View Full Version : Rear ASA... where to get and how to mount...?

09-29-2001, 12:04 AM
I currently have my gun set up as seen below:


What I want to do is add a rear ASA (right behind the trigger frame) in order to have the option of using a T-stock. So, I have a couple questions. First, where could I buy a rear-mounted ASA? And second, how would it mount, as there are NO screw holes behind the grip frame? Please let me know. Thanks!

09-29-2001, 07:13 AM
Hmmm.... good question. I haven't been able to find a back-bottle adapter online anywhere, either. I know Airgun Designs made them for a while, so maybe they have some lying around?

To attach it, take the body off of the rail. You'll see two holes at the back of the rail. Use a punch and a hammer to punch out the holes, and that's where the screws go.

09-29-2001, 07:59 AM
Thanks man. I'll go ahead and give it a shot... and I'll give AGD a call about the ASA itself. It'd really be nice to have the option of a rear T-stock :D

09-29-2001, 09:04 PM
What luck! I went to a local paintball shop and found an ASA in almost mint condition (except for a scratch). The AGD logo is perfect... anyway, I also looked at the rail and found that the holes are not just punch-out holes, but rather just markings for where to drill them. I'm gonna go ahead and drill them and recess them enough for this to fit... thanks for your help!

09-29-2001, 09:14 PM
Noo! wait make sure that the holes are the right spacing and that the back bottle adapter has 1/2 on center holes...

09-29-2001, 10:13 PM
lol, thanks for your concern :D . I did think about that, and they are appropriately spaced. But one question remains: what do you mean by "has 1/2 on center holes"?

09-29-2001, 11:42 PM
In the back of the body rail, the two dents that are marked for back bottle are 1/2 inch on center, Im not sure if the back bottle adapters are the same spacing as the bottom line adapters(3/4 inches on center)