View Full Version : Dye Ultralights

09-29-2001, 05:29 PM
I was wondering if all the ultralights were 2 piece because some sites say 2 piece and others dont. Also if u have used one of these barrels how accurate are they? Does anyone know where I can get a 10in. 2 piece ultralight for my mag?

09-29-2001, 07:26 PM
no, it is not 2 peice because it's all aluminum, but it is steped however.

09-29-2001, 07:50 PM
Actually, The Ultra-light is a 2-piece design. It is just 2 pieces of aluminum, assembled the same way as a boomstick. I know this because it is here in my hand. I think Mr. "FEEL" should actually own or borrow some of the things he comments on before he offers his opinion.
As for accuracy, today it totally blew away my beloved Lapco on consistancy. I got a string of between 260-299 fps on the Lapco, and the Ultra-light got it to 291-295. This was on my Angel using Marb' Blue-yellow paint. It probably matched the paint better, but my Freak was'nt even that tight, and I used 4 different inserts.
As good as that was, I played like crap, and a bunch of buttnuggets kicked my booty. I'm taking up bowling.
Brent Jackson, PFB::