good 3 hours of anger and confusion. I couldn't seem to understand why the gun was getting weird drop off and such. Then a kid said he had the same problem before and to just take off the asa. to my amazment IT WORKED!

anyway, dont listen to all these SP hater, just blast their muppet arses off the field....thats what I do.

a few pics of my baby

03-29-2004, 10:46 PM
I used a Tunamag XValved RT as my primary marker for a year and a half and have since sold it and bought a Shocker 03. I'm not going near a mag anytime soon.


03-29-2004, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by MrMag
anyway, dont listen to all these SP hater, just blast their muppet arses off the field....thats what I do.

Whats funny is that you call me a muppet, saying I buy into hype, and I own a 2004 viking, and you own a shocker. Hmm... which one was hyped more? Then again, I also know my viking will outperform ANY smart parts gun.

03-30-2004, 03:29 AM
I use my shocker with 200psi as the max flo setting and since I got the aluminum bolt my dwell is set on 30 chirps from the bottom. I get high 280s, low 290s on those settings. The only problems that I've had with the 03 shocker is the on/off switch breaking, and being fixed at SP now, a blown solenoid. SP is fixing it for free. It is pretty good all in all, but it has severe FSDO. It is no emag but I still like it.

03-30-2004, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
It is pretty good all in all, but it has severe FSDO.FSDO?? :confused:

03-30-2004, 05:56 AM
First Shot Drop Off

03-30-2004, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Whats funny is that you call me a muppet, saying I buy into hype, and I own a 2004 viking, and you own a shocker. Hmm... which one was hyped more? Then again, I also know my viking will outperform ANY smart parts gun.

go troll somewhere else.

no one asked if you viking could outperform a shocker

im not a real big fan of smart parts but i do own one of there markers, and its getting a little old everytime there is a SP thread people totally go off topic with the Anti-SP crap.

Get over it. you gun may be better, but can you buy one anymore??? didnt think so

03-30-2004, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by fire1811
but can you buy one anymore??? didnt think so

...and whose fault is that? ;)

Don't rate the Shocker myself, but glad you guys are happy with yours.

03-30-2004, 06:44 AM
everytime there is a SP thread people totally go off topic with the Anti-SP crap.

You wonder why this is?

Get over it. you gun may be better, but can you buy one anymore??? didnt think so.

Why cant I buy one if I wanted and why. Because of this

03-30-2004, 08:20 AM
it doesnt matter in this thread there are PLENTY of other threads you, him or anyone can go complain in.

as for why you cant get a viking. Did i ever say that i agreed with what sp is doing. no they are a evil company but this is not the thread to discuss it in.

03-30-2004, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by fire1811

go troll somewhere else.

no one asked if you viking could outperform a shocker

im not a real big fan of smart parts but i do own one of there markers, and its getting a little old everytime there is a SP thread people totally go off topic with the Anti-SP crap.

Get over it. you gun may be better, but can you buy one anymore??? didnt think so He insulted me, I have every right to retaliate.

What would it matter if I could buy one anymore? I HAVE ONE, and since you admitted it was better, why would it matter? I dont need or want two, and if I did, I could still buy one!

Thats the glory of AO, were allowed to voice our opinnions, and my opinnion is that smart parts is a sleezy company, and... well, you smart parts fanboys would flame me for that one. I will wait till someone decides to insult me again.

03-30-2004, 08:50 AM
squid you have pm :)

03-30-2004, 08:51 AM
Holla back yo! :) (you do to)

03-30-2004, 01:01 PM
Like some other said, I'm not a fan of Smart parts, but it looks cool. Have fun with it.

On another note, thank god they arent making Vikings anymore. Less people to go around saying stupid things like "My gun will out perform any SP gun anyday"

Squid, dont you get it that it isnt the gun? Maybe he is good enough he doesnt need the almighty :rolleyes: Viking. Hype? I get so tired everyone saying their Vikings are sooooooo great. And, as fire1811 said, go troll somewhere else. PBNation is looking people just like you.

03-30-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~
Like some other said, I'm not a fan of Smart parts, but it looks cool. Have fun with it.

On another note, thank god they arent making Vikings anymore. Less people to go around saying stupid things like "My gun will out perform any SP gun anyday"

Squid, dont you get it that it isnt the gun? Maybe he is good enough he doesnt need the almighty :rolleyes: Viking. Hype? I get so tired everyone saying their Vikings are sooooooo great. And, as fire1811 said, go troll somewhere else. PBNation is looking people just like you. Well, me and fire already had a discussion about this, and are cool, and in fact, hes not a SP supporter either.

You think I would have said that if he didnt call me a "muppet?" NO. Apparently you dont know what this term means... a muppet is a person who buys into hype, and has no game. IE, a smart parts owner, NOT me. You think I need the viking to play well? Your now insulting my ability to play? Yup... I got no game, but every tourney we attend is paid for... thanks to, you guessed it, sponsors that we earned.

I never even started this argument. I just thought he could have done better for the money, and SP supporters (why in gods name can those words be put togethor?) attacked me with insults. Whatever. None of this is directed to anybody but the idiot who just flamed me.

You get tired of people saying how great they are? Well... get used to it, because, you guessed it, THEY ARE GREAT. EXTREMELY fast, efficient, doesnt chop, etc.

In all categories it outperforms the shocker. But thats not what I initially posted for anyways. But people saying stupid things just pisses me off. ROLLSEYES :rolleyes:

03-30-2004, 04:57 PM
I must say I'd trade my 03 shocker for a viking anyday but for the 750 I spent on it gives me more than enough gun. I also hate sp but can't really complain about my shocker;)

03-30-2004, 09:39 PM
Yeah it sucks when the evil company makes awesome things :)

I have a question about efficieny. I literally watched my pressure go down when shooting a tube, 140 rounds, mabye 900-1000 psi. Something is wrong there :)

How do I know what my internal pressure is with a preset tank and just the vertical max flo reg?

03-30-2004, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Whats funny is that you call me a muppet, saying I buy into hype, and I own a 2004 viking, and you own a shocker. Hmm... which one was hyped more? Then again, I also know my viking will outperform ANY smart parts gun.

lol sorry you got something shoved in your rear end today, but i said nothing about hype. the term muppet can be taken like nub/newbie/rookie/rook and while your viking is "outperforming" my shocker, you will be covered in paint...........so grub some dils

03-30-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Yeah it sucks when the evil company makes awesome things :)

I have a question about efficieny. I literally watched my pressure go down when shooting a tube, 140 rounds, mabye 900-1000 psi. Something is wrong there :)

How do I know what my internal pressure is with a preset tank and just the vertical max flo reg?

im not sure about that problem, but my shocker has gotten awesome efficiency so far. also, if you are having probs with fsdo, it may just need breaking in -- mine did

03-30-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by MrMag

lol sorry you got something shoved in your rear end today, but i said nothing about hype. and while your viking is "outperforming" my shocker, you will be covered in paint...........so grub some dils

Dude... Shut up I as a younger member very much like Squids posts and he dosen't have the time to post helpful posts and stop flaming pointed his way.

03-31-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by TeamNausea

Dude... Shut up I as a younger member very much like Squids posts and he dosen't have the time to post helpful posts and stop flaming pointed his way.

wtf? stop trolling fool. he is the one who started the flaming anyway, so stfu and lets get back on topic....

falconguy...excellent choice. go for a check it clamping low rise and a smart parts high efficiency bolt kit

03-31-2004, 02:08 AM
There are 3 awesome things about the 03 shocker: light weight, great speed, and in my opinion an awesome trigger. When I got my 03 shocker many people told me it was a gas hog. It is not terrible. I can get over 1000 shots on a 68/45 filled to 3500. Who cares about that when there is all day air? I do agree that SP is not going about this patent thing the right way, but business is business and while their actions they take may not be the best, they will just have to learn that on their own.

03-31-2004, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by MrMag

wtf? stop trolling fool. he is the one who started the flaming anyway, so stfu and lets get back on topic....

falconguy...excellent choice. go for a check it clamping low rise and a smart parts high efficiency bolt kit Ive got fans. :) I Didnt start trolling, I simply said I thought he could have done better, and just like me, you decided to comment... But now your just getting childish. Like I could take you seriously when you asked if i've "taken it in the rear." :rolleyes:

And even IF I used your definition of muppet, I would have said the exact samething... Being that im not a noob/nub.

03-31-2004, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
I can get over 1000 shots on a 68/45 filled to 3500.

what bolt kit are you using????
most people dont get 1000 out of a full 4500 fill

i got 800-900 out of a full fill with my stock bolt and
with gen 1 new designz i got about 1000-1100

gen 2 is supposed to up the shot count more but the nice thing that gen 1 had was that i had zero/none/nadda FSDO
and to me that was more important than shot count

03-31-2004, 09:39 AM
I felt the same way till I starting playing X-Ball ... since most of the fields that offer it around whereI have been dont have team fill stations I end up having to run to the air station every other or every third game.

Hopefully the Gen2 FreeFlow will improve on that some.


Originally posted by AGDFlash
Who cares about that when there is all day air?

03-31-2004, 09:43 AM
the NDZ wasnt bad, it let me lower my input and dwell down

before i sold it i was at 180-185psi input and my dwell was at 28 beeps.

03-31-2004, 06:15 PM
Thanks guys,

whats the current best bolt kit? Is it the evolve one?

And, is there any way to tell my internal pressure from a preset tank?

03-31-2004, 06:25 PM
Bah, don't listen to Squid. He trolls lots of posts.

Great marker though - hope you love it! Show us some vids of you kicking butt on the field, or at least some pics!


03-31-2004, 06:25 PM
Smart Farts makes a new "Turbocharger Efficiency Bolt Kit" that suposedly "promises to improve the Shocker's efficiency by 43%"

You should look into it. Wierd they didnt try and make that the first time around knowing full well how restricted it was.

03-31-2004, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by tyrion2323
Bah, don't listen to Squid. He trolls lots of posts.

Great marker though - hope you love it! Show us some vids of you kicking butt on the field, or at least some pics!

Jacob Ya, and you also spam hybrid crap whenever somebody is interested in a new marker :rolleyes:

03-31-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by FalconGuy016
Thanks guys,

whats the current best bolt kit? Is it the evolve one?

And, is there any way to tell my internal pressure from a preset tank?

i would say that you should wait a little longer till most of the gen 2 bolts come out and then choose

03-31-2004, 07:30 PM
I am doing what the guy above me said and I am waiting for all the bolt kits to come out. You made a good choice. Just dont mess with it to much and it should work fine.

03-31-2004, 08:24 PM
I'll be getting the Gen 2 Freeflow tomorrow and hopefully be able to post some info on it soon.

03-31-2004, 08:31 PM
u have a excellent gun on your hands. i tested one and loved it, and SP is just doing something called monopolizing the industry. it happens everywhere eventually.

03-31-2004, 08:39 PM
Can someone give me a link to the SP bolt for the shocker? Not the base but the new one.

03-31-2004, 08:51 PM
Check out www.Punisherspb.com. They have excellent preices and amazing service.

If your looking for the Evolve bolt then check out www.Compulsivepaintball.com

Som other news as well. i am a huge fan of the Powerlyte Scepter kit. I found out from Powerlyte that a Scepter kit will be released soon for the Shocker. Keep your eyes peeled in the near future.

03-31-2004, 10:01 PM
i second the www.punisherpb.com great store for shocker stuff

04-01-2004, 12:17 AM
wut can i say but.... i am so jealous.. o well. nice gun, my friend had one for a wile and he loved it, great gun and good luck

04-01-2004, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Ya, and you also spam hybrid crap whenever somebody is interested in a new marker :rolleyes:

Yeah, there's a big difference. Some guy says "hey check out my new marker," and you say "well, you shoulda gotten THIS..."

If someone asks for suggestions, I always answer the same way:

Hybrid Quest, Dragun TES, Evil Omen.

All three are great markers for great prices. I'm not spamming or trolling, just giving suggestions.

04-01-2004, 02:10 AM
I just have been using the aluminum stock bolt with dwell at 26 beeps(I think) and my input pressure from the tank at 600psi. I am not sure what my max flo is out putting. Last time I played I got 6 pods and about 80% of a hopper before it crapped out.

04-01-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
You think I need the viking to play well? Your now insulting my ability to play? Yup... I got no game, but every tourney we attend is paid for... thanks to, you guessed it, sponsors that we earned.

You think your better then everyone else because you have sponsors? I have several sponsors myself, so dont act like you are above me. Besides, you jumped in and started attacking him outright.

"For the same price you could have gotten a much better gun, and by a company whose reputation isnt found in a toilet "

Your exact words. You attacked him without cause. You said stupid things that didnt need to be said.

04-01-2004, 04:37 PM
Just like you are doing now? (I will support you till my banning squid:p)

04-01-2004, 05:18 PM
Hey guys can we call a cease fire to all the crap please? Does it really matter which marker you own and shoot? Lets give it a rest already. If someone chooses to make a derogatory comment regarding a particular marker then consider it for what it is and move on. Take the high road so we can keep these threads on topic and not fill them with useless crap.

04-01-2004, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by ~WarpedRT#2~

You think your better then everyone else because you have sponsors? I have several sponsors myself, so dont act like you are above me. Besides, you jumped in and started attacking him outright.

"For the same price you could have gotten a much better gun, and by a company whose reputation isnt found in a toilet "

Your exact words. You attacked him without cause. You said stupid things that didnt need to be said. So you have misconstrued what I said to the point you think I said im better than you? I NEVER said im better than you, or even INSINUATED that I was better than you.

You called me a noob, and I Was just clarifying that im NOT a noob.

I never attacked ANYONE outright. I said he coulda done better for the money, that was ALL, and people fealt that had to insult me for it... fine by me, I lack respect for smart parts supporters anyways, so could pretty much care less what you think of me. Key word, SUPPORTERS, not owners. There IS a difference, so dont use that as more ammo to make stuff up with.

I see you quoted my first post... clap clap. I said he coulda done better for the money, which he could have, and who is to say smart parts reputation isnt in the toilet? WHERE in that did I attack FALCONGUY? I attacked NOBODY but smart parts, and I will do so when I feel it is necessary. I chimed in my $0.02, without flaming HIM.

So what, now if your going to post it HAS to be positive?

As for Tyrion... NO, you havent. I remember very well seeing somebody post that they were buying a certain gun, then you tried pushing them into getting some hybrid thing. I see you spam ALL the time. There is a difference between making recommendations, and spamming. You even tell them to contact you if they are interested. Sounds like spam to me.

I also never said he should have gotten [insert gun here]. I said something, ANYTHING else. I never made any recommendation. You guys have putting words in my mouth this WHOLE Time, and its really lame.

04-01-2004, 05:27 PM


sp haters: shush!
sp supporters: shush!
flamers: shush!

just, stop it guys. please.

We've all kicked this horse up and down the street for the past several months. Try to emulate the people on this board you would invite to dinner.

People, your reputation and behavior online can follow you into the real world. At AO events, when you wear your AO jersey, when you post on other sites; people notice.

I, for one, am getting tired of the rude, immature behavior that pops up anytime sp comes up. Should just stop looking at threads, but all this poop has jumped this thread to the top in like an hour!

End Rant.


04-01-2004, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by SCpoloRicker


sp haters: shush!
sp supporters: shush!
flamers: shush!

just, stop it guys. please.

We've all kicked this horse up and down the street for the past several months. Try to emulate the people on this board you would invite to dinner.

People, your reputation and behavior online can follow you into the real world. At AO events, when you wear your AO jersey, when you post on other sites; people notice.

I, for one, am getting tired of the rude, immature behavior that pops up anytime sp comes up. Should just stop looking at threads, but all this poop has jumped this thread to the top in like an hour!

End Rant.

Ricker I was actually just thinking that, but then again, when somebody insults me I feel I have every right to defend myself. Of course what is said on here can directly reflect feelings for another person in real life, but how is having a disagreement on this board different than with somebody in real life? You cant get along with everyone, and if he wants to have a problem with me, because I dont like smart parts, I dont mind one bit. Ive got plenty of friends as it is.

04-01-2004, 05:38 PM
true, not everyone is going to get along. However, on a board like AO, which I consider friendlier and more personal than almost anywhere else, flaming, insults and "defending yourself" should not overide how you behave.

BTW, I reposted my last comment, with some ideas. I'd appreciate you giving it a look.



04-01-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by SCpoloRicker
true, not everyone is going to get along. However, on a board like AO, which I consider friendlier and more personal than almost anywhere else, flaming, insults and "defending yourself" should not overide how you behave.

BTW, I reposted my last comment, with some ideas. I'd appreciate you giving it a look.


Ricker It all makes sense, but I think I certainly handled myself better than others, who decided that insults work. I have people on AO I like, and people on AO I dont like, but most people that I dont like chose that themselves. Not my problem.

04-01-2004, 05:47 PM
Instead of arguing why don't yall go outside? I liked this thread.

04-01-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by cdawg
Instead of arguing why don't yall go outside? I liked this thread.

CD where the heck do you play in houston? I will be at ultimate on sunday if your game. Hint: I will be one of the two guys using mags.

Back on topic:
Does the "Ultimate" Shocker package have a vert reg and the full max flow?

04-01-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

CD where the heck do you play in houston? I will be at ultimate on sunday if your game. Hint: I will be one of the two guys using mags.

Back on topic:
Does the "Ultimate" Shocker package have a vert reg and the full max flow? Im pretty sure it wouldnt need two maxflows if it came with the adjustable tank. Sounds about right?

04-01-2004, 07:40 PM
gtrsi - I play at Tanks on occasion... I actually live in Beaumont and usually play at the field in my backyard... www.cabdj.com/paintball/ I might be coming to H-town sometime soon tho. I used to shoot a mag, but now I shoot a Shocker. Maybe with this new trigger it will change...

04-01-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Im pretty sure it wouldnt need two maxflows if it came with the adjustable tank. Sounds about right?

single reggig isnt a good idea....

you ever want to play give me a holla'

04-01-2004, 11:51 PM
gtrsi - I shall.

04-02-2004, 01:56 AM
Even if anyone downright hates the 03 shocker, they must admit that it is one of the few guns out that does not feel like you are carrying a cinder block and it is very easy to hold a fast ROF with one even if you are not the best on the trigger.

04-02-2004, 08:39 AM

A guy at a local shop said that he was only getting about 600 rounds off with a 68/45. How does your's handle in the efficiency department?

04-02-2004, 08:41 AM
600 seems low
probably needs some fine tuning

usualy around 800-900 with stock bolt

04-02-2004, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
Even if anyone downright hates the 03 shocker, they must admit that it is one of the few guns out that does not feel like you are carrying a cinder block and it is very easy to hold a fast ROF with one even if you are not the best on the trigger. Yes, they are light... BUT, I have shot one and the speed is nowhere comparable to that of a timmy, viking, emag with new software, or matrix. They also chop a lot. But then again im gonna get a lot of 03 shocker owners saying the opossite of all that, so whatever. I can truthfully say, set smart parts aside COMPLETELY, and I still wouldnt recommend the 03 shocker, because in that price range I just think there are better guns.

04-02-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
Even if anyone downright hates the 03 shocker, they must admit that it is one of the few guns out that does not feel like you are carrying a cinder block and it is very easy to hold a fast ROF with one even if you are not the best on the trigger. AGREED!!! I can't walk (the trigger) worth crap, and even with just one finger I was able to unload pretty darn fast... getting used to the thing after a while must be amazing!!! :) And your other point is correct too... a full HALO is heavier than the 03 shocker, easily... this thing is DAMN light!!

04-02-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by ThisIsTheLongestUserName.
Dang, wish I had as much money as you to waste.

Ya know, this kind of pisses me off how rude some of the responses on here are to his purchase of a shocker. He got a new gun, and hes happy with it, so give the guy a pat on the back and a congratulations, don't sit there and knock him and question how he spends his own money.

Congrats on the new marker dude, I'm sure you'll love it. Take good care of it and it will treat you as good as any other gun.

04-02-2004, 04:37 PM
No more trolling or I will ban. Squid, I'd suggest that you avoid this thread.

04-03-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by fire1811
600 seems low
probably needs some fine tuning

usualy around 800-900 with stock bolt

Cool, thanks man!

Even knowing nothing about 03 Shockers, that did seem pretty low. Thanks again!:)

04-03-2004, 08:19 AM
no prob

04-03-2004, 08:51 AM

nice gun falcon... i see that you and your team FINALLY got what you guys were nagging about for months :p