View Full Version : what happened to the IPPA?

04-01-2004, 04:12 PM
I started playing in late 1988 (still have my Nelspot 007 and original Piranha longbarrel). I was injured playing rugby in 1995 stopped playing because my knee was too unstable to play the way I like. I like to move around alot and often would get the flag and return it without firing a shot (I am not the type to sit back and spray - no fun for me - I was very fast and very sneaky, really, people underestimate how very, very sneaky I was).

Anyway, I digress, after a 8 year hiatus I had reconstructive surgery and am back playing again. I have a automag classic but it has a flatline system and the lvl 10 is in the mail.

I was looking through my old stuff and found my old International Paintball Players Association patch. I went online to see if they have a website and it appears they no longer exist. Is this true? What happened to them?

04-02-2004, 03:36 PM
The same thing that happened to the original NPPL....

The members didn't care enough about it to keep it going.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills