View Full Version : tournaments, bad for the sport?

09-28-2001, 08:27 PM
ok, i'm making an attempt to open deep blue a little bit. i'm a member of this, alothough it doesn't matter much right now. please state some good opinions. prove yourselves worthy...

Look at the tournament scene rigth now. There are trade shows, good competition, and lots of fun. have you ever looked at the bad side of tournaments?

I read an article a little while ago where an avid paintball player, in his mid 30's, attended his first tournament. he was there as a spectator. he liked the action of some of the good games, but noticed a few things that bothered him. Exessive language, bad sportsmanship, and cheating are a few of the things. he witnessed a game where a player that had been eliminated threw his gun on the ground and walked off the field swearing at the refferee. What does this teach the kids that are spectating? there are also instances of players wiping and playing on after they are hit.

Should there be more strict punishments for things like this? What does this do for the youth players coming in to the sport?

09-28-2001, 08:53 PM
I think that like most other sports there is a certain level of bad sportsmanship that is known to exist. I think that situations like the one you described, player throwing his gun and swearing at ref, should be handled similarly to any other sport. First off, if that player is involved in any other matches for that day, they may not participate, that player is ejected from the tournament in question. Also, that player may end up being disallowed at any other tournaments being governed by the body governing that tournament. This shouldn't be hard on the team because they should have some alternates.

Cheating should be similarly handled.

As for swearing, I know that it happens a lot in other sports as well, but the spectators are usually not close enough to hear it. Perhaps an "unwritten" rule is best in this case, as it would be difficult if not impossible to govern swearing in a similar manner as I have stated above. You would more than likely be forced to eject most of the players. Let’s face it, most of us are guilty of shouting some obscenities on the field, especially when we get eliminated.

I do believe however, that no one person should be allowed to enforce these policies. For example if one ref thinks that a player may have been wiping, there should be a little communication between refs, and they should come to a decision. This would more than likely require an impartial group of referees that are pretty much static throughout the tournament scene.

Our sport has already earned itself a tarnished reputation just by its combat orientated style of play. I do not think that our community needs any more bad press than it is getting now, and that something should be done about this situation before it reaches a critical mass. I think that this sport is great for everyone, but Mom might be a little hesitant when Junior sees a player cursing and throwing around a $2000 piece of equipment in a tantrum.

09-28-2001, 11:07 PM
I think that tournaments are either going to demolish the sport or build it up to the point where every man, woman and dog owns a marker.

Currently, I don't play tournaments. Why? Cheating. I refuse to PAY to play against a group of people who feel the only fun to be had in probably one of the most equalizing, exhillerating, adrenalin-pumping sports is by unequaling the planes, by wiping, shooting hot, and others.

I don't see how people can actually enjoy KNOWING you're going win? I mean, winning is important in some aspects of sports, but when was the last time you fell screaming to the ground throwing a fit when you lost a scrimmage? When I watch some of these videos, I see grown men (I'm 15, you see) cursing at refs, opposition, and at times, their own team members. I mean, when you start cursing at your OWN team members - friends, and at time, family - losing would have to be one of your smallest problems.

Something allowing this to grow is the rules and refs. Granted, I like refs - we need them. Problem is, not all of them enforce the rules, and rules vary from tourny to tourny, confusing ref, player, and spectator. We need A) a set of rules for all tournaments, B) Stricter punishments - for players AND refs. A ref is seldom in on a scam, but it happens. And as bad as player cheating is (and it is BAD), ref cheating out ranks this 10 to 1. It betrays the trust in a tournament, the sponsors, and overall, the sport. If I was playing a tourny, and there was a ref who was cheating, and it was exposed, I'd be pissed - and I'd want action. I'd want that ref disqualified from refing any major tourny, minor tourny, and even a birthday-party rec game. And for the players - if a player is caught cheating, ban the team. I know this will seem harsh, but think of it this way - team A cheats, player 1 is caught, replaced, cheating continues. Unless STRICT rules are enplaced, I only see paintball in a downward spiral. None of this "Please stop wiping, sir" - when a batter corks a bat, would you say "Please don't do that, it's cheating" and let him on his way? No - he'd be suspended, his character tarnished, and most likely, bring the demise to his career. What happens in our sport - you ask.

This doesn't just offend me, it sickens me. I see a sport full of possibility, able to grow to emmense proportions, and because some yahoo with a marker wipes and makes it to the big leagues, everyone thinks they can do the same, ruining the sport for those who invest effort, time, patience, and money. Problem is, people don't have standards or morals about it - if someone on your team is cheating, they're off - no questions, no arguing. I'd kick my star player if I caught him wiping. I want to play - that's my priority. If he wants to win, go enter some codes and play a video game. If I saw another team cheating in a tourny, I'd never play that tournament again until said team was banned or other adaquate measures were taken.

This is a touchy subject - most people aren't willing to enact such changes, kick their best friend off the team, correct the ref, stand up to the power - until it happens, nothing will change, and all our talk will be for naught. I forsee a big clash in the near future about this very subject, but you've gotta wonder - what side will win?

09-28-2001, 11:42 PM
I read the first paragraph or so of all your posts to this and I've never been to a tourney but it seems like most people who play at tourneys aren't really paintball enthusiusts...
I play on my tennis team and I'm not that good. I have a teammate that swears at everyone and everything. He just can't deal with the thought of losing and it really bothers me. Just today he was stringing swear words right infront of 6 or 7 year old kids.
People need to realize that paintball or infact, any sport is not only about the glory of winning. Most of those troublemakers don't understand that and that really pisses me off.

09-29-2001, 01:09 AM
I too feel that tournament play will either make or break the sport on a competitive level.

Several things have got to happen for paintball to ever become a more recognized sport.

1) big name sponsers = big money
2) paintball referee union - paid individuals who maintain no relationship to any team or field.
3) player leagues that are governed by a board of directors. capable of banning, suspending and fining players for poor conduct.
4) teams forming by division and all following the same set of roster rules.

Until these things happen, I dont think we'll ever see paintball on ESPN Sports Center.
As it stands there are too many people who percieve paintball in a negative light - so until some sort of order comes around its up to US the players to set an example for others to follow and police the bad examples as best we can.

09-29-2001, 02:19 AM
I think it is also very important for marker manufacturers to stick to certain restrictions after they make them. I don't think electro markers should come with any mode other than semi from the factory. I know that people will complain, but when there is a trigger that light, there is no legitimate reason to set a gun on full auto, or burst. Tournaments don't allow it, and playing in a rec game when you have your gun on full auto, against a bunch of people with rentals isn't exactly very fair .

PS: I didn't think everyone could post in deep blue. What is up with that?

09-29-2001, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by AkaEnder

1) big name sponsers = big money
2) paintball referee union - paid individuals who maintain no relationship to any team or field.
3) player leagues that are governed by a board of directors. capable of banning, suspending and fining players for poor conduct.
4) teams forming by division and all following the same set of roster rules.

I agree with these things, but the problem is, paintball is not a sport that can support its own rederee union - that's why I agree with 3 and 4 more than 2 - we need a stricter set of rules, which all aspects of paintball can follow, being goverened by one body able to amend rules, suspend/expell teams, etc. We're all on the right track - someone should send all this to the NPPL. I'd say they'd be the people to put this in action; organize all the tourny leaders, and have the major tournaments modify their rules to be one and the same, and set up a board to govern paintball. I don't see it happening tomorrow, but it's gotta happen sometime.

09-29-2001, 07:14 PM
While it probably is too much to ask to have profesional refs at this point, some form of acreditation (sp?) process would help alot. It wouldn't be hard register refs and have some method for players and spectators to file a complaint against unfair refs. Good refs can be pretty fair even when they're friends with the players (and most of them are). The problem is that it's too hard to weed out the few bad ones.

Overall, I agree we need #3 and 4. Once we have that #1 and 2 will happen in due time.

10-02-2001, 07:53 AM
I regularly play local tournaments, working my way up to regional and national events next year.

I can say this. I have watched and observed major events such as NPPL, WPF, and APL leagues. Teams ride the penalty points to their advantage. For example, in NPPL, you have the oportunity to take 5 points and walk off the field if you are shooting hot. Well, if you are nailing the opponent from across the field, snag the flag and go on to win, what 5 points as compared to 60 or 100 depending on div.? I have regularly seen markers coming off the field shooting 325+. How do I as a captain of a team that practices good-sportsmanshiplike conduct compete with a cheating team? I have witnessed referees wiping paint for friends on an opposing team, and refs giving bad calls to see that "their" sister teams win. I have played for 10+ years, and until lately, I loved the tourney scene. Now with every plaqyer shooting Angels, being able to switch left to right ont the fly, and most of todays players can shoot from any position on the field, they resort to some form of cheating just to get the advantage. They hide behind these super markers and feel invincible.

When I goggled a girl on an opposing team, saw the hit clearly and she ducked, and reappeared clean. I knew times have changed. I called a ref and they saw nothing. whaddaya do? suck it up and get em harder next time which I did. Was getting my RT Pro to sweeten up on her right? no i dont think so, but when I was finished, I dumped 100 balls on her, and i would say 75% hit her full on. Do we have to resort to this? I didnt even realize I was still pulling when I was out of paint. I was so aggrivated and frustrated with the scene lately that I just totally saturated her with paint. I felt bad, her whole side of her body was bruised. Cant wipe that...

Hopefully good will prevail, or I will just go back to recball and scenarios because there is no chance I am going to continue to subject good players to these conditions. I may just be one man, with one team, but if enough teams form together, maybe something will happen, if not, the tourney scene will, in my opinion, suffer greatly.

Mark Devine
10-03-2001, 06:34 PM
As we speak, a little know league in the State of Maine is doing exactly what you people speak of. The Maine Recreational Paintball League (MRPL) is in the process of putting together a circuit different from any other in paintball, at least as far as I know. The Maine Amateur Circuit is a series of 5 tournaments, all held at different MRPL fields. This circuit stresses fair play. There is no swearing, no cheating, no coaching, no unsportsmanlike conduct of any find. There is a 25 point penalty for swearing, 25 points for playing on plus minus one player, wiping is considered a forfeit of a match, a second wiping offense gets a team kicked from the tourney and if the MRPL deams necessary they are kicked from the circuit, crono penalties range from 1 to 50 points depending how hot the shot is- 30fps over gets you minus 50 points, the unsportsmanlike conduct penalty is issued at the Ultimate Judge's discrecion and can be as much as 100 points.

The penalties are stiff, but everyone knows they are only as good as the refs. If you have bad refs, penalties make no difference. For the first year, the entire circuit is reffereed by my team, Maine Thunder. We have reffereed numerous tournaments and have experience playing in national events. We know all about bad refs. We also have 12 members which means plenty of refs on the field. Players won't even have that split second to wipe. Thunder is not one of these big name teams either. We have no loyalty to anyone, which means no biassed calls. We only care about making a high quality, non-cheating circuit. In future years, the event is going to be reffereed by the MRPL's tournament trained refs. These refs pass extensive reffing and safety courses, including classroom and on field training.

At the end of the circuit, all MRPL teams, players, and families are invited to a banquet at which prizes are handed out, the years is reviewed, thanks are given, and everyone has a good time.

What is great about the Maine Amateur Circuit is that it is not about making money. It is about the players. The MRPL is a non-profit organization and doesn't care about money. They care about making paintball fun and safe. They want to "spread the word" about paintball.

I'm posting this to let you know that new tournament series are in the works. This is only a small circuit, meant for players in Maine and northern New England, but I think it is a big step. Hopefully when others see that this is the way it should be they will start to catch on. Hopefully in a few years all tournaments can be about fairplay, sportsmanship, and having fun, instead of about winning and money.

Want some info on the MRPL? Check out www.MRPL.org
Email me if you have questions or comments, I would love to hear them. [email protected]

10-03-2001, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by PsychoMag

When I goggled a girl on an opposing team, saw the hit clearly and she ducked, and reappeared clean. I knew times have changed. I called a ref and they saw nothing. whaddaya do? suck it up and get em harder next time which I did. Was getting my RT Pro to sweeten up on her right? no i dont think so, but when I was finished, I dumped 100 balls on her, and i would say 75% hit her full on. Do we have to resort to this? I didnt even realize I was still pulling when I was out of paint. I was so aggrivated and frustrated with the scene lately that I just totally saturated her with paint. I felt bad, her whole side of her body was bruised. Cant wipe that...

Was it right...yes it was in my opinion. Its like this, your goal in the game was to eliminate that player at that time. IF you really hit her with 75 paintballs and she didn't call herself out she was either A. mentally retarded and should not have been allowed to even hold a paintball marker B. cheating, so you shot her till she was out(that is what I do, because some people don't like calling themselves out) or C. a masochist, and hey I am not going to get into that :)
If it was me, I would have painted my name on her for wiping(and my first name is 9 letters long), when prizes are up for grabs. It is OK to play hard, and it is ok to not know you got hit and play on, but it is entirely wrong and against the sport to wipe.

10-06-2001, 09:16 AM
I see tournaments as being good for our sport. The bad things about tournaments is the lack of good, unbiased marshalling/refereeing. If we as a sport demand a separate entity to judge the competitions fairly, the sport will be all the better for it. Another thing I would support would be a change in the format. I like woods ball and speedball, as well. I think that in order for a team to call itself the best, the team would have to excell at all types of paintball gaming. Since the sport is mostly played by recballers, the introduction of a woods field in the format would have a tendency to draw this crowd.

10-09-2001, 08:28 PM
I think that every tourney player in a series like NPPL or something should have a running record of their performnce and actions on the field. Refs could be added into each game with a sheet for each team playing. As the teams compete, anything outstanding could be written down for that player on his teams sheet. The refs could use a card system to punish players. I.E. plaer x of team splatterwipe gets pissed at a ref and shoots him on purpose. That player recieves a card of a certain color that represents the severity of his actions. There could be a color code for different levels of actions. Minor rules broken could carry a light penalty, and for light penalties they get yellow cards. Extremely severe actions could warrant recieving a red card that cause the player to be removed from the game. Cards recieved would be recorded on the aforementioned sheet and teams that have so many yellow or red cards could be penalized for these cards by being restricted or removed from the series or tourney. This system would take a little mental work to get down, but once it was set into writing and enforced, I think players might watch themselves more closely for fear of being penalized later. At the field I ref at, I remove players from the game or possibly the field for causing trouble or being disrespectful to others and refs. It is sometimes hard to penalize fellow players for something like that because of fear of losing that player or other things, but I think it must be done. I too don't like tourneys because of the unsporting conduct, and I think everyone should work to stop it, not just officials. Thats all I have to say about that. You can the mike back on.

10-10-2001, 06:52 AM
Paintball players who compete need to behave as if national television cameras were on them at all times. And those who conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner need to be penalized, put on probation, or suspended. Every major set of rules in paintball has penalties that could be applied.

10-12-2001, 04:14 PM
alright, i believe that bad sportsmanship and cheating are just wrong, they exist in all sports and theres nothing we can do to stop it. we can, however, penalize the player who commits the unsportsmanlike move.

first ill start with wiping, why would you?? whats the point of winning something like the world cup, or skyball, if everyone knows you cheated, including you. i am one of the people that is strongly against wiping, i once got a longball at a scenario game that broke on a metal part on my shoe, it was barely noticeble, but i knew it it was a hit. wiping it never even crossed my mind, i just put my plug in and left the field. another case was at the field i work at, i saw some guy with like 4 or 5 breaks sityting behind his bunker with his $2000 angel setup, and he wiped them all and continued firing, so i ran over and told him he was out, he tried to debate, but little 5'4" me really got on his 6'1" *** and let him know what i thought about what he was doing, i threatened to kick him out for the day (i dont know if my boss would let me, but hey he didnt know that) and i also mentioned he was no better than the renter who hit him, this got him particularily mad, and he decided to leave for the day. as a ref and a spectator i see many instances of wiping during games, the ones i catch i call out, and the ones that debate the call, i continue to yell at. a little favor i would like to ask, if you see someone wipe, talk to the refs about it and let them know to keep an eye on so-and-so you think hes cheating or something of that sort.

also, swearing is just something that happens, most people are introduced to it usually by the time their 8 or 9 at the latest, its just something that happens, a little "oh f-bomb, my gun is messed up" i dont mind, but if theyre yelling and swearing at someone i do mind that, hey its just a game, if you have something u want to discuss bring it up with a ref between games, otherwise you can wait to play next game.

speaking of yelling at people, yelling at refs should be handled seriously, if you have a point you want to make take it up with the head ref after the game, but this doesnt mean you should yell and swear at them. just like in football, if a player vulgarly or physically insults a refferee that player can be fined and ejected from the game. so if a player debates a call with a ref while yelling at them and shoving them, they should be suspended for a certain amount of games i believe.

thanks for reading my view on these topics, and i think its a great idea to have a forum to discuss certain angles of the game, not just guns and equipment, remember, if we want more people to join, kepp it a spectator friendly sport, because its not how many times you wiped that wins a tourney

10-12-2001, 04:23 PM
I've read all of your posts and I agree with this. I don't work at a field or anything because I'm a kid but when I play with my friends they wipe sometimes, usually near the end of the game. I don't see the point in this, wiping a shot when there's only 30 seconds left in a game. Playing through a whole game doesn't mean your a good player.
My parents are against me playing in tourneys and on teams because they've heard about the immense amount of cheating in paintball and they think that it will be a bad influence on me. I would like to participate in a tourney but I can't until the cheating aspect is taken care of.

10-13-2001, 02:23 PM
im only 15 & ive worked at my field for about a year now, im the only one who thinks we should take a certified ref training class, but oh well its not a huge field, so if my boss dont want to pay 4 it thats fine, im taking it anyways...

10-14-2001, 05:42 PM
Hey Adrenaline Mag ... you near Maine? Come on up and take the MRPL's recreational reffing and tourney reffing courses. They're free!

Yo - Foo Temps ... you can play "safely" up here. And your folks will love it. We don't accept cheating - period.

10-14-2001, 10:51 PM
Too bad that I don't live in maine...

10-18-2001, 03:43 PM
I am 13 years old, I,ve seen the people that go off the fiels swearing and then I thought about it. Is it any different than a baseball player cursing at the ump or charging the mound? What is the difference between that and seeing your favorite soccer player get ejected for flicking off a fan. Bad sportsmanship is out of control but it is no different in any other sport. It is the point when people get so involved in trying to win a game they don't realize that people are watching them and that people look up to them.

But just because there are some bad people in the sport that would take joy in lighting up a 12 year old then curse at the ref for sending him off the field for doing it does not mean that there are not people that see a young kid that does not have as much expeirience and say you come with me and I'll s how you what to do.

I believe that there are just as many if not more good people in the sport of paintball as there are bad.

10-19-2001, 12:03 AM
Do what the NFL does......well, so the expense will be low, we can modify it a little. Have a couple of people(probably some of the refs) and have them run around with video cameras. Trying to video-tape EVERY player and their EVERY move. so id the player denies something or the ref isnt sure, just rewind and re-view it.

10-21-2001, 11:50 AM
I'm not saying that it is the refs problem that people have bad sportsman ship. I'm saying that the ref has seen people laugh when they unload on people and then awear at the ref for talking to them about it.

There is usually one maby 2 refs and they are going to miss some things but then just like every other sport don't the refs make bad calls too.

I also was not putting down sporting I was saying that people who think bad sportsman ship only exists or is more common in paintball are incorrect.

10-29-2001, 10:32 PM
I read an article a little while ago where an avid paintball player, in his mid 30's, attended his first tournament. he was there as a spectator. he liked the action of some of the good games, but noticed a few things that bothered him. Exessive language, bad sportsmanship, and cheating are a few of the things. he witnessed a game where a player that had been eliminated threw his gun on the ground and walked off the field swearing at the referee...

There are many of the factors you mentioned in every sport. Paintball is not and will never be immune. Although, I do agree that penalties should be given for these types of activities, including but not limited to monetary fines. Tournament paintball is at a very young stage ... It still has a lot of kinks to work out. I could go into detail, but that would be a whole other subject.

Although, there are some things that I see at paintball tournaments that IMHO believe should not be there or should be restricted to certain areas of the event - such as the ability to purchase alcoholic beverages, activities with heavy sexual conotations (ie. wet t-shirt contests, "paintball pit wrestling", etc). We have to remember that paintball is open to anyone 10 and up (and believe me, a lot of 10 year olds attend events), and is a family oriented sport, and should reflect as such.

Also, not to go off subject, but heavier security would be nice too. That's one thing I have always noticed at events, a lack of security.

11-06-2001, 09:08 PM
I am a ref at my local field. I actually LOVE how they run it. No swearing, vulgor or racial language twords another player or his family. not allowed to touch another player. if cought wiping or using this kind of language you WILL sit the next game. And another problem we have a lot is people trying to sneak non-field paint. I hate that because thats just taking money away from my field, and the place we all love to play at. Though, if i do catch someone with it, i dump the hopper on the ground and eject them from the field for the day. The refs there also go through a "training day" and are tought all about the aspects of refing.

11-06-2001, 09:47 PM
Hey mr_cool2588, I think you're right. MOST players in the sport are honest and don't like to win by cheating. Most I've see are like that. At my field, many of the experienced players will take a newbie out and show him the ropes for a while. It's just the small number of dickheads that stand out - and they get noticed and help bring the sport down.

ZO - Sounds excellent! Good for you and your field! I work at a place that's very similar to yours. No "BS" allowed. Makes the sport alot more enjoyable for all, huh? The recreational fields are doing alot to bring the sport to more people and make it more acceptable. But there are still tourneys out there trashing the sport with their lack of rules (or lack of penalties for breaking the rules). Maybe if money (and winning-at-all-cost) was a bit less important .... ?

11-08-2001, 09:18 PM
at a 3 man i played in at iowa city... a player swore at the ref...the team got a fifty point penalty and nobody used any foul language or any bad sportsmanship the rest of the day...the team that had the player with the bad mouth, couldnt make to to the semifinals because of his outburst

11-09-2001, 02:37 PM
To some degree i'll agree with the topic.

We are classified as an "Xtreme Sport". What this means is the competitors are less then usual type of athlete. We are the "bad boys" of the athletes.. not saying that paintball = violence... Just look at the pro skaters, bikers Paintball players, none of them look like pro football, baseball or hockey players.. so with the image must come an attitude.. When your pro (seen this alot) you lose a game you can afford to pitch your angel across the field, it's not like you bought it. This behavior is then caught on camera and in magazines giving paintball a "Spoiled Rotten Brat" look to it, also giving kids the idea thats it's cool to do this. Just my opinion...

I bought my gun , I'm gonna treat it like gold , It's mine and mine alone. I play tournement paintball from time to time and i'm in it for the fun , if we win even better.

11-11-2001, 02:36 PM
People don't notice it when other people do stuff that is respectable. You never hear someone yell across the field "What a great guy he called himself out when he got hit" or "wow that guy didn't run across the field swearing when he got called out".

Really wiping paint is cheating but suppose in soccer a player pushes a man off the ball and the ref doesn't see it. Is he going to run to the ref and say I just pushed that guy over I think you should call a penalty on me? In baseball if the ump calls a strike a ball is the batter going to turn around and argue to the ump that the last pitch was really a strike and he should be sitting in the dugout right now. Are these things considered cheating? NO why not they still alter the game in all three situations it is the ref who did not see it so player can get away with it. Human error is part of every sport

we almost run to criticize bad behavior but almost fail to notice proper or good behavior.

we also need to realize that just because people do what they can get away with in paintball doesn't mean that people don't take advantages of things of the same nature in other sports

I'm not coming down on refs of any kind I am a soccer ref and a paintball ref and I know I have missed calls but any one else who has refed something has also made mistakes. But it is not like we say to ourselves I'm going to let one team wipe and call splatter on the other team. We call it as fair as possible and if one team takes advantage of a bad call then good for that team. like I said before human error is part of the game.

cursing and swearing are totally different. But when someone does swear how often do other players get mad at them. Why don't all the players say we don't like you cursing around all the kids playing hear so we want you to stop cursing or stop playing here. If you say get out I'm tired of your altitude don't you all think people might change.

11-11-2001, 03:35 PM
Ah but now your thinking the ref has to decide if the player is tag or not. You examples are not exactly right.. Getting hit eliminates a player, thus bringing the oposition one step closer to winning... So it should be If a ref doesn't see a goal is it a goal? Same goes with Paintball Your out if you get hit and it breaks. If a player wipes its the exact same as a Goalie in hockey pulling the puck out of the net after a score then saying it never went in. Cheaters make paintball look bad for us, also they make paintball look like an imature sport where "Cheating is ok"...

11-11-2001, 04:36 PM
Refs are always good for any game. They keep the players in line. I played paintball yesterday and I was glad there was a ref cuz I was getting overshot and the ref got pissed off at the guy and set him straight. Same thing in football, guys get penalized for excessive roughness.

11-12-2001, 07:08 PM
Scientifically speakin,

Paintball is an extremely easy sport/game to cheat at.
There are more variables in paintball than there are in any other sport. These vary from wind, to temperature, to feild location, to bunker placement, to the ref's perhiprial vision/depth perception... and millions more. Alos, the refs have a lot more to watch for than ordinary sports referee's. Not only does the ref have to watch the player in front of him, he has to watch the player shooting at that player, the player(s) behind the player hes watching, and more. When the ref looks up at who is shooting at the player next to him, the player could easily wipe, or, even more dangerously, thumb up some velocity to get that extra long ball to the other side of the feild, if they take the time to unlock their adjuster. The feild also has so many obsticals and distractions its hard to see everything at once. And to judge the game fairly you almost need to be able to see every player, every bunker, every gun, every hand, foot, and body part possible to judge the gaem correctly. Why? becuase of the reasons above, and hte intensity/speed of the game. After that buzzer/whistle sounds to start the game, you have 6,8, 10, or more players rushing to positions, snap shooting, shooting burts, and spitting paint at 280+ fps and up to 800 rounds per min. If its an air feild (inflatables) you always (as a ref AND player) have the inetitable bounce of a ball. And if the conditions are right, and that player with that angel or emag on the other side of the feild fires a 0 shot burts, and 6 of those shots (will most likely) hit the inflatable bunker in front of/ behind the player you are next to, and, before you knoew it, you get railed by 4 or 5 balls. Thats physics. The player didn't mean it, hopefully. its just how the balls were angled and how you were positions at that time.

So all these distractions go into the factor.

Geoff Noble
11-26-2001, 07:50 PM
I think many, Im not saying all tourney players should take a hint from other profesional sports players. Players in baseball dont swear and throw things when they get called out on a bad call (usually).

Here is a common sequnce of events in a tournament scenario.

1. Paintball player runs up to bunker someone, gets hit as he tries to bunker the player, the ref calls him out instead of the player he attempted to bunker.
2. Player proceeds to swear, curse, and fight with the ref about the call.
3. Player walks off the field, and spikes his 1000.00$ paintball gun on the ground, with kids in full view of his disgraceful actions.

Now this doesnt happen all the time, but i have seen it a lot.
In my opinion, people who are hit on a bad call, or if they think it's a bad call, should respect the refs desicion. The
should know that even if he isnt right, he's still the ref, and he still has the right to tell you whether or not you are out.

Another thing that adds to people being agressive in paintball is the amount of adrenaline involved. Poeple are really ecxited when they are in a heated firefight. Then when they get hit, they rally wnat to win and found out they lost. Someon who really wants to win may challenge the call, and adrenaline only adds to it.

I think paintball should be much better if the players respected their ref

11-28-2001, 08:09 AM
Why is everyone picking on tournaments here? Is it the fact that people watch them up close so they can see the cheating? If you want to see cheating walk onto a rec field. Usually one or two refs for 15 to 20 players, wiping and playing on everywhere.
Our team does not cheat, yet we have gotten penalties for hot guns, (if you haven't yet you have not been playing long enough) playing on, ( see if you feel a pack hit or a front of the hopper hit when your running full speed to your next bunker). My point here is that even when penalties are called that does not mean there was cheating involved sometimes it is just bad luck or or lack of knowledge.
As far as wiping goes we have never done it or been called for it but I have seen it done, and it does piss me off but a lot of these kids learned it on the rec ball filed. The answer is better reffing or at least more refs on the field so they can catch these things. Or if that doesn't happen shoot them 10 times then count the bruises.

11-28-2001, 09:24 AM
I have played both rec and tourney (rec also means walk on and senarios). Paintball in the woods was how it started, we can't deni that. Touney paintball is the visual side of paintball. You can walk on and watch a tourney , but you can't do that for rec games.

As for cheating, yes there will ALWAYS be cheating, it's all a judgment call on yourself, no one saw that ball hit you, it's under your pack, you can wipe it and get away clean... do you do it? You all say no right off the bat , but think about it long and hard.. now i'm not saying it's a tourney or a rec.. it's just paintball.

There is way to many points of action for the game to be completely cheat free... Football, Baseball, Hockey.. ect ect all have one ball , one point of action. paintball has , at any given time 300 to 400 balls in the air and a multitude of conflics to point the action to.. Thats what makes it so much fun , the insane rush of more then one point of action to get involved in.. If it's played in a field or in the woods.. it's all the same.

Paintball is paintball..

11-30-2001, 09:38 AM
Immagine for a minnute with me:

College football Big Ten Championship Game

Purdue Vs. Michigan

Reffing by Kurt Kitner of Illinois
(he's their starting QB)
And by some other ilini players

~What we have here is reffing by other players, right? We both know that this would never work, because Illinois lost to both Michigan and Purdue this year, so the reffing might be a little biased? Or the Purdue Defense sacked Kitner so he's gonna call penalties on Purdue... you can immagine it.

So what college football did was come up with a standard of reffing that is partial to no one. Ref Bob is a Professional Ref, thats all he does! He might play a pick-up game of football on his day off, but he probably isnt allowd to play professionally.

NOW paintball

NPPL Title Game

Avalanche vs. SC Ironmen

Reffing by Lockout

Is this any different from having illinois football team ref a purdue vs michigan game?

There needs to be a clause somewhere in the turnament scene.
Lets say that you win the NPPL title in 2001, for the 2002 season your team cannot compete. You are the reff's for that entire season after you win. The NPPL has to come up with a way for the travel for the reff's to be transported and housed.

Just an idea, im a bit out of my league in tournaments... no place for my phantom. However i could use my 68pfd, but hey its not how i play.

I will see you on the field


NOTE: all refrences to college football games are immaginary. Illinois won the big ten this year by Beating Purdue, but they lost to Michigan earler in the season.

carl j. bonta
12-04-2001, 02:55 AM
Everyone needs to realize that paintball or any sport taken to a high level of competition these things happen on the field. Some people take tourney play seriously, some games have large amounts of money and a lot riding on them, people get out of control sometimes, maybe rec-ball is a better level of play for those who dont like to see that on the field.

As for cheating and luvn from judges, soon in the NPPL there will be professional judgeing, headed up by Bill Cookston.

01-02-2002, 01:01 PM
it brings money in the sport.