View Full Version : Try this in my yard and get shot!!!!!

03-29-2004, 05:10 PM
This country is going to crap!

Read this link! (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,115524,00.html)

These protestors went to his private residence, banged on his doors and windows in an attempt to intimidate Karl Rove. Tresspass in my yard and try to frighten my kids and all you are going to get is buckshot up your arse!

This DREAM thing is aweful. They want us to reward ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who successfully hide here for 5 years and finish High School with legal status. If anything is going to destroy America it is crap like this from within.

We are no longer a melting pot. People don't come here and join our nation anymore, they come here to make money and set up shop. They don't assimilate anymore. This diversity is going to destroy America down the road. Someone needs to draw a line in the sand before it is too late!

03-29-2004, 05:13 PM
Hear, hear!

03-29-2004, 05:18 PM
Diversity is perversity.

03-29-2004, 05:18 PM
This story infuriates me! Just reading it these are people who advocate rewarding people who VIOLATE the laws of our country! To make our point, we will tresspass on private property to intimidate you into seeing things our way!

Maybe Rove shouldn't have called the DC police, but INS instead. Lock them up today and ship them home tomorrow.

It is time to start mass deportations. Screw Vincente Fox! Let him build his own economy instead of trying to get worker visas so his entire freaking country can come up here take our money back to his country. Mexico is more of a threat then Iraq to the long term survival of our nation!

Maybe when Sharon is done, we can ask him to come build a wall for us sealing off the Mexican Horde from the US.:mad:

03-29-2004, 05:22 PM
:mad: mexico is poopy

they take allt he good jobs, like picking fruit.

03-29-2004, 05:23 PM
If there was only a massive earthquake in mexico that would kill 2,000,000 mexicans and injure 1,000,000 more.

03-29-2004, 05:23 PM
Good god... Down here in alabama half of the people at my school don't even understand english much less speak it.. I'm think around the lines of The Great Wall Of America!!:p

03-29-2004, 05:24 PM
Yup, illigle immigrents should be deported, or imprisond for a while then deported. They shouldn't be rewarded for breaking the law. If I kill someone and hide out for five years does that make it alright?

03-29-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
This diversity is going to destroy America down the road. Someone needs to draw a line in the sand before it is too late!

what are you taking about it is already to late :(

03-29-2004, 05:25 PM
Sharon? How about China? They make great walls.

03-29-2004, 05:26 PM
What a crock of CRAP! Its already happening...get um' outta here! Forget giving them an education, make them pay their BACK Taxes for as long as they have been here. And then send them back where they came from if they dont want to do it the way the law was designed. I am SICK of paying for programs for the "Unfortunate" and poverty stricken! Get a job or get out! Pay your own way first...then pay some of mine like I have been doing for YOU for the last 40 yrs. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

03-29-2004, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by personman
If there was only a massive earthquake in mexico that would kill 2,000,000 mexicans and injure 1,000,000 more.

Hey I am proud of that joke!;)

03-29-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
Sharon? How about China? They make great walls.

Yeah, but the Israeli's use barbed wire and electric fences. If we fry a few trying to get in, maybe that will stem the tide of illegal immigration.

03-29-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Hey I am proud of that joke!;)
Oh,Dang I thought he was serious...:D

03-29-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Hey I am proud of that joke!;)
It was a good one too :p

03-29-2004, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
What a crock of CRAP! Its already happening...get um' outta here! Forget giving them an education, make them pay their BACK Taxes for as long as they have been here. And then send them back where they came from if they dont want to do it the way the law was designed. I am SICK of paying for programs for the "Unfortunate" and poverty stricken! Get a job or get out! Pay your own way first...then pay some of mine like I have been doing for YOU for the last 40 yrs. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hell yeah!:mad:
I've always hated illegal immigrants. I hate that they refuse to learn english, I hate that I pay their taxes, I hate that their kids are our schools.

There have been times back in highschool that I'd comment about this subject and from the corner would come a rebuke from a fat little mexican girl... "My moms an illegal immigrant... we were poor...yayaya..nurnurnur...you should be more tolerant..."

Start paying your taxes, and I'll be a little more tolerant:mad:

When I grow up, I want to work for the INS or the Border Patrol... That'd be great

03-29-2004, 05:37 PM
LOL yeah the border patrol i'd use those pepperball things but use it on sumthing like an x-mag stead of a pump timppmann...:D

03-29-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by TeamNausea
LOL yeah the border patrol i'd use those pepperball things but use it on sumthing like an x-mag stead of a pump timppmann...:D

Oh, HELL Yeah!

I'd be bunkerin fools left and right! Bonus ballin and everything I cant get away with in tournies...:mad: :p

Thats where TK's warpfeed backpack will comein handy...

03-29-2004, 05:42 PM
Maybe I'd "accidently" freeze a case of marbs and use those instead..Of course the report would say it was all an accident..:cool:

03-29-2004, 05:48 PM
I might "accidently" confuse my peper-ball gun with a big rifle, every day.
Why blind them with pepper balls? THen we get to pay there medical bills. Just shoot them, high voltage razor wire fence, armed border guards. You want in, do it legally or die :)

Actually the ones who made it we could let stay, because they will be the smart ones :)

03-29-2004, 05:51 PM
Well actualy that sound like it just might work... NICE LOL

03-29-2004, 05:52 PM
But no they would be to smart and try to take us over. But howto get the ones in now out?...

Mikey B
03-29-2004, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
Sharon? How about China? They make great walls.

But then the damn Mongolians will come and tear it down... :)

03-29-2004, 05:59 PM
Yes but this time they would need lots of boats and could be destroyed b4 they could.

03-29-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Mikey B

But then the damn Mongolians will come and tear it down... :)
We can dump sweet and sour pork on them :)

03-29-2004, 06:11 PM
Goofiness aside, it is high time we start holding our leaders accountable to enforce the laws of this nation. I am completely fed up with this selective enforcement. Illegal aliens are just that. Round them up and throw them out. Make them stay in jail while awaiting their hearings. Why should they be allowed to roam free here while awaiting a hearing.

Do it the right way. Immigrate legally or get the hell out!!!

03-29-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Goofiness aside, it is high time we start holding our leaders accountable to enforce the laws of this nation. I am completely fed up with this selective enforcement. Illegal aliens are just that. Round them up and throw them out. Make them stay in jail while awaiting their hearings. Why should they be allowed to roam free here while awaiting a hearing.

Do it the right way. Immigrate legally or get the hell out!!!


Target Practice
03-29-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Do it the right way. Immigrate legally or get the hell out!!!


Why, oh why, can't people protest on my lawn for once? I can see it now..."Your Honor, I feared for my life, and the lives of my family members."

Ah, probably only be able to get a few before they dispersed anyway...:D.

03-29-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Kai



1DE falls over dead of a heart attack....

;) :p

03-29-2004, 06:59 PM
I personally think the should all be detained for ethnic intimidation... I mean how would you feel if you were Karl Rove alone in your house and surrounded my people who hated you.

I know my reaction would assure Bush of the NRA vote in the coming election. And think of it this way, these people hate you enough to demonstrate against you, they would have voted against you too (at least the legal ones)... I say he missed a great chance. Someone needs to talk to that boy about the proper use of deadly force.

03-29-2004, 07:14 PM
Ive agreed with this statement since I was in grade school, I always got yelled at and looked down upon for such thoughts, as well as my thoughts on some medical things involveing prolonging of life unessarily and the sort... why over populate the country/ world? bah... heck whats roung with suiside even, I say if they want gone, let them kill them selfs off... more air for me...

further more, the language thing... I think if someone is caught unable to properly speak english in some manner, be it writing, speaking atleast the basics, etc, whatever is needed to communicate with others on atleast a gradeschool level.... they need some deporting... Its REALLY friggin annoying to see everything in 2 languages, or hearing fluent spanish/mexican being spoken in the halls and in public... or someone comeing up to ask something in spanish...WTFs with that? Im not gonna bust my brain to try to figure out what your saying AND help you, just because you havnt taken the time to learn the language of the country youve chosen to occupy...

Dont get me started on the subject...but yes, I would be doing some serious crowd control of my own if these mexicans marched on my lawn like that...

as too boarder controll... I think some good ole fasion tripple walled defence boarders would do the trick... 2 25 ft walls w/razor wire and the inner walls with spikes jutting out with sharp upper edges... a 10 ft middle wall, electrified for good measure...mabey a few shallow trenches with some gators and posionious snakes too just to see what happens...

03-29-2004, 07:14 PM
I grew up on the US/Mexico border, am a hispanic and my family is at least 4-5 generations of Americans on both sides (haven't gone back farther) and I totally agree with you all on sending the illegal back to Mexico or wherever they came from. This whole diversity talk is just pure BS. I love America for what it is, although that is beginning to change in the name of diversity and tolerance. If you want to live here you need to be able to adapt. If I went to Russia to live there, I do not expect all the other Ruskies to learn English and be aware of what cultural differences we have between us. Why? BECAUSE I'M IN FRIGGIN' RUSSIA. It just reminds me of that executive that gave that speech on 'How to destroy America'. It's absolutly true.

On a side note on deportation, I heard yesterday from somewhere that what we should do is when we roundup the illegals that we find, get their info on where they are from and put then on the farthest point of entry from their hometown. This way they get discouraged and fell a deep sense of separation when they have to make the long trek back home. That is if they don't try to get back in immediately. Of course the only problem is that this would probably cost a pretty penny.

03-29-2004, 07:16 PM
I think everyone on AO agrees on this immigration thing. Lets go protest against immigration on these pro immigration peoples lawns :)

03-29-2004, 07:21 PM
i say bring back my "illegal immigrants" thread...too bad it was closed.

03-29-2004, 07:36 PM
Luckily I live in western new york but im getting fed up with all these god damn russians getting special treatment in my classes.- I mean this one russian has been living here 10years!!!! and they allow him to get away with not doing his homework - and if I voice my honest to god opinion, which I have a visit with the principle. If I lived anywhere near mexico I would sit up in my window with my .300 Winchester and practice some "nationaldefence". Damn Im sick of some of these american policies.

03-29-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by Cryer

When I grow up, I want to work for the INS or the Border Patrol... That'd be great

Start working hard in school and get a good degree in college and do so. The Boarder Patrol needs people. Though you need to be compassionate but firm. Don't let them cross, but don't be a trigger happy jerk. You don't always know who's packing a gun.

03-29-2004, 07:55 PM
But I want to be a trigger happy jerk.

03-29-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by ThisIsTheLongestUserName. If I lived anywhere near mexico I would sit up in my window with my .300 Winchester and practice some "national defense". Damn Im sick of some of these american policies.

I like the way you think! Let's start up a fund drive to buy homes along the border and then support them with sniper training classes!:p

03-29-2004, 07:58 PM
I'm still down with the charging $50 an hour to hand people a rifle and drive them around the border immigrant hunting.

03-29-2004, 08:07 PM
Those in Cali don't want Illegal's to disappear. That would mean they'd have to actually pay someone to pick fruit, vegetables etc. I for one would like to see them Immigrate or get sent back. THey should have a 2 deportion law. After the 2nd one they get hung on the border.

03-29-2004, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
Diversity is perversity.

Savage owns.

03-29-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
I'm still down with the charging $50 an hour to hand people a rifle and drive them around the border immigrant hunting.

Do you take paypal?

03-29-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye


1DE falls over dead of a heart attack....

;) :p

Natural causes, I swear.


03-29-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by WenULiVeUdiE
Sharon? How about China? They make great walls.

But then those damn Mongorians will come and tear down our cheety warr! :D

(South Park, lol)

03-29-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by teufelhunden

Savage owns.


03-29-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
I'm still down with the charging $50 an hour to hand people a rifle and drive them around the border immigrant hunting.

Best idea yet!! :D

03-29-2004, 09:42 PM
Its called a Armalite .50, just get about 3000 snipers and lets keep them on their side of the border. Oh and 10,000 jeeps, 1000 Apaches, 1000 M1 tanks, etc. Or maybe if we build a bunch of deer stands across the border and lease them out to people we can make it legal to shoot illegal immigrants.

03-29-2004, 09:44 PM
But what if so many come snipers arent fast enuff and they flood the deer stands and start sniping into america?

03-29-2004, 09:50 PM
We'll have tactical nuclear weapons on standby.

03-29-2004, 09:52 PM
Ahh there we go now it's fool proof.

03-29-2004, 09:53 PM
Or we could just let them snipe and in big letters all over the cities post "HURRY GET OUT OF TOWN" and say it in english all over town and such... Then they'd be killing themsleves!

03-29-2004, 09:58 PM

03-29-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by painTech
:mad: mexico is poopy

they take allt he good jobs, like picking fruit.

Ok Mr. Lynch.

03-29-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
Those in Cali don't want Illegal's to disappear. That would mean they'd have to actually pay someone to pick fruit, vegetables etc. I for one would like to see them Immigrate or get sent back.

Unfortuately that is true, but think about this. When I have gone on vacation to Las Vegas, in every restaurant we ate at I noticed the the waiters/waitresses were usually white or black but the bus boys that clean the tables afterwards were ALWAYS of the Latino persuation (Red vs Blue reference). Same thing in Denver, Washinton DC, New York City and just about every other place that I've been to on vacation. Sadly, regular American workers will normally refuse to do these jobs but that is still no excuse to allow illegal immigrants into our country.

03-29-2004, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by CodeMA

further more, the language thing... I think if someone is caught unable to properly speak english in some manner, be it writing, speaking atleast the basics, etc, whatever is needed to communicate with others on atleast a gradeschool level.... they need some deporting...

yeah, half the AO membership would be deported....


03-30-2004, 06:37 AM
I agree with a good many things Bush does, but NOT his stance on Immigration. The “American Dream” should be for AMERICANS! If you want it, become an American, legally. What gets my goat is that the “American Dream” is more easily acquired by those who were not BORN here, or are here illegally.

And when you come to America, learn the damn language and USE it. As someone else pointed out, the US used to be a melting pot, but it has now become a place where you didn’t have to BECOME an American, you can stay whatever you came as but LIVE in America. And America will make accommodations FOR you. I find it disgraceful that our country bends over backward to allow people to NOT learn and make English their language, to include having whole communities where the signs and other things are in languages OTHER than English.

It is one thing keeping in touch with your heritage and culture… but it is another to forget that by becoming an American you are now a part of ANOTHER. And that was YOUR choice. Immigrants used to be proud of this and their new identity.

The funny thing is that I just had this same conversation with my father-in-law a couple days ago, as well as other topics discussed here on AO, such as Gay marriage and more (wonders how long mentioning “gay marriage” will take before the thread gets hijacked in that direction ;) ).

03-30-2004, 08:36 AM
Gosh, I hate the gay marriage thing, I mean marriage is a union between a man and a woman. How can these...;) :D

03-30-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious

yeah, half the AO membership would be deported....


What you talkin' bout J Dub?

Where we gonna send the ebonics speakers?


03-30-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious

yeah, half the AO membership would be deported....


Beat me to it....:p

03-30-2004, 10:48 AM
I was gonna say "send'em to Africa" but I figured that'd come off racist.

What really pisses me off though is that my best friend and his family moved here from England (but lived in India before that) and if his dad loses his job he'll get deported. They all deserve to be legal citizens but it's taking freaking forever to get all that done. So these good folks, who are upstanding members of our community, live in a nice house and are basically living the American dream, could be so easily deported when I know 3 or 4 families of illegal aliens living off wellfare and sending checks every month to help pay for MORE of their family members to come over. Hell just last week one of their grandparents came over the border. I like these people but they aren't legal citizens and should therefore be kicked the hell out. One of the families does work their asses off and I support them getting citizenship but the other 2 don't, they life off welfare and do odd jobs at construction sites and mowing lawns.

03-30-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by shartley
I agree with a good many things Bush does, but NOT his stance on Immigration. The “American Dream” should be for AMERICANS! If you want it, become an American, legally. What gets my goat is that the “American Dream” is more easily acquired by those who were not BORN here, or are here illegally.

AMEN!! Do it right or be gone!!!!

And when you come to America, learn the damn language and USE it. As someone else pointed out, the US used to be a melting pot, but it has now become a place where you didn’t have to BECOME an American, you can stay whatever you came as but LIVE in America. And America will make accommodations FOR you. I find it disgraceful that our country bends over backward to allow people to NOT learn and make English their language, to include having whole communities where the signs and other things are in languages OTHER than English.

Learn it or leave! You can only bend over backwards so far for someone before you are laying on your back and they are walking all over you.

It is one thing keeping in touch with your heritage and culture… but it is another to forget that by becoming an American you are now a part of ANOTHER. And that was YOUR choice. Immigrants used to be proud of this and their new identity.

Preach on!! Again I say amen!

The funny thing is that I just had this same conversation with my father-in-law a couple days ago, as well as other topics discussed here on AO, such as Gay marriage and more (wonders how long mentioning “gay marriage” will take before the thread gets hijacked in that direction ;) ).


03-30-2004, 04:32 PM
What really gets me is in this area they are taking over. Up in Marengo (mchenry county) the schools all teach the white kids spanish, but dont teach the mexicans english. They are causing accidents, killing people, and nothing happens to them. They have no insurance, cant read road signs, and are usually drunk. WTF is going on here in this county? Everyone wants everything for nothing. I cant wait until i graduate college, i am either going to become a border patrol or...something else. I have a friend who was nearly hijacked in texas, by mexicans. They will set up a roadblock, like an old couch, and when you get out to move it, they jump and kill you, stealing everything you have and using their car to get somewhere they can get a job. They can live off of credit cards until the card company finds out, and get anywhere in the country. Do we hear about it on the news? No. We hear about the "poor mexicans", and the "poor" every other minority. Back to my story, he got out of his truck to move the couch, when he stopped to think about what he was doing. He reached back in the truck and grabbed his shotgun hanging on the back window rack. Fired one warning shot into the air, and as he did about 5 mexicans stood up from their hiding places. He pointed at the couch, and got back in the truck. They moved the couch and let him pass.

03-30-2004, 04:50 PM
He's a very lucky person!:eek:

03-30-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by joez
. I have a friend who was nearly hijacked in texas, by mexicans. They will set up a roadblock, like an old couch, and when you get out to move it, they jump and kill you, stealing everything you have and using their car to get somewhere they can get a job. They can live off of credit cards until the card company finds out, and get anywhere in the country. Do we hear about it on the news? No. We hear about the "poor mexicans", and the "poor" every other minority. Back to my story, he got out of his truck to move the couch, when he stopped to think about what he was doing. He reached back in the truck and grabbed his shotgun hanging on the back window rack. Fired one warning shot into the air, and as he did about 5 mexicans stood up from their hiding places. He pointed at the couch, and got back in the truck. They moved the couch and let him pass.

The only thing I would have done differently was shot the bastards dead after they moved the couch to protect the next poor American driving down that road!

03-30-2004, 05:04 PM
True dat!

03-30-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

The only thing I would have done differently was shot the bastards dead after they moved the couch to protect the next poor American driving down that road!

I wouldn't have done that, its illigle. I would have "accidently" run off the road into the bush they were hiding as a result of the couch being there :)
Also reminds me of a time when a bunch of spanish guys started threatening me and a few friends, we just got in the car and tried to leave. A few of them stood infront of the exit though while the others jumped on the car tried to get in, threw bottles and such I just said **** it and headed for the exit at like 40 and played chicken. I won, the guy jumped out of the way at the last secont.

03-30-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by PyRo

I wouldn't have done that, its illigle. I would have "accidently" run off the road into the bush they were hiding as a result of the couch being there :)

It's only illegal if you get caught or they survive to testify. Shoot them, pick up the shell casings and leave them in the desert, how they gonna catch you? Better yet, who is going to care?

Or shoot them all and claim self defense. 5 on 1 is pretty easy to prove self defense on!

Better yet, shoot and kill them, then drag them behind the bushes for the scavengers to eat. No bodies, no crime!:D

03-30-2004, 05:26 PM
Yeah but they would still get you on having the loaded gun in the cab.

03-30-2004, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

It's only illegal if you get caught or they survive to testify. Shoot them, pick up the shell casings and leave them in the desert, how they gonna catch you? Better yet, who is going to care?

Or shoot them all and claim self defense. 5 on 1 is pretty easy to prove self defense on!

Better yet, shoot and kill them, then drag them behind the bushes for the scavengers to eat. No bodies, no crime!:D
I love your mind. :)

03-30-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by PyRo
Yeah but they would still get you on having the loaded gun in the cab.

Not in Texas!;)

Isn't it illegal to drive down there without a loaded firearm in your vehicle?:eek:


03-30-2004, 06:37 PM
During the summer I always have a pistol in the console and when I'm at school there's a knife well hidden. Can't have a gun on school grounds even if it is hidden I don't feel right, so I just keep a knife... somewhere :D

03-30-2004, 07:26 PM
May I remind you all that there's NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE U.S.A! If these people want to come here to do the jobs no American is willing to do, let them for all I care. These Mexican immigrants are building your restaurants, malls, and supermarkets, and most are unfairly taken advantage of by their employers. I'm by no means saying them coming here illegally is right, but they come here because they'd rather be here getting less than minimum wage than in Mexico where they're subject to crime and homelessness.

Much of what has been said in this post makes me realize still how real prejudice is out there today. I'm Mexican american myself, and what some of you have said is apalling. I'm born and raised in the USA, and so have my parents, and my grandparents and so on. I'm sure all your ancestors didn't arrive here off the boats speaking perfect enlish or knowing their place in society, but they came here to work much like many Mexicans. I'm by no means condoning them coming here illegally or much less the bill, which I think is wrong for the fact that so many others do it legally the right way. Yet these people come here to do much of the dirty work in this country, working long, hard hours for very little pay in hopes that their children may achieve citizenship and realize the "American dream."

And if you don't like the bill, well this coming election vote John Kerry. After all, Bush is the one who supports the bill, looking for votes from ethnic minorities out there.

03-30-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by TigerMan
May I remind you all that there's NO OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF THE U.S.A! If these people want to come here to do the jobs no American is willing to do, let them for all I care. These Mexican immigrants are building your restaurants, malls, and supermarkets, and most are unfairly taken advantage of by their employers. I'm by no means saying them coming here illegally is right, but they come here because they'd rather be here getting less than minimum wage than in Mexico where they're subject to crime and homelessness.

Sounds like a problem Mexica and Vincente Fox should solve, eh? Instead of relying on us to solve it. They have NO RIGHT TO BE HERE!!! They are breaking the law!!!!!

Much of what has been said in this post makes me realize still how real prejudice is out there today. I'm Mexican american myself, and what some of you have said is apalling. I'm born and raised in the USA, and so have my parents, and my grandparents and so on. I'm sure all your ancestors didn't arrive here off the boats speaking perfect enlish or knowing their place in society, but they came here to work much like many Mexicans. I'm by no means condoning them coming here illegally or much less the bill, which I think is wrong for the fact that so many others do it legally the right way. Yet these people come here to do much of the dirty work in this country, working long, hard hours for very little pay in hopes that their children may achieve citizenship and realize the "American dream."

That's right, play the race card! :rolleyes:

I have no problem with Mexican Americans. You are a citizen so that is fine and dandy. I have a problem with the Balkanization of our country. My great grandparents came over from Italy and couldn't speak a word of English. Did anyone bend over backwards to help them? No, they learned English and melted into America. If you want to just come here to make money, get out. If you want to become a citizen, then do it the right way!!!!!

I don't care about their dreams to be frank. If I had my druthers ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS, whether Mexican, Hatian, Cuban, Polish, Chinese, Italian or Martian would all be arrested. Then imprisoned and deported NEVER allowed to return to this country EVER!!!

"Give us you poor...." is fine, but let them come here legally like my ancestors did. Why should the law not apply to them? I submit that you are the racist as you feel that the law should not apply to them since they are mexicans and they have "Dreams"!

You don't understand the point of this thread! The law is the law! People should not be allowed to flout it at their will. These pieces of crap that tresspassed on private property should have been arrested and locked up. Illegal immigrants are just that: ILLEGAL!! I want all illegals out! Do not reward people for breaking the law and successfully escaping capture. THROW ALL OF THEM OUT!!!

And if you don't like the bill, well this coming election vote John Kerry. After all, Bush is the one who supports the bill, looking for votes from ethnic minorities out there.

No he doesn't. That is why the protestors were trying to intimidate Karl Rove. I disagree with Bush's attempt at temporary workers visa's, but Kerry terrifies me. I don't know if we will have any borders left if he gets in.

03-30-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
I submit that you are the racist as you feel that the law should not apply to them since they are mexicans and they have "Dreams"!

I'm by no means saying what they're doing is right, I'm just saying these people aren't savages or animals like many in this thread would have you believe. They're human beings, just like you and me. I don't condone them coming here illegally, but they're already here and contributing to our society in ways others are not willingly doing. If they're willing to do the work others will not, I say let them in this country. They are working for amounts many would not consider, and they work hard and are not lazy from what I've seen. Their children get educated because of US standards for all children (forget what it is called), but basically all of them do not get to go to college due to them having to pay out of state tuition for wherever it may be. And it does take time for their enlgish to develop. I will admit, I don't like the whole Spanish speaking thing myself. But it isn't going to change overnight, so I try and be tolerable of it.

03-30-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by TigerMan

I'm by no means saying what they're doing is right, I'm just saying these people aren't savages or animals like many in this thread would have you believe. They're human beings, just like you and me.

So are the Chinese and Haitian illegals. Should they be allowed to stay?

I don't condone them coming here illegally, but they're already here and contributing to our society in ways others are not willingly doing. If they're willing to do the work others will not, I say let them in this country.
You don't condone it, but you just did!

They are working for amounts many would not consider, and they work hard and are not lazy from what I've seen. Their children get educated because of US standards for all children (forget what it is called), but basically all of them do not get to go to college due to them having to pay out of state tuition for wherever it may be.

So they don't pay taxes and take advantage of our education system. Guess what I don't pay tons of money in property taxes for my school system to spend my money on people who are drains on our society!

My parents paid for my college degree, not the government. Why should I pay for some illegal to get a degree!

You are missing the point. These people are here illegally. They have no right to be in the USA. They are leeching off of our society. Every illegal in school is that much money not spent on a citizen or that much more in taxes that need to be raised to educate them. We spend over $8k per kid in our district. I'll be damned if a penny of it goes to an illegal.

Tell me why they are entitled to stay here. Tell me why they deserve to take from our society without paying into it. Tell me why they should be allowed to stay and other illegals booted out.

And it does take time for their enlgish to develop. I will admit, I don't like the whole Spanish speaking thing myself. But it isn't going to change overnight, so I try and be tolerable of it.

Tough! It is called immersion.Why should they bother to learn English if everyone has to let them do everything in Spanish. I have an Uncle who is 1st gen off the boat from Italy. He spoke no English until he came here. He still speaks with a heavy accent, but he speaks English.

Again, you can only bend over backwards to help someone so far before you are lying on your back and they are walking all over you! Time to draw that line and build that fence!

03-30-2004, 08:33 PM
Native Americans had bad immigration laws.

I think I saw that on a bumper sticker once.


03-30-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Native Americans had bad immigration laws.

I think I saw that on a bumper sticker once.



See we need to learn from them, so the illegals don't put us citizens on reservations. It would take us 150 years to figure out we can get even by opening casinos and taking money from the illegals!!:p

03-30-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife
Diversity is perversity.

and you must love racism

03-30-2004, 09:39 PM
Lets see, just about all my family on my mothers side came from England way back in the day, one of them even has there name on the declaration of independence, so half my family came over speaking perfect english :).
On my fathers side, most people didn't come over speaking english, but he has told me so many stories about differant relatives its hard to keep them all straight, a German boat captain in there somewhere, a Hessian, while at the same time someone was a general on the american side, a slave, as well as some people from Whales (I think thats how its spelled), Finaland, and other places. Basically I have no idea what to make of my heritage on my fathers side :)
Guess what though, everyone came here legally. Well I guess the German mercinary may be debateable.

And yup, i'm racist, I dislike illigle immigrants. I'm fine with the legal ones though.

03-30-2004, 10:23 PM
Deadeye I love you btw. Your argument uses the correct facts where as mine are just asking if the rifle hunting thing took paypal..:D ;)

03-30-2004, 10:27 PM
Some American History X quotes I think apply.

"DEREK VINYARD:Millions of white Europeans came to this country and flourished within a generation! A generation! So what the f*^% is wrong with these people?! "

"DEREK VINYARD: Alright listen up! We need to open our eyes. There is over two millions illegal immigrants bedding down in the state tonight. The state spent three billions dollars last year on services for those people who had no right to be here in the first place. Three billions dollars. 400 millions dollars just to lock up a bunch of illegal immigrant criminals who only got in this country because the f@$%ing INS decided it's not worth the effort to scream for convicted felons."

"DEREK VINYARD:On the Statue of Liberty it says: "Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor." Well, it's Americans who are tired and hungry and poor. And I say, until you take care of that, close the f*^*ing book. 'Cause we're losing. We're losing our rights to pursue our destiny. We're losing our freedom. So that a bunch of f$#@ing foreigners can come in here and exploit our country. And this isn't something that's going on far away. This isn't something that's happening places we can't do anything about it. It's happening right here, right in our neighborhood, right in that building behind you."

Last one is my favorite.

03-30-2004, 10:31 PM

03-30-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Brak

and you must love racism

Yeah about as much as I love 16 year old punk liberals who think they're smart.

Get a clue, child.

03-31-2004, 12:02 AM
I guess i'm not insulted since i'm 18 :)

03-31-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by PyRo
I guess i'm not insulted since i'm 18 :)

Someone posts some asinine horsecrap, I'll call it like it is.

That's why AO loves me.

03-31-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife

Someone posts some asinine horsecrap, I'll call it like it is.

That's why AO loves me.

Not as much as me :)

03-31-2004, 12:58 AM
I don't really care much for this illegal immigration stuff and I am really at middle ground.

BUT, being told/forced to accept American society and language? Why? Lets set-up a scenario:

Your 35 years old, and have a job working in the fields/construction. You have 2-5 kids that need to be schooled and fed. And lets say that you just arrived in the states and are legally here. So you have taxes, your wife, kids, and a job to worry about. And lets not forget what 10 hours or more of physical labor can do to you. When and how are you going to afford the time and money to learn English. And why? As long as you have a basic grasp, its all you need. You can't just go up to some guy and say "Hey you, since your from such and such country, and you don't know much English, go spend some many hours studying." It just doesn't work that well.

And socially? Sorry to break it to you, but our country doesn't exactly have the best ideals. Since we a humans, not just as Americans, believe in freedom and human rights, why should we force or condemn others that they live in a so and so community and speak what not language.

Intergration? I'm sorry its not going to happen now or anytime soon. Asians will hang out with asians, Muslims with Muslims, and Mexicans with Mexicans. Thats a thing that cannot be easily destroyed. And since their primary language isn't English, of course their going to speak and live in a community based around their native country.

You don't have to speak English or accept American society to be a "good" American. As long as their here legally, or add to the community(that may be legally or illegally), then I don't see why we should impose these ideals on them.

I see more foreigners waving American flags than whites Americans. These people are THANKFUL for the chance to live and work here.

And believe me, immigration is a tough cookie to pass. My cousins have been trying for 5+ years for a visa to visit the states. To VISIT the states. Many of my aunt's and uncle's were illegal immigrants. Some of them have gained a bit of English, but many of them can't speak even after taking lessons. Believe you me, its not easy for them to learn.

P.S.: No, I have not read anything anyone else wrote. Its midnight and I'm sleepy. Back-up stores of caffeine are keeping me up.

03-31-2004, 05:20 AM
That was the moral of American History X :rolleyes:

ubooze has a pretty good scenario.

Are they taking your jobs? Are they protesting your door? Will they ever? No. so **** it.

03-31-2004, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by ubooze

. As long as their here legally, or add to the community(that may be legally or illegally), then I don't see why we should impose these ideals on them.

Yeh... I don't know why we should expect those coming to this country to obey our laws...

03-31-2004, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
So they don't pay taxes and take advantage of our education system. Guess what I don't pay tons of money in property taxes for my school system to spend my money on people who are drains on our society!

My parents paid for my college degree, not the government. Why should I pay for some illegal to get a degree!

You are missing the point. These people are here illegally. They have no right to be in the USA. They are leeching off of our society. Every illegal in school is that much money not spent on a citizen or that much more in taxes that need to be raised to educate them. We spend over $8k per kid in our district. I'll be damned if a penny of it goes to an illegal.

Tell me why they are entitled to stay here. Tell me why they deserve to take from our society without paying into it. Tell me why they should be allowed to stay and other illegals booted out.

If it is taxes your worried about, why not complain about the hundreds of thousands we spend on prisoners? We pay for them to have 3 meals a day, a cozy space, and other things, and it costs very much for that all. Why not complain to overweight people? Their health conditions is giving many higher prices for health insurance and driving up the price of many medical expenses.

The kids of illegals should receive education because in all reality it most likely wasn't there choice to leave in the first place. And college degree? Probably 1 in 100 illegal immigrants children is able to even get a community college degree because wherever they live, even for in state schools, they have to pay out of state tuition. It's basically high school for them and that's it.

03-31-2004, 08:42 AM
They shouldn't be allowed in school if there parents arn't paying the tax for it like everyone else. Why should they get a free education because they're illigle?

Whoever made that we shouldn't force anyone to do anything argument. Why do we have jails then? I bet most people don't want to be in jail. There are also a few people I don't like, may I go out and kill them because we live in a free country?

My female doging about the prison system you will find in a differant thread.

03-31-2004, 09:09 AM
I don't think you get the point. Of course civil laws ought to be enforced, thats a no-brainer. So that would mean cracking down on those illegals. BUT taelling the guy he has to learn English and live like an American and buy American and celebrate American isn't right.

I wonder how many of you download music, games, programs, and files? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? Have you done underaged drinking or smoking? Possibly weed? Is everthing YOU do legal? No. I am sorry to say your as bad as those people who struggle to survive. You too detract from the nation. I am not implying EVERYONE here but many do. I know I do and I accept that fact. I am as bad as those immigrants.

I for one would much rather pay for the education of a immigrant who MAY actually learn something and becomes a recieves leagl status than pay for the education of some of the white trash in my local schools. You cry that your paying for the immigrant's education, I don't think some of the kids in school now are worth a damn penny more. But somehow we have to accept that.

Your not going to pick fruit, clean houses, work construction, and etc. Immigrants will do it, they'll work at minimum wage. If they feel the need to find a better job, they'll become residents/citizens. Otherwise getting better pay is almost imossible. I think an immigrant out of poverty is more beneficial to out country than the slackers that have had the chance to gain a decent education and yet have no job or better than people who live off of government money. How do those people deserve it? Is it because they are Americans? Simple fact is if the government has to run your life in order for it to gain some stability, if the government has to pump cash into you to satisfy your needs, then you are not worth the money. I know two kids in my private school, so the parents are paying taxes, who were illegal. I consider them hundreds of times more interesting than the brain dead idiots in one of my public schools.

So you see, its just that pointing at these immigrants who work at low paying jobs and in less than desirable conditions is not exactly the best thing considering that America ain't perfect. And no, it is not because of THEM. And is it odd that the world's super power attracts several people?

03-31-2004, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by ubooze
I don't think you get the point. Of course civil laws ought to be enforced, thats a no-brainer. So that would mean cracking down on those illegals. BUT taelling the guy he has to learn English and live like an American and buy American and celebrate American isn't right.

I wonder how many of you download music, games, programs, and files? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? Have you done underaged drinking or smoking? Possibly weed? Is everthing YOU do legal? No. I am sorry to say your as bad as those people who struggle to survive. You too detract from the nation. I am not implying EVERYONE here but many do. I know I do and I accept that fact. I am as bad as those immigrants.
Sorry, but when people are caught doing those illegal things there is a direct punishment for it. And sorry, I am here legally, they are not. So when you say “those immigrants”, you are putting ILLEGAL immigrants in the same category as LEGAL ones.

Originally posted by ubooze
I for one would much rather pay for the education of a immigrant who MAY actually learn something and becomes a recieves leagl status than pay for the education of some of the white trash in my local schools. You cry that your paying for the immigrant's education, I don't think some of the kids in school now are worth a damn penny more. But somehow we have to accept that.
But you are forgetting that these illegal immigrants are NOT taking advantage of our education system. They are causing it to be hurt because far too many schools now teach in their native language and there is no incentive for them (the illegal immigrants) to even learn English.

As for the white trash you speak of… then work with your local school system to change things. Make sure EVERYONE in school gets a good education. And I am sure you were not saying that “white trash” don’t deserve an education, yet ILLEGAL immigrants DO.

Originally posted by ubooze
Your not going to pick fruit, clean houses, work construction, and etc. Immigrants will do it, they'll work at minimum wage. If they feel the need to find a better job, they'll become residents/citizens. Otherwise getting better pay is almost imossible. I think an immigrant out of poverty is more beneficial to out country than the slackers that have had the chance to gain a decent education and yet have no job or better than people who live off of government money. How do those people deserve it? Is it because they are Americans? Simple fact is if the government has to run your life in order for it to gain some stability, if the government has to pump cash into you to satisfy your needs, then you are not worth the money. I know two kids in my private school, so the parents are paying taxes, who were illegal. I consider them hundreds of times more interesting than the brain dead idiots in one of my public schools.
MOST illegal immigrants do NOT become legal ones. And contrary to what you may think, people will work the jobs you mentioned. And even more so LEGAL immigrants would as well. And guess what? I have applied for jobs just like the ones you listed, and I was REFUSED the jobs. Go figure!?!?

Originally posted by ubooze
So you see, its just that pointing at these immigrants who work at low paying jobs and in less than desirable conditions is not exactly the best thing considering that America ain't perfect. And no, it is not because of THEM. And is it odd that the world's super power attracts several people?
Again, do you mean immigrants or ILLEGAL immigrants? I have NO problem with LEGAL immigrants, and contrary to popular belief, it isn’t THAT hard to do it LEGALLY. All the jobs and situations you mention can be done legally by legal immigrants. And I have NO problems with that, and in fact WELCOME that.

03-31-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by TigerMan

If it is taxes your worried about, why not complain about the hundreds of thousands we spend on prisoners? We pay for them to have 3 meals a day, a cozy space, and other things, and it costs very much for that all. Why not complain to overweight people? Their health conditions is giving many higher prices for health insurance and driving up the price of many medical expenses.

Prisoners are our responsibility. We can't just shoot them all! :rolleyes:

As for overweight people, if they are paying taxes and paying for their health insurance, who am I to tell them to go on a diet.

The kids of illegals should receive education because in all reality it most likely wasn't there choice to leave in the first place. And college degree? Probably 1 in 100 illegal immigrants children is able to even get a community college degree because wherever they live, even for in state schools, they have to pay out of state tuition. It's basically high school for them and that's it.

Sorry doesn't fly! They should not be here at all! They should all be rounded up and shipped out. Let them go to school in the country they are legal citizens or residents of!

So you never answered why should I have to pay for the education of an illegal? Why should I have to pay higher healthcare costs to make up for CharityCare for illegals at my local hospitals?

Illegals have no right to be here and thus no rights except the right to a free trip home! That I'll pay for gladly!!!:cool:

03-31-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by MagMan5446
That was the moral of American History X :rolleyes:

ubooze has a pretty good scenario.

Are they taking your jobs? Are they protesting your door? Will they ever? No. so **** it.

No moron, they're breaking the law.

Apparently soemthing you don't see as a problem.

03-31-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by ubooze
I wonder how many of you download music, games, programs, and files? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? Have you done underaged drinking or smoking? Possibly weed? Is everthing YOU do legal? No. I am sorry to say your as bad as those people who struggle to survive. You too detract from the nation. I am not implying EVERYONE here but many do. I know I do and I accept that fact. I am as bad as those immigrants.

And if we get caught we get sued by the RIAA, we get tickets, our licenses revoked, jail time. Now when the illigle immigrents get caught they get rewarded? When I get paid to speed and download music by the government and the RIAA I will suppord illigle immigration.
If you get hit by an unlicensed, uninsured illigle immigrant, what do you think your chances of ever collecting any money are? What can you do, they don't have a real adress, or a phone number, the only way to make sure they don't disapear is to jail them which doesn't happen, and even if you did catch them they don't have the money to give you, and you cannot sue them because they don't exist in our country. If you an American citizen hit an unlicensed uninsured illigle immigrant, do you have to pay for there car and medical bills? Yes you do.
And believe me, there are tons of unlicensed, uninsured people running around.

03-31-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

So you never answered why should I have to pay for the education of an illegal? Why should I have to pay higher healthcare costs to make up for CharityCare for illegals at my local hospitals?

Why should you have to pay higher healthcare then for overweight people? I'm not overweight, so then why do I have to pay because someone can't control their weight? I'll tell you why, everyone needs help in some point of their lives. If that means helping illegals by paying taxes so they can lead a fraction of the life of the average American, fine I will. Why should I have to pay for the Iraq war? I don't agree with it, yet $87 billion dollars of Americans money is being pumped into a war for liberating Iraq and finding "weapons of mass destruction" that have yet to be found (and hundreds of US soldiers have died and our president conjures up a joke over it).

I'd rather much pay for an illegal whose willing to do something rather than a slack minded drop out of high school living off of welfare.

03-31-2004, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by FactsOfLife

Yeah about as much as I love 16 year old punk liberals who think they're smart.

Get a clue, child.

No moron, they're breaking the law.

More classic contributions from FOL... :rolleyes:

03-31-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by TigerMan

Why should you have to pay higher healthcare then for overweight people? I'm not overweight, so then why do I have to pay because someone can't control their weight? I'll tell you why, everyone needs help in some point of their lives.

Uhm no. Being obese is not a crime. Being and illegal alien is a crime. Big difference. Those Fat People pay for healthcare too. Illegal Aliens do not.

If that means helping illegals by paying taxes so they can lead a fraction of the life of the average American, fine I will.

Then sponsor them to become legal residents! Otherwise get them out. No one has a RIGHT to move into America and live off of our largese. Becomeing a legal resident and then a citizen is a privalege.

So you are alson now contradicting your earlier posts about not condoning illegals by saying you do. I guess you are now officially a hypocrite!

Why should I have to pay for the Iraq war? I don't agree with it, yet $87 billion dollars of Americans money is being pumped into a war for liberating Iraq and finding "weapons of mass destruction" that have yet to be found (and hundreds of US soldiers have died and our president conjures up a joke over it).

National defense. Don't like it, vote out the current government. Otherwise tough luck. IT was legal and Congress approved it.


I'd rather much pay for an illegal whose willing to do something rather than a slack minded drop out of high school living off of welfare.

Thank God you aren't running our country or we would now be living in Los Eastados Unidos de Mexico!:rolleyes:

03-31-2004, 03:06 PM
I don't think its good for our economy either to have these guys sending what should be tax money back to mexico :)

03-31-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Kai

More classic contributions from FOL... :rolleyes:

Oh I am so upset. I've been dissed by some snotnosed commie wannabe.

03-31-2004, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Thank God you aren't running our country or we would now be living in Los Eastados Unidos de Mexico!:rolleyes:

Thank God you aren't either because we'd be a nation where the KKK be prevalent. Your comments about these immigrants make you sound as if your a grand wizard of the KKK in you saying "round them up" or "take them all back to Mexico!" These are comments someone of the KKK would make.

03-31-2004, 06:48 PM
No, if I were the leader of the KKK, I would say shoot anyone who looks Mexican, Black, Asian, Jewish, Catholic, or just deviates from being the ideal christian.

Now i'm just saying round up the ILLIGLE ones and send them back to there country. They broke the law, just like anyone else they should be punished for doing so. How can anyone argue with that?

03-31-2004, 06:49 PM
"I for one would much rather pay for the education of a immigrant who MAY actually learn something and becomes a recieves leagl status than pay for the education of some of the white trash in my local schools. You cry that your paying for the immigrant's education, I don't think some of the kids in school now are worth a damn penny more. But somehow we have to accept that. "

And I would much rather send illegal scum back to where they came from. And to the mental midget with the KKK comment, I hate all illegals equally whether they are from Mexico or England.

03-31-2004, 06:53 PM
This thread has degraded into personal attacks and name calling.

Political threads are not allowed on AO for a reason, but we tolerate them as long as they remain rational.

Thread closed.