View Full Version : Bolt Spring Q?

09-29-2001, 04:01 PM
Hello All Again,
I have a question about the Bolt Spring.

The thing is, the spring is designed to force the bolt back after the initial shot has been made. The spring is designed for a specific tension. If it was too hard, The bolt will not be able to push the ball all the way into the chamber and discharge its propellant gas. However, if the spring is too weak, the force of the expanding gasses in the powertube will overcome the tension of the spring, and the bolt will impact the gun when the spring has reached max compression.

The thing is, the spring is not adjustable. You get only one spring, and one designed tension. Since most players play at around 280-300, the spring is designed around that tension.

The question is. what if Implaying nigght games where we run our velocites lower than usual to keep noise level down. Will the spring tension be too weak for 240-250?

Another side is, sometimes we play in a long open field (where close encounters are almost impossible). We have bunkers setup far from each other. We like to longball the paint to each other, and most of my friends will run their guns at around 320. Will this cause the bolt to overcome the spring tension and cause the bolt to impact the gun (hurting both bolt and gun)?

Are there different designed tension springs out on the market? I noticed when I bought my gun (used). It came with a parts kit. One spring was black, the other was a golden color. Are these 2 different tensions, or just a manufacturing preference.

AGD? Moderators? Anyone? Help?

"Hyper Snyper"

09-29-2001, 04:06 PM
On a creative day I couldn't have come up with that... :)

You can run your mag at those lower velocities, no problem.

09-29-2001, 04:37 PM
when I first got my Mag and chronoed it, it was shooting around 160!:confused:

09-29-2001, 04:43 PM
Just another reason why I adore the simplicity of the mag! Our hero Mr.Kaye already thought of that for us! Who needs multiple springs anyway. Less hassle is a good thing.

09-29-2001, 08:13 PM
320 FPS?! Man ouch. 300 hurts as it is...lol, well not that bad. Mags can chop paint and that high FPS. Oh well, the spring will work fine. You can turn it down really low and it will still work fine.