View Full Version : calling all eagle scouts!

04-02-2004, 01:05 AM
hey scouts, im working on my eagle scout project right now
and im short 300 bucks.

im wondering how you guys raised money, and who and where did you ask for donations?

04-02-2004, 01:08 AM
what the hell do they make you pay that much for

04-02-2004, 01:20 AM
one of the last requirements is to plan out a project that will leave a mark in the community for years. with this project you have to raise money.

i built 16 benches and 16 desks for a classroom, each set holds 2 6 year olds.

this project overall hit about 600

04-02-2004, 01:53 AM
Hey xXhAppyAznXx,
Send a request of help/assistance to the link below. I'm on the board and an Asst. Scoutmaster. Can't promise a lot but more exposure means more opportunity.
Good luck (I'll talk you up at the next meeting).



04-02-2004, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx
one of the last requirements is to plan out a project that will leave a mark in the community for years.

I have left my mark on the local community for probably the next five generations. And it didn't cost me a cent. Just do incredibly stupid things, video tape it and be sure everyone knows about it :)

04-02-2004, 08:53 AM
for my eagle project i ripped out and repoured all of the side walk and patio at my local firedepartment.

i got the concrete dontated from local construction site.
fire department picked up the bills for all other materials.

i would suggest you contact various businesses in your community most will be willing to help if it is a good cause. what is your project????

good luck on your eagle
you should be proud if you achive it


04-02-2004, 09:02 AM
I am star and I have no motivation to keep going. My dad always yells at me about it but no one in my troop even trys to help anyone, hardly anyone shows up. Now if don't advance in like 2 weeks I'm grounded until I make eagle. :( Bah, stupid scouts.

04-02-2004, 09:07 AM
its sad but scouts is really getting away from more outdoors things to current thing. such as computers

wilderness survival doesnt seem to be important anymore :mad:

its really sad

04-02-2004, 10:17 AM
dsrkd - no thanks, i want to actually go out and ask for donations, thats more respectable you got me? thanks anyways :D .

fire1811 - my project is to build enough benchs and desks for a synagogue's classroom

boy scouts is getting worse and worse now. boy scout communities arent as scoutlike in this state. i worked at a boy scout camp, camp hi sierra, and there was a troop (i shouldnt state who) and the scout leaders, and the scouts were giving attitudes, swearing at the counselors, thinking they are on top of the world. this is the worse example of a boy scout troop i have ever seen.

other boy scouts, they are just there to get eagle scout and get out. its more of a selfish thing, cus you only see this person for 3 years, they dont participate in any activities, just enough to meet the bare requirements. than POOF they're gone.

04-02-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by xXhAppyAznXx

other boy scouts, they are just there to get eagle scout and get out. its more of a selfish thing, cus you only see this person for 3 years, they dont participate in any activities, just enough to meet the bare requirements. than POOF they're gone.

Actually, you need ALOT of participation to get to Eagle, seeing that for Star, Life and Eagle, you have to have a high level of attendance at meetings, AND hold a leadership position in the troop for 6 months. If the scoutmaster is any kind of leader, he won't count the leadership position of the boy is hardly there or doing his job right.

My old troop usually gets 1 or 2 eagles per year, and they're genuinely qualified Eagle Scouts. Also, the Eagle Board of Review is hardly easy. If the board is a good board, then if the boy is NOT deserving of Eagle, then he won't get it, even if he met all the requirements. I found my Eagle Board of review was a grueling character evaluation. I was only asked knowledge and skill questions as preliminaries, then it got down the real meat of the board. I was questioned on why I thought certain things and asked to tell why I felt that way, etc.

If the board of review is a good, solid board, then only boys truly deserving of Eagle will make it through.

I'm proud to be an Eagle Scout, b/c I know that it was a long hard road (took me till I was nearly 18), and it was not something that anyone with any kind of attitude could do.

04-02-2004, 10:46 AM
sir_brass i was in the same boat as you. my board of review was grueling it went on for over an hour.

also my scout masters would not give anything out if you didnt deserve and earn it. mine also took me to nearly 18

but i am happy it was such a hard thing to accomplish it makes it all the more important to me.

04-02-2004, 10:47 AM
I had just my project left, I moved from CT to colorado and all the paperwork and records were lost. :( They told me I had to start over. I refused and quit.

Good luck with your project man! Lawn aeration in the spring is a good money raiser. Probably one of the best we did. Just rent the machine for a day and have people scheduled for the day. You should be able to clear $600 in a weekend.

04-02-2004, 10:54 AM

What do you need the $ for? building materials?

If thats the case, go to the local hardware store with a list of what you need. Talk to the Manager and see what he/she'd be willing to donate. You wont get it all in one place, but thats fine. Get what Lowes will let you have, and get some other supplies from Home Depot, the McCoys lumber, ect...

Just go to all the stores until you get everything you need. They'll help out.;)

04-02-2004, 10:59 AM
also wear you scout uniform when you do that it helps

04-02-2004, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by fire1811
also wear you scout uniform when you do that it helps

lol yeah that might help:p;)

04-02-2004, 11:31 AM
On a similar vein, how do you guys feel about Order of the Arrow? In our troop it was a very very high honor to get picked, but in others it seems almost like you are expected to get voted in.

04-02-2004, 11:34 AM
like most things it depends on your area.
in mine it was a high honor to be selected and when and where i went it was very hard core. they didnt cut you ANY slack you did not make it though it.

it was very fun
and the meal after the day of no eating was GREAT

04-02-2004, 11:42 AM
Yeah it was a great time! That and the first ceremony I participated in were both very memorable.

04-02-2004, 11:44 AM
"you are chosen go to the chief"

man that was fun too. tiring but fun

04-02-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
On a similar vein, how do you guys feel about Order of the Arrow? In our troop it was a very very high honor to get picked, but in others it seems almost like you are expected to get voted in.

It's not getting "voted in" that's the honor, it's actually passing the ordeal that you're elected by your troop to take, THEN it becomes a valuable thing that you made it through your ordeal and then stay active in the OA.

I'm currently a Brotherhood Honor member. When I get involved with scouts and the OA again, then I hope to make vigil honor (which is almost as difficult as obtaining Eagle).

As with most things in scouting: It's easy to start out in, but difficult to finish, and it's the finishing that brings the greatest pride and feeling of self-satisfaction: that you made it all the way through, not simply made it half-way.

04-02-2004, 01:20 PM
Understood. But what I was saying that simply getting elected was an honor in our troop. Despite the size of the troop we generally only elected ONE person, as opposed to the 3-4 that most area troops sent.

04-02-2004, 05:57 PM
I'm not being mean or anything, but isn't eagle scouts, cub scouts, etc. for younger "kids" and not teenagers?

04-02-2004, 06:46 PM
eagle scout is the highest rank in boy scouts (for teens) it is widely recognized as the most honorable achievement, will tag you for the rest of your life as a good citizen. good for college and work life and everyone who knows you.

thanks for the replies guys!

04-02-2004, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by paintbattler
I'm not being mean or anything, but isn't eagle scouts, cub scouts, etc. for younger "kids" and not teenagers?

yes and no...
Cub Scouts is for kids up to 12

Boy scouts is 12 to 18.

An Eagle Scout rank lasts a lifetime

Every job I've got since my Eagle court of honor, I got in part to the fact that I was an Eagle Scout. It has never failed to catch positive attention during an interview.

04-02-2004, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by ShooterJM
On a similar vein, how do you guys feel about Order of the Arrow? In our troop it was a very very high honor to get picked, but in others it seems almost like you are expected to get voted in.

For us its no big deal.

04-03-2004, 03:02 PM
Just BARELY got my eagle rank. I found out that my project got the final signature only two days before i turned 18. How bout that for close? But anyways, i had a great time in boy scouts during my younger years. Me and all my friends used to have an absolute blast at summer camp. Unfortunatly, after my second year at camp we couldnt play water polo anymore because we got in a fight.

I'd have to agree. Boy Scouts isnt the same as it used to be but i think it has to change. Boy Scouts is about expanding your knowledge and learning skills usefull in life. That is why it is such a credential to have the rank.

P.S. Order of the Arrow is kind of a joke around here. Some take it seriously but others dont care. Personally i never joined because they never did anything worth-while anyways.

Lakeview Bulldog
04-04-2004, 02:18 PM
Talk to the Optimist Clubs if you have them. Any community groups would be willing to help Im sure. Post donation jars inside local stores too.

I am a proud Eagle Scout in my community. My troop has been in existence for 65 years. However, Boy Scouts is declining in the region. It is sad to say that the Boy Scouts have gone soft due to outside pressure. I have seen numerous people been awawrded ranks and badges that they did not deserve. I served as Senoir Patrol Leader for over a year becasue there was no one else to do it. My first order of business was to weed out all non-hackers. If kids gave me attitudes and did not want to participate I made it so that they would not want to be involved. Not through physical or verbal abuse though. My eary years in scouts consisted of some of my most miserable weekends ever. My Scout Master did not coddle us. If we forgot to bring raingear, we got wet, if we burned our food, we ate burned food, and if it was -15 outside, we still slept in tents and stayed the whole weekend. These expirirnces made me hard. They taught me that no matter how tough things were, they would not kill me. These lessons produced group after group of motivated and dedicated Eagle Scouts that I would gladly choose to work with to complete any task. With our new Scoutmaster our boys always sleep in heated cabins, the Scoutmaster cooks for them, and he leaves early if the weather is bad. This has produced group after group of lazy scouts with bad attitudes. I cooked breakfast for them one very cold morning, as they filed past and I gave them their food not a single one of them said thank you. I was outraged, when I was their age I was sleeping in a tent and cooking my own breakfast no matter how cold. Then when I made the comment that they should be cooking their own breakfast one of them made the comment that 'You dont know what it is like and why dont you go sleep outside' I calmy told him that I was camping outside in colder weather than this cooking my own food and saying thank you to my Scoutmaster before this snot nosed kid was even born. I am now an Assitant Scoutmaster and plan on becoming ScoutMaster as soon as the current one retires. Believe me, things will be going back to the way they were. The Boy Scouts can be saved by us Eagle Scouts, for those of you who are agreeing with what you just read, go out and find a leadership role in your local troop. Take back Scouting and bring back the camping hiking, and other outdoor activities that helps turn boys into strong young men.

04-04-2004, 04:52 PM
I just went through my ordeal this weekend. It was awesome, because we worked so hard that we finished all of the work that was setup for us to do, and cleaned all of the bathrooms and pavilions in the entire camp. One of the things we had to do was build a new ring for the cermemonies. I spent half of my time cleaning up the creek, because some idiot threw all the grass in it. I can't go to any of the meetings this spring because of soccer, so that kinda sucks. I just hate it when people just do it so they can tote around the sash and flap. I plan on getting at least brotherhood, vigil if I have a lot of fun.

04-04-2004, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Lakeview Bulldog
Talk to the Optimist Clubs if you have them. Any community groups would be willing to help Im sure. Post donation jars inside local stores too.

I am a proud Eagle Scout in my community. My troop has been in existence for 65 years. However, Boy Scouts is declining in the region. It is sad to say that the Boy Scouts have gone soft due to outside pressure. I have seen numerous people been awawrded ranks and badges that they did not deserve. I served as Senoir Patrol Leader for over a year becasue there was no one else to do it. My first order of business was to weed out all non-hackers. If kids gave me attitudes and did not want to participate I made it so that they would not want to be involved. Not through physical or verbal abuse though. My eary years in scouts consisted of some of my most miserable weekends ever. My Scout Master did not coddle us. If we forgot to bring raingear, we got wet, if we burned our food, we ate burned food, and if it was -15 outside, we still slept in tents and stayed the whole weekend. These expirirnces made me hard. They taught me that no matter how tough things were, they would not kill me. These lessons produced group after group of motivated and dedicated Eagle Scouts that I would gladly choose to work with to complete any task. With our new Scoutmaster our boys always sleep in heated cabins, the Scoutmaster cooks for them, and he leaves early if the weather is bad. This has produced group after group of lazy scouts with bad attitudes. I cooked breakfast for them one very cold morning, as they filed past and I gave them their food not a single one of them said thank you. I was outraged, when I was their age I was sleeping in a tent and cooking my own breakfast no matter how cold. Then when I made the comment that they should be cooking their own breakfast one of them made the comment that 'You dont know what it is like and why dont you go sleep outside' I calmy told him that I was camping outside in colder weather than this cooking my own food and saying thank you to my Scoutmaster before this snot nosed kid was even born. I am now an Assitant Scoutmaster and plan on becoming ScoutMaster as soon as the current one retires. Believe me, things will be going back to the way they were. The Boy Scouts can be saved by us Eagle Scouts, for those of you who are agreeing with what you just read, go out and find a leadership role in your local troop. Take back Scouting and bring back the camping hiking, and other outdoor activities that helps turn boys into strong young men.

My scoutmaster didn't coddle us either, though if it rained and some boy forgot his rain jacket and we had another one, then we'd let him borrow it. Usually, however, it was a makeshift poncho made from a glad garbage bag made right there on the spot. Boys that had to wear those b/c they didn't have raingear soon got rain gear.

Our scoutmaster also never let us stay in the heated cabin on our winter campouts. The heated cabin was where all the adults were allowed to stay, and the boys were allowed to hang out in there, but they usually go up to where they have a campfire and chill up there.

As a fellow Eagle, I say "more power to you" when you take over as scoutmaster, b/c there's nothing worse in scouting than for me, a proud Eagle Scout, to see scouts who do not live up to the scout oath and law.

My advice: whenever they cop an attitude or whatnot, remind them of whatever part of the Scout Law they violated. Like, if one doesn't say thank you, tell them, "Hey, remember, a scout is courteous." Eventually they'll get so sick of being reminded, that they'll start to act right ;). Hopefully, that is.

Originally posted by gamarada717
I just went through my ordeal this weekend. It was awesome, because we worked so hard that we finished all of the work that was setup for us to do, and cleaned all of the bathrooms and pavilions in the entire camp. One of the things we had to do was build a new ring for the cermemonies. I spent half of my time cleaning up the creek, because some idiot threw all the grass in it. I can't go to any of the meetings this spring because of soccer, so that kinda sucks. I just hate it when people just do it so they can tote around the sash and flap. I plan on getting at least brotherhood, vigil if I have a lot of fun.

If you liked your ordeal weekend, then you're going to LOVE being in the OA, trust me ;). It's lots of work, but after the work is done, the play is a blast as well :D, and it also feels like it was earned, so just getting to hang out with your fellow arrowmen and play around feels even better than usual b/c you worked hard all day.