View Full Version : Legalization of the E-Mag in Germany

09-29-2001, 09:00 AM
I don't know how many people already know that but every paintball gun has to be tested an legalized by the government before you can use or sell it in germany.

To get that done somebody who is interestet to get the certification (dealer of manufacturer) has to make a proposal to the government agency and give them a sample gun which they can test.
And if than the gun fits the regulations they legalize it.

My question now to Tom is, is anybody (AGD or AGD europe) trying to get this certification for the e-mag??

I'm from germany but I'm studying in the US right now. I really would like to have a e-Mag but if they are not legalized in germany it dosn't make sense for me to get one.
I know a lot of people in germany who like the AGD guns and who would like to be able to get the E-mag but they all have to go with the angel because that gun is already legalized.


09-29-2001, 10:58 AM
i cant speak for tom, but i bet if you would post the name of the agency and the contact information it would be easier for him to get started. personally i cant find the right phone number for those stupid agencies in my own town.

10-09-2001, 02:48 PM
Nobody from AGD ever replied to this post so I've to assume
AGD just isn't interested in their german customers.
Maybe it's just that the market for paintball product in germany isn't big enough.
I really hope that will change some time!!
Untill than I guess we have to stick with the products from other companys that care about us and legalize their products in germany (Angels, Impulses, shocker, Bushmaster...)

10-09-2001, 03:18 PM
You jumped pretty quickly to that assumption.

I am sure that AGD is interested in their customer base no matter their locale. There are 13 some-odd THOUSAND threads on this board and keeping up will all of them would leave no time for them building the very marker that you want legalized in Germany (assuming, dangerously, that it is currently not being tested).

More importantly, the distributors of AGD's products in Germany and/or Airgun Designs/Europe may have this entire process well in-hand.

10-09-2001, 03:31 PM
Tom may very well be leaving this up to the folks over at AGD Europe. Who knows...

10-09-2001, 03:49 PM
Yes we missed it. Our European office handles this type of thing and we are out of the loop. As far as I know we have been selling into Germany for a long time. Please email our Euro office from the website and ask them.


John Sosta, AGD Europe
10-10-2001, 05:12 AM
Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I've just spotted the thread! (There are so many, and they move down so quickly !)
Yes, we are already working on the German "F-Stamp" legalisation. The main issue is the battery. The German authorities do not like anything on the marker which makes it look like a real gun. The problem with the vertical battery is that it looks like a real gun magazine, so we have to relocate it to receive the German approval.
WDP had the same problem with the in-line reg on the front of the Angel.
We can obviously relocate this fairly easily to get the approval, but we then have to ship E-Mags over to Dealers & customers this same way, so we are trying to re-locate the battery under the grip, in a special mount, so that it looks nice, and there are no unsightly wires showing. We are working fairly closely with one of our Dealers in Germany Andreas Stoll from "Airparts", (www.airparts.de)who is a big AGD fan, and is helping us with translations etc.
We hope to have the legalisation very soon, but because of the number of applications they receive, the process can be very slow.
We will post on this forum, and on the European website, as soon as the legalisation is finalised.

10-10-2001, 06:20 AM
Thank you for the help!
Sorry my post sounded a little harsh it wasn't meant this way.

I'm looking forward to get one once it is legalized!!

10-10-2001, 06:47 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused:
emmmm i never heard of that???? is there only in Germany or other country in Europe too????

10-10-2001, 06:50 AM
As far as I know It's only in germany that way.
Paintball in generall hasn't a really good reputation in Germany and a lot of politicians wanna forbit it totally.
Let's hope they will never do that.

10-10-2001, 07:07 AM
yeah that's bad, wouldn't be so happy for sure if that happen in my Country
wish you best of luck for gettin' Emag into Germany
;) ;) ;)

10-10-2001, 07:45 AM
OOO = hey when you figure this out I may be interested in relocating the battery to under the grip - maybe.

And on a side note - my Minicocker body has an "F" stamp. Not shure how our why it got it - but it does - so I guess I can take it to Germany.