View Full Version : Holy Crap!!!

03-30-2004, 05:39 PM
Bwahahaha! my mom said for my birthday/christmas shell buy me one high end gun of my choice. under 2,000$ (shipping included) and a loader.
so, Im getting TEH HOTNESS!!!!! (http://www.wdp.tv/flashtest/stories/090304/movie.wmv) muhahahahaha! and for the loader (which I already earned thru grades) will be the halo B with the new 31 bps board ( o yeah if anyone knows the link to the site fo the board, plese post it)
I wil be first oon my island to own the worlds fastest stock gun! bwahahaha!:D :D :D :D :D

03-30-2004, 05:54 PM
I was about to berate you for your title, but I think it fits, so congrats, those are sweet. What color?

03-30-2004, 06:00 PM
I think the Halo B with Z board can go up to 35 bps. Cant find link.

03-30-2004, 06:03 PM
damn ... i have kept a 3.5 gpa all the way thru highschool and now into college ..and i get nothing !

nice choice by the way ...congratulations

03-30-2004, 06:03 PM
Damn spoiled 15 year olds.

03-30-2004, 06:04 PM
Wait I found it.


Edit: Link for halo B z board.

Edit Again: Okay its not the z board (thanks yeahthatsme)but the victory board. 35 bps pretty cool. I cant even come close to shooting that fast.

03-30-2004, 06:57 PM
I dont know what color, it just looks so hot red, i dont know, i just know i cant wait till december!:D :p

03-30-2004, 07:03 PM
**opinion not allowed

03-30-2004, 07:17 PM
What gun is it exactly? I page doesnt work for me! :)

03-30-2004, 07:24 PM
the A4 fly...get a trix;)

03-30-2004, 07:26 PM
pffft a4 fly, get a dm4 or alias.

03-30-2004, 07:46 PM
get a nyx trix:p

03-30-2004, 08:04 PM
Well I was going to either get an excalibur or a DM4 but then I saw this video, and i was sold.

RT pRo AuToMaG
03-30-2004, 08:21 PM
Appearenty you haven't seen any DM4 or Tadao Matrix videos yet? hehe.

03-30-2004, 08:22 PM
nope, if you know any send me the link.

03-30-2004, 08:24 PM
Ha, fly 4 without a doubt.

03-30-2004, 08:29 PM
meh. the dm4 and a4 both suck, tell ur mom to send it to me

03-30-2004, 08:39 PM
Someones spoiled :rolleyes:

I have to get good grades just to be allowed to play, and have 2 jobs just so I can afford to play.

Just remember- In real life, you wont be handed a $2000 paintball gun every time you do whats expected of you.

03-30-2004, 08:43 PM
fo rizzle, i can either buy new parts for my mag, or play paintball. for christmas and my birthdya, since they are next to each other, i got 500 dollars for paintball, your lucky

03-30-2004, 08:44 PM
no, i get a used hopper of of ebay and then a z board for getting good grades (im a c+ kind of guy, straight a's are a rarity) and also, im getting one gift for both my christmas and birthday, and the only reason im getting such an expensive gift is because for the last 4 years they havent had the money for really good presents ( good IE a brass eagle talon) so now were making loads of money and there making up

03-30-2004, 08:46 PM
The A4 isnt bad at all.. this Angel actually has some sort of range. Still loud as balls though.

03-30-2004, 08:48 PM
my parents said if it got straight A's all year this year( wich could have never happened), they would give my $50 and i thought i was lucky... normally i dont get ****

The Action Figure
03-30-2004, 08:51 PM
glad your familys probably hard work is paying off

03-30-2004, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by zacbot
i agree shesh..somebody's spoiled



03-30-2004, 09:12 PM
as long as you are over 15 it is okay you spoiled rotten little ..... I mean cam'on for my birthday I got a 60 dolor cd player. Next year for chunakkah and my birthday I might get the new frame that coolhand is putting out. otherwise nice choice. Just remember that it is the player behind the gun that counts, unless you have a DM4, angel 4 fly, or super nice timmy. OH I guess that the above statement dosn't apply to you

03-30-2004, 09:16 PM
he is 14!!!! he will be 15 on October, 2, 2004
that is if i didnt count horribly wrong, lol

im in algebra II (honors no less) and i still use my fingers!!!!!!! :)

03-30-2004, 09:21 PM
thats rediculious, im turning 16 on thursday (woo hoo, go break the record) and all im getting is an apache, wich i wasnt dissapointed in until now you spoiled lil...person :rolleyes:

barrel break
03-30-2004, 09:21 PM
someones spoilt

03-30-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by kauai_paintball
no, i get a used hopper of of ebay and then a z board for getting good grades (im a c+ kind of guy, straight a's are a rarity) and also, im getting one gift for both my christmas and birthday, and the only reason im getting such an expensive gift is because for the last 4 years they havent had the money for really good presents ( good IE a brass eagle talon) so now were making loads of money and there making up

thats nice to hear. congrats and good luck with that beast.

03-30-2004, 11:10 PM
More power to ya Kauai, I got no problem with kids with good guns as long as they treat them properly, which I'm sure you would.

03-30-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Chris42050
Wait I found it.


Edit: Link for halo B z board.

theres a big difference between that and a Z board for the halo, the z is just anti-jam software, which ups the speed a bit but not that much, thats a fully adjustable board that goes up to 35 bps(probably has z-software just a higher bps limit)

03-30-2004, 11:19 PM
All you loosers that are calling this kid spoiled are disgusting.. No one cares if you have to work _______ hard to afford paintball.. Do you understand me?? NO ONE CARES.. You are all little babies that don't take the cards your delt.. You just complain about other people getting delt a better hand.. So go whine somewhere else I'm sick of all these stupid idiots complaining about how hard they got it and how there parents don't give them anything.. Boo hoo.. More the power to you kauai.. You obviouslly worked pretty hard for those grades and seing as it sounds like you havn't had the best things in the past i'm glad things are looking better for ya.

03-30-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by tony3
More power to ya Kauai, I got no problem with kids with good guns as long as they treat them properly, which I'm sure you would.
treat it right? come on the maintenance is half the fun!
And anyways I already read through the PDF file instruction booklet 6 times. when i get it i would be afraid to touch it.

03-31-2004, 12:20 AM
hey congrats Kauai!!!!
good luck and i am a friend of yours as long as u never switch to paintball nation lol

03-31-2004, 12:25 AM
hey, congrats dude! Although I'd rather get an Alias... That Angel looks pretty pimp!

03-31-2004, 12:32 AM
Nice choice w/ the angel cough*gettheexcab*cough.

03-31-2004, 12:58 AM
I've been thinking, Kaui...how do your parents feel about me getting straight As? :p

Congrats! Just don't start posting on PBN!

03-31-2004, 03:00 PM
ah, now i can become the gun whore i always dreamed i would be! ill have an RT mag custom pimped from all AO parts, and an angel fly. o yeah has anyone looked at the new warped sportz intmidator? the website dosent have any info.
anyways, when i get my pimp gun (in december) ill post craploads of pics.

03-31-2004, 03:15 PM
Lay off the kid. So his parents are dishing out a ton of money on him. It's their money not yours. Like Digits said you guys don't know his past. I also noticed that most of the haters are low poster and/or HS kids themselves. Grow up kiddies.

Every parent want's to get what they can for their kids...so this time there are a few more zeros behind it.

Stop being haters just because it's not you.

Kauai- Don't be too happy on the forum. See what happends, haters. You are very pomaika'i though.

Look around more before you choose. There are alot of better markers out there. If that video impressed you then an Alias, DM4, Viking all would impress you.

03-31-2004, 03:31 PM
Dude, glad things are looking up for ya and your family! hardworking people deserve a break for them...

December is sooo far away!!!! take your time and research, cause who knows mebbe they'll find something wrong with the 4fly by then...

Wishin I was in your poisition.....:D

03-31-2004, 04:00 PM
well, ive been looking around and i REEEELLLYY like the compactness and flowing lines of the DM4. but I havent seen any action shots or videos yet, if you know any please post. I have shot an excalibur before, There nice but there just not my style ( i tend to like compacts more, IL i want the dm4) but i was also looking at karnivore at wgp, which is nice too, but i tend no think that autocockers are just to complex for my taste, saying that if i screw it up there are no paintball shops on my island. no airsmiths either, and it costs craploads to mail overseas (with any speed anyways) which is also why i like mags, simple and i already could fix one with my eyes closed ( i love to tinker with my friends 68 classic) but there are not really any e/x mags i want more than dm4/ angel. so, im going to look around and then post a poll, asking which gun i should get. check back later, im going to go window (computer screen) shopping.
C'ya l8ter

03-31-2004, 07:33 PM
u know, personally i wouldnt mind getting that angel. righ now i have a empire timmy. and love it, but next to this that angel is pretty nice. i used to own a speed, got rid of it cuz COPS/ SENSI sux ba!!s. but with the eye, looks like angels should now kick a$$ outta the box. my speed was loud, but it was mad fast, so idk, that angels pretty nice, and thats coming from some1 who owns an empire timmy :D :D :rolleyes: :D

now if i could only talk my parents into the $2000000000 dollar gift deal... ;) :rolleyes: :eek: :p ;) :D

03-31-2004, 07:59 PM
you should look into a cyborg too.. You have alot of time to think about it though.. Hell there might even be a new gun out by then that you like more

03-31-2004, 08:13 PM
Ah forgot about a Borg. That's another good choice.

03-31-2004, 08:17 PM
Haha congrats for you buddy. It kind of makes me sad though. My parents have "crazy asian parent syndrome" and expect/demand me to be the best and don't really reward me for any of my successes. Oh well. I'm a Yale student now, so I guess it paid off.

Congrats! And definitely look into the DM4. If I could get any gun for free, I'd choose that.... or maybe a racegun half block!

Now if only I could get out of paying fraternity dues... then I could buy a new toy :D

No sKiLLz
03-31-2004, 08:37 PM

I hope you're not on dial up.

03-31-2004, 10:03 PM
wow! At first i wanted the dm4 because of its compactness, but now i want it even more! scratch that angel, im gettin me a dm4!!

No sKiLLz
03-31-2004, 10:48 PM
That was easy.

Krazy Ivan
03-31-2004, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by No sKiLLz

I hope you're not on dial up.


The 2nd part of the DM4 video with that dude screaming was just too funny.

I like the DM4's but I just bought an IR3, so I can't bring myself to even think about them... ;)

03-31-2004, 11:41 PM
I really like in teh 2nd dm4 video you posted that after he stops pulling the trigger, the gun is still going...also what is up with the name of that video, are they making fun of me:(

Kauai, you got lots of time to decide, decemember is a LONG time away...

04-01-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by Digits
All you loosers that are calling this kid spoiled are disgusting.. No one cares if you have to work _______ hard to afford paintball.. Do you understand me?? NO ONE CARES.. You are all little babies that don't take the cards your delt.. You just complain about other people getting delt a better hand.. So go whine somewhere else I'm sick of all these stupid idiots complaining about how hard they got it and how there parents don't give them anything.. Boo hoo.. More the power to you kauai.. You obviouslly worked pretty hard for those grades and seing as it sounds like you havn't had the best things in the past i'm glad things are looking better for ya.

umm...i work hard for my grades, but my parents will not pay for any of my paintball equipment, i have personally funded the 6 markers that i have/will have in the 4.5 years ive been playing. having something given to you isnt the same as having to work hard and earn the money. yes, kauai may have had to work hard to get his grades, but that is expected, youre reward for grades is supposed to be the grades themsleves and the opportunities you will have in the future, not cash.

note: im not complaining about how my parents didnt give my my pball equipment, im actually glad they make me spend my own money on it, cause i know i appreciate it more than those of you who are just given their equipment.

04-01-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by mag/cocker lover

umm...i work hard for my grades, but my parents will not pay for any of my paintball equipment, i have personally funded the 6 markers that i have/will have in the 4.5 years ive been playing. having something given to you isnt the same as having to work hard and earn the money. yes, kauai may have had to work hard to get his grades, but that is expected, youre reward for grades is supposed to be the grades themsleves and the opportunities you will have in the future, not cash.

note: im not complaining about how my parents didnt give my my pball equipment, im actually glad they make me spend my own money on it, cause i know i appreciate it more than those of you who are just given their equipment.

Isn't that what you're doing right there?

You're using the kid of an example of something you consider bad.

I work I buy my own stuff too. So?

Is this what you want?


04-01-2004, 02:35 AM
wow nice ! i am a B-/C+ average type person ( average of a few As and a few Ds lol ) and my mom said she will pay meh 100 a month for an A- average, but i cant hold an A- average :( *CRIES*

04-01-2004, 02:36 AM
yea lets not start this into a kids shouldnt have expensive gun paid by their parents.

( by the way ... i think you should stick to the fly, again though .... i am a little biased ...just look at my sig)

there is somthing to be said that buying your own gear makes you appreciate it more... but also , when your 14 or 15 its hard to work to play paintball and study. Kauai is probably a nice guy, and his parents getting somthing for christmas birthday and good grades is nice. his parents are letting him play an expensive sport while he focuses on school.

soon enough your an adult and the world gets hard.... might as well take advantage of parents affording to give you somthing.

again ...stick to the FLY !!!!!

04-01-2004, 03:22 AM
Originally posted by nastymag
yea lets not start this into a kids shouldnt have expensive gun paid by their parents.

( by the way ... i think you should stick to the fly, again though .... i am a little biased ...just look at my sig)

there is somthing to be said that buying your own gear makes you appreciate it more... but also , when your 14 or 15 its hard to work to play paintball and study. Kauai is probably a nice guy, and his parents getting somthing for christmas birthday and good grades is nice. his parents are letting him play an expensive sport while he focuses on school.

soon enough your an adult and the world gets hard.... might as well take advantage of parents affording to give you somthing.

again ...stick to the FLY !!!!!
Exactly, but the reason why my parent want to know what i want soon is because its kida (really) hard to get some guns with any speed, ie the dm4.

04-01-2004, 03:33 AM
u could help save your parents money and buy a used gun, put the extra away for College. Since whatever you can do with a 2 thousand dollar gun you can do with a $600-1000 gun. Kinda pointless to spend all that, but some ppl also spend $200 for sun glasses.. So who knows. :D

04-01-2004, 03:39 AM
i wouldnt recommend a dm4 or a matrix on kauai man, if the thing goes down, nobody is gonna know how to fix it. im not sure about dm4's, but matrices are gashogs, and we dont have that good of an air supply on kauai. I'd say go for the fly, the gun looks pretty sweet, and everyone can help you with angels. Brandon's a wiz with em and a super nice guy, so if you have issues he'll be able to help. Since you're getting a new machine gun, you're gonna have to come out to puhi and play... a lot. I'll be looking for you summer time, you better be there.

04-01-2004, 03:41 AM
well, the reason there buying me the gun in the firstplace is because i dont really spend much money on paintball and study alot, and I put most of the mooney i make into the bank, (i only buy paint and air, and only the cheap paint)and have been using a broken tippmann 98 for the past 2 months. (ever lost your tippmann ball stop? you shoot like 6 balls like 3 feet at like 6 fps) and they know how much i like paintball, so there buying me a new gun. they told me that instead of buying me a 400$ gun that i need to buy a bunch of upgrades for (which would end up osting them alot of money) they wouldn just buy me one big really nice gun i wouldent need any upgrades for and would work great right out of the box. seem logical to me!:D :D :D :D :D

04-01-2004, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by prikkaboo
i wouldnt recommend a dm4 or a matrix on kauai man, if the thing goes down, nobody is gonna know how to fix it. im not sure about dm4's, but matrices are gashogs, and we dont have that good of an air supply on kauai. I'd say go for the fly, the gun looks pretty sweet, and everyone can help you with angels. Brandon's a wiz with em and a super nice guy, so if you have issues he'll be able to help. Since you're getting a new machine gun, you're gonna have to come out to puhi and play... a lot. I'll be looking for you summer time, you better be there.
oh, ill be there all right! a gun like that dosent deserve anything less than a speedball field! all that wood and grass from anahola would be mean to my precious! bwahhaaha! and i also heard dm4's are awesome and rarely ever need service, if at all. I can also mail it somewhere to get fixed. also, i might be moving in the next few years to the mainland, so i really should be thinking longterm.

04-01-2004, 04:19 AM
Originally posted by prikkaboo
i wouldnt recommend a dm4 or a matrix on kauai man, if the thing goes down, nobody is gonna know how to fix it. im not sure about dm4's, but matrices are gashogs, and we dont have that good of an air supply on kauai. I'd say go for the fly, the gun looks pretty sweet, and everyone can help you with angels. Brandon's a wiz with em and a super nice guy, so if you have issues he'll be able to help. Since you're getting a new machine gun, you're gonna have to come out to puhi and play... a lot. I'll be looking for you summer time, you better be there.

Eh bruddah where you been for the last 6 mo. Matrix are not gas hogs. In fact with the Evovle bolt the regular Dye LCD Matrix can get close to 1850 shots per 68/4500(stock bolt I believe about 7 pods). Evolve is making a bolt for the Dm4 but depending how you play most people get about 6 pods off a 68/4500 on their DM4.

Not sure how the fields and air systems are back in the islands. I never play when I go home to visit the family. I heard the fields Oahu are nice but nevah went.

If you are that worried about air get a Cyborg or Viking. I can get a case of paint off a 68/4500 fill on my Vik. Cyborg are supposed to be as efficient.

04-01-2004, 08:28 AM
meh... don't bother with an angel, they are truly overprices, aren't that pretty, and it will be outdated in about 3 months when WDP relases ANOTHER new milling design

get a timmy or matrix of some sort, maybe a DM4, or have tunaman build you a custom ule e-mag

and everyone who thinks that trixes are still gas whores... the DYE bolt kit has improved efficentcy by a longhaul, plus if you throw in a freeflow bolt kit, you'll be getting a good 1600 or so shots off a full 68/45

if you're looking for simplicity for a gun, get the timmy, all you have to do is lube the ram and bolt basically

04-01-2004, 08:54 AM
It's interesting to hear that you think that angels are overpriced over there. Here in sweden the angel speed is probably one of the cheapest high end markers, the A4 is about as much as the cheapest timmys, and the A4 fly is still cheaper than the priciest timmys and the dm4.

I guess it's because of taxes and freight costs etc.

04-01-2004, 08:54 AM
I agree I would stay away from the angel for that reason, the price will drop huge. And by Dec there will be a new angel badder than this one. Get a viking! Flip the switch and your ready to roll.

04-01-2004, 01:35 PM
to those who say that they will be out with new angel ....

look at timmys guys ...the reproduce faster then anything but impulses!

And the Angel is super maintence free, oil and thats it.
throw it back and your gearbag and your set.

you can add volumizers from the 3 sum kit and lower your LPR and it will be shooting as smooth as any trix.

i agree that sensi is not the best out there, but the fly should fix that, plus the angel is lighter then most those guns.

No sKiLLz
04-01-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by nastymag
to those who say that they will be out with new angel ....

look at timmys guys ...the reproduce faster then anything but impulses!

And the Angel is super maintence free, oil and thats it.
throw it back and your gearbag and your set.

you can add volumizers from the 3 sum kit and lower your LPR and it will be shooting as smooth as any trix.

i agree that sensi is not the best out there, but the fly should fix that, plus the angel is lighter then most those guns.

Take it from a guy who has both. The Angel has no hope vs a Matrix.

If you ever haev problems with your DM4, post it on the forums and me or someone else will tell you what to do. I'll give you a heads up though, before you post, change the battery;)

04-01-2004, 02:05 PM
To all the people calling him spoiled: GET OVER IT. Just because you or your family cant afford the nice gun you want, doesnt mean a thing. You would take it too. Since you will call him rich, I will run down to the opposite end of the spectrum and call you poor. Its not HIS fault your poor. Be happy for him.

At this point, some may be saying, "well, squid, its obvious your a spoiled kid to, or you wouldnt defend him." Lemme tear that down before somebody says it... im not spoiled. My family COULD afford to buy me whatever marker I want, but dont. Sure, they will buy me some paintball stuff for my birthday, but nothing like that.

How about you just be happy for what your parents never did for you? :rolleyes:

04-01-2004, 03:33 PM
::SMACK:: Where I come from, they have things called EARNING your money... I guess that doesn't apply to you rich folk:confused:

04-01-2004, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Amea
::SMACK:: Where I come from, they have things called EARNING your money... I guess that doesn't apply to you rich folk:confused:

Hater. Why are people so jealous of this kid. Friggin that's life. Some people get things in different ways.
Who says the kid didn't earn it. Besides grades there are other things that he could have done to help his family.

04-01-2004, 04:35 PM
bahh..we get the point..you dont like it that the kids who have to buy their own stuff dont think its fair cuz the other kid's parents buy all of their stuff..and no i wouldnt take it..dont go making assumptions..and just drop the..you guys are discusting cuz you dont think its fair bs..ah..

04-01-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by nastymag
to those who say that they will be out with new angel ....

look at timmys guys ...the reproduce faster then anything but impulses!

And the Angel is super maintence free, oil and thats it.
throw it back and your gearbag and your set.

you can add volumizers from the 3 sum kit and lower your LPR and it will be shooting as smooth as any trix.

i agree that sensi is not the best out there, but the fly should fix that, plus the angel is lighter then most those guns.
the fly dosent have sensi, it has the all new angel eye. the best eye ever made so far, but still not as reliable as the ol' lv 10.

04-01-2004, 04:39 PM
Its sick how jealous you people are. Guess what... his parents EARNED THERE MONEY... and guess what, they CHOSE to give his son something nice. Sorry your family life sucked when you were a child... get over it. Enjoy your new marker. :rolleyes:

And I can assume all I want... and I STILL assume if your mom handed you your dream gun, YOU WOULD TAKE IT. You would be STUPID not to, unless she took the money out of her cancer medication, or someething life threatening :p :o :rolleyes:

04-01-2004, 04:42 PM
im not jealous..my mom spoils me..and it pisses me off cuz she always tells me she has no money..and no i wouldnt take it..cuz i already have my dream gun..well sorta..with a nice xvalve and a working ult..thne id be set..i just thought 2000 bucks for a good report card was rather hefty...

sorry for stating an opinion

04-01-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Its sick how jealous you people are. Guess what... his parents EARNED THERE MONEY... and guess what, they CHOSE to give his son something nice. Sorry your family life sucked when you were a child... get over it. Enjoy your new marker. :rolleyes:

And I can assume all I want... and I STILL assume if your mom handed you your dream gun, YOU WOULD TAKE IT. You would be STUPID not to, unless she took the money out of her cancer medication, or someething life threatening :p :o :rolleyes:
hehe, thats kinda funny, nobody in my family has sicknesses, and we have been working hard trying to establish ourselves as contractors(my dad) on the island, and now he is, he has more than enough jobs, and several teams to work on different jobsites, and weve been raking in the dough. as much as i wish i was im not spoiled, i buy everything, even alot of my own food, because i have a job, ad they want to teach me that working and being reliable pays off (hehe, i got a raise) and because ive been working and getting really good grades. (in my school 2 c's and a d is above average) so the reason there buying me a nice gun is a bunch of different reasons, and im not complaining, so just shut up about me being a spoiled child because im far from it, my family never spends money unless they have to, curently all we have to eat in the house is a box of kix cereal and 1/8 gallon of milk. thats why i said holy crap, they have never bought me anything over 100$. ever. except for the time my uncle bought me a solid silver 400$ bling bling style necklace/chain. that was cool, but again my uncle is rich (majorly) so it was pocketchange to him.
its kind of annoying, i post a post out of exuberance, and consultation, and all you pplare like " go buy a spyder its cheaper" but why should i when im not paying and they will buy me any gun i want? im only getting one gift this year anyways, and thats it. i hav to buy everything else. and i work hard for every penny i make too, i have a job, so i respect what your saying about earning your own, buty there also helping me bacause i have one frend in the whole world and he moved to georgia so now i have to buy a plane ticket to go see him. thats a pretty penny. so im short on cash, but i have enough to build a custom mag one piece at a time. verrry sloowly.
so, if your not going to hep me decide what to get, shut up.

04-01-2004, 04:58 PM
whyz a sir ima sorry..by the way the your sig says you tank is a 3500.

04-01-2004, 04:59 PM
its also kinda funny how people expect to get money outta paintball.. if your into painball, its DEFINITLY not about the money.

for the love of the game :)

04-01-2004, 05:00 PM
Guess I am old school but I think E-guns are overated. I would buy the AGD RT ULE custom automag and use the rest of the money for gear and paint (or ask for a $1000 saving account so you can buy a car in two years, or since your parents will probably buy you one use the $1000 to upgrade the soundsytem.)



Anyway, a mechanical gun that can shoot as fast as an angel and is stronger, easier to maintain and has one of the best design labs in the world putting out improvements for it.

If you must get an e-gun get an E-mag ULE custom. It is as fast as an angel, will not break balls and has a mechanical overide so it can be fired normally if the e-system goes down.


Edit: Sorry, should have mentioned the X-valve when I talked about the E-mag. Anybody who does not think an E-mag with X-valve (with lvl 10) and ULE body is one of the best electronic markers in the world simply does not understand how incredible this system is. Truly amazing. Stunningly fast, light, won't chop paint and has a mechanical overide that fires nearly as fast without electric if the electric goes down. Absolutely amazing.

I have been talking to alot of people about mags lately and all I hear are the same old complaints: old, heavy, blenders. These complaints show people know almost nothing about modern mags.


Here are some reviews of the X-mag on PBReview.


By the way, I am not a shill of AGD nor do I work for them in any way.

04-01-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by zacbot
im not jealous..my mom spoils me..and it pisses me off cuz she always tells me she has no money..and no i wouldnt take it..cuz i already have my dream gun..well sorta..with a nice xvalve and a working ult..thne id be set..i just thought 2000 bucks for a good report card was rather hefty...

sorry for stating an opinion
dont be sorry, its just kida annoying how jealous ppl can be, but anyways im not geting 2,000 bucks for a report card, its the christmas present theyre giving me because they havent been able to afford anything, for the last four years, so thats about 250$ for christmas, and 250$ for birthdays for four years, not That much, and i got my crossfire tank used for 55 dollars.

Krazy Ivan
04-01-2004, 05:13 PM
Even though this is a mag forum, I would still Recommend the Fly or a DM4.

The DM4 is dead sexy, but don't rely on looks, try to go to the local field and see if they have any of either, well, maybe not a Fly, but an Angel at least. My local field has DM4's and I tried one out, I liked it, but I can't justify my spending another 1400 on a DM4 when I just got an IR3 ;)

04-01-2004, 05:16 PM
You know you're getting old when you're happy about getting new undies for Xmas/Bday.

:) - Well they *are* really comfy!

P.S. - I'd get a Cyborg and a Conquest air system...plus you'd have enough change to get a few other bits.

and I think zacbot was trying to say that your sig says your tank is a 3500psi tank...I'm guessing you mean 4500.

04-01-2004, 05:20 PM
excally right..i think he means 45..just wanted to be friendly and let you know..i know what its like not to ever get anything..oh and instead of a nice electro..why dont you finish your mag project..i would..
but what does zack ah..

Nick O time
04-01-2004, 06:12 PM
i dun think hes spoiled. i think thats pretty cool man. don't listen to what people say if they were offered any high end gun they wanted they would take it too.

i would suggest a DM4 i got one for Christmas and i love it. some guy wanted it so badly he offered me 3 guns for it but i turned him down(the guns were all worth over $700). i loved the gun so much i turned down 3 guns for it either i love my DM4 or i am crazy. so yeah if u go with the DM4 i will gaurentee you that you won't be dissapointed(sp).

04-01-2004, 10:48 PM
Pfft.... n all i got was the custom paint job on my motorcycle u spoiled rat

J/k my paint job at a 1200 would be considered spoiled by most considerin im only 16

04-02-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Digits
All you loosers that are calling this kid spoiled are disgusting.. No one cares if you have to work _______ hard to afford paintball.. Do you understand me?? NO ONE CARES.. You are all little babies that don't take the cards your delt.. You just complain about other people getting delt a better hand.. So go whine somewhere else I'm sick of all these stupid idiots complaining about how hard they got it and how there parents don't give them anything.. Boo hoo.. More the power to you kauai.. You obviouslly worked pretty hard for those grades and seing as it sounds like you havn't had the best things in the past i'm glad things are looking better for ya.

I agree. Stop whining about not having $$$, work harder and congradulate the kid.

04-02-2004, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by mag/cocker lover

umm...i work hard for my grades, but my parents will not pay for any of my paintball equipment, i have personally funded the 6 markers that i have/will have in the 4.5 years ive been playing. having something given to you isnt the same as having to work hard and earn the money. yes, kauai may have had to work hard to get his grades, but that is expected, youre reward for grades is supposed to be the grades themsleves and the opportunities you will have in the future, not cash.

note: im not complaining about how my parents didnt give my my pball equipment, im actually glad they make me spend my own money on it, cause i know i appreciate it more than those of you who are just given their equipment.

I work hard to get good grades to... I don't get much (A jersey, and sometimes shares in stocks from my parents).. But I don't really care because I know if I get good grades I can always use them to get a stable job so that I can afford to get guns like that.. I'm just saying you guys shouldn't hate on the guy just because his parents give him something.. If your parents offered you any gun you know damn well you'd take it