View Full Version : Beyond the Thunderdome!: revisiting the all mech tourny idea.

Patron God of Pirates
03-30-2004, 10:51 AM
It was talked about for a while here by Mel from PBX and even Tom. Now, with the upcoming release of the hAir Trigger, I can think of no better time for an all mech tourny.

If timed to corilate with the release of the hAir trigger it could be a great showcase for the resurgence of mechs and mech technology.

It seems like it would not be all that difficult bringing in other companies to sponsor such an event. You'd think WGP, and Tippmann at least would jump at the oppertunity. Q-Loader would probably be all over it since it promotes ditching the batteries. Even the paint companies should be willing to throw in when they see mechs at 16+ BPS.

Seeing that trigger in action alone should get you coverage from the major PB magazines and websites.

I'd also like to see very public invites to the major pro teams. Maybe even a full page magazine add with the "Are you an *** Kicker, or a mouse clicker?" tag line.

All I'm saying is that this thing needs a major event to kick it off, not some AO day only we're going to know about.

Lets see this thing done right, and done huge. Bring Mags back to the forefront, kick SP in the gonads, and make Nicad and Deadlywind rich becuase I think we can all agree they deserve it.

03-30-2004, 11:03 AM
Very nice idea, need someone to run and get it organized


03-30-2004, 02:37 PM
PGOP, I totally support this. Hopefully, they will split the divisions into mech/electro in the future. SP may actually have had a hand in this, if it ever comes to fruition.

03-30-2004, 02:59 PM
Aren't you missing the entire point of a mech tourney if your running around with essentially electro markers sans batteries?

What is the difference in play between a conventional tourney and a "mech" tourney if both are featuring non stop shooting at 16+ bps?

03-30-2004, 03:13 PM
Exactly my thoughts Brophog, what really is the point of this tourney if you have mechs that are shooting 16+ bps?

Patron God of Pirates
03-30-2004, 03:22 PM
To showcase improvements in mech technology. Promote this type of inovation in the industry. Shake the tree a bit, you know, rock the boat.

And in the process help out our good friends Deadlywind and the long suffering AGD.

03-30-2004, 03:40 PM
I agree with Brophog and tony3, there really isn't a point. But the nice thing is, when you have a mech shooting as fast as the hAir trigger allows, you can compete with electros. The better place to showcase what such improvements do to mechs is in the regular tourneys.

03-30-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Scircal
I agree with Brophog and tony3, there really isn't a point. But the nice thing is, when you have a mech shooting as fast as the hAir trigger allows, you can compete with electros. The better place to showcase what such improvements do to mechs is in the regular tourneys.
Good point, Maybe an all mech team would be better.

03-30-2004, 04:28 PM
I would a part of this if it was helf in the North East.

It's not that I'm big into the anti-electro movment but this sounds like something that could spur movment in some stagnating paitnball areas.

03-30-2004, 05:07 PM
I'm not saying anything against mech tourney's though. I still think there is a place in paintball for markers that DON'T shoot at ludicrous speeds, even if I am in the minority on this.

Even Airball, which is typically a paint slinging type of field, will play differently with mech markers that shoot at a "slow" speed, say 10bps and lower. Many mags, cockers, and blowbacks shoot in that range. I see no reason for those markers to die off just because speed is a new fad.

03-30-2004, 05:33 PM
Just a quick FYI, cockers will do low 20's. My spyder does 22 without a hickup. they cycle at 50+ Don't call blowbacks slow.

if you want to see slow, look at a timmy. they take ten full milisecconds before the bolt even starts to move. The dwell setting on an angel is almost longer than the whole time it takes a spyder to fully cycle. (angel 14ms, spyder 20ms)

If you want slow, you actually need to go with electronic guns. Nova 700's, pre 03 shockers, the ZAP electro, The e-ranger, and the LED draguns were all under 12bps.

Everything else is up to the player.

You may want to limit rof... but you'll still see 12-15 bps with mech guns, weather you like it or not.

03-30-2004, 05:38 PM
There is a difference between what they CAN do and what most of them ACTUALLY do. You have your spyder at 22, but how many others hit anywhere near 22? Not very many. If they did you'd see more spyders being used competitvely, wouldn't you?

I'm not calling them slow...hence the word being in quotes....its sarcasm........