View Full Version : Advantages of Hopper Right Minimag for a Right Handed Player?

Spyder BC
09-29-2001, 01:58 PM
Hi all,
As a proud new owner of a Minimag from paintballgear.com I have a quick question when it comes down to handedness of the Automag/Minimag. For the past 5-6 years I have shot a Spyder which is Hopper Left, and got along with that very well, as I am right handed. Upon recieving my Mag I noticed that it was hopper right. At this point I realized that I must have been confused when ordering as there are a lot of ways to communicate which side the powerfeed is on (HR,HL,PfR,PfL,RH,LH, ect...) Anyway I regognize that this is my own fault for not looking into my order as detailed as possible and blah blah blah, BUT that brings me to my question:

Are there any plausable advantages for a right handed player carrying a marker with a hopper-right powerfeed?

So far I can only come up with two:
1. When shooting left, or left handed the marker feels more natural.
2. When shooting right, or right handed from the right side of a bunker, my field of vision is less obstructed.

The disadvantage I have come up with so far is that snap shooting with my right hand feels less natural..

Can anyone think of any other reasons why I would want to keep a HR body rather than exchanging or buying a HL body?

I know a lot of it has to do with matter of preferance, but if that is the case - to all of those who will be responding: why do you have the preferance that you do?

Thanks for all responses!

<as a side note, this is my first post to this board! woo-hoo! :) >

09-29-2001, 02:39 PM
If u decide to get a Warp feed haing a HR body for a right handed person is an advantage over HL because the hose copnnects directly into the bottom of the feed as apposed to ove it making you profile bigger and feeding slower.

09-29-2001, 03:58 PM
HR for a right hander is a detriment. But, that'll work great with a warp feed.

09-29-2001, 05:00 PM
hmm... i actually perfer the HR to the HL... even though i am also right handed.....
it makes sightin down the left side easier.. also helps when shootin out of the left side of a bunker, seein i'm not as quick on the return from that side

09-29-2001, 05:35 PM
i'm right handed and for no reason i got a left......but i think it'll be good cuz i can get a warp then lean this way

/ when i shoot so the warp would be pointed down

09-29-2001, 09:50 PM
I find that a hopper left gives a better sight plane down the left side of the body. But as Miscue has stated, hopper right is the way to go with the warp.

Maxd Out
09-30-2001, 01:17 AM
1. When snapshooting, your hopper will stick out that much more from the right side of your bunker.
2. The way I sight with my gun, I look down the left side of the body. With a hopper right, I can't see as well because the powerfeed blocks my view.

1. Warp compatability

Play with it and decide how you feel using it.

09-30-2001, 07:36 AM
Whoaaaa here. I thought I had a hopper left. Should the powerfeed look like this from the back of the gun? / or like the other side \. Thanks!!

09-30-2001, 08:11 AM
it should look like this-\

09-30-2001, 07:16 PM
With hopper right the base of the powerfeed is on the left it looks like this from the back // it places the hopper on the right side of the body...hopper left is the other way \\, most powerfeed spyders are hopper left if that helps

09-30-2001, 07:24 PM
I have a hopper right body too. If you are right handed wouldn't you want the warp on the left so it doesn't get in your way? So in that case wouldn't you want a pf left body so you could take out the pf plug and put the extended warp one on the top? I don't have a warp but I'm thinking about getting one. Which setup would feed faster if you had a warp on the left side of your gun, the pf left or right?
Got pictures too? It would be easier for me to understand. LOL



09-30-2001, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Rrok
I have a hopper right body too. If you are right handed wouldn't you want the warp on the left so it doesn't get in your way? So in that case wouldn't you want a pf left body so you could take out the pf plug and put the extended warp one on the top? I don't have a warp but I'm thinking about getting one. Which setup would feed faster if you had a warp on the left side of your gun, the pf left or right?
Got pictures too? It would be easier for me to understand. LOL


Rrok You want the warp hose as short as possible on the left, coming in from the BOTTOM of the powerfeed, so a hopper right p/f is the way to go.

10-01-2001, 09:29 AM
As I recall hopper right and hopper left is from the perspective of holding the mag and looking down the barrel (HR - hopper is on your right, HL - hopper is on your left).
My friend also just bought a minimag from paintballgear.com. He got the hopper left body and decided that he prefers the hopper right. If you prefer the hopper left, maybe you guys can do an even trade for the main bodies. Let me know.

10-01-2001, 12:14 PM
Okay just making sure.

Major Ho
10-01-2001, 02:59 PM
This whole HR/HL left discussion is just confusing me. Well if looking down the back of the gun and the tube end with the hopper attached to it is on the right then its HR, from what i understand. Dude...If you dont want warp, and you shoot right handed, when you lean left the balls wont get caught in the elbow and keep feeding. But if you lean right the balls will get caught at the bend in the elbow. Just something I noticed and I guessed it applies to your question. Thats a big reason I like HR. OH! I got an example...A cocker, the lil tube pops out the right side so its hopper right, I can lean left and not have to worry about feeding problems...Thats a real good reason IMHO. And like said before you can attach warp much easier with HR body...

Spyder BC
10-02-2001, 03:12 PM
Hey guys, thanks for your responses, and sorry that I caused so much confusion. :D

Anyway it's at least reassuring to hear that people still get mixed up when it comes to hopper left/rightness. I guess it's a good rule of thumb to think that the power feed and hopper are opposites each other Hopper Right = Powerfeed Left and Hopper Left = Powerfeed Right, and yes, I am always taking these measurements as you would be looking when aiming the marker.

The Minimag performed flawlessly all day on Sunday. Completly stock to, no upgrades what-so-ever. I up'ed my elimination average by at least 1-2 players per game that day. The second game I played I think I had somewhere between 5 - 7 eliminations! I don't think I've ever done that with my Spyder, which I have used for the past 6 years!
The ackwardness of aiming the marker was offset for me by pure firepower, although I did seem to find a method of holding it that seemed to work. I think that I will hold out on shelling out $$$ for a different body until later.

Thanks again for all of your responses!

10-02-2001, 03:39 PM
if i look from the back of my gun it looks like this \