View Full Version : Why havnt I seen any Paintball Comercials

04-02-2004, 12:48 PM
Just laying in bed one morning thinking about paintball and then it hit me, why havnt I seen one paintball commercial, Is it the fact that our sport nor people are ready for it , or is it the fact that I live in Butte MT and Im isolated from the world and havnt seen the commercials that are out there. Does anyone know why?

04-02-2004, 12:50 PM
idk, there is one for a car commercial so look for that. I have seen it more lately. pretty funny i think. better then that stupid cat movie. but just keep watching

04-02-2004, 12:57 PM
When you say paintball commercial, do you mean a commercial that has paintball in it or a commercial by a paintball company?

04-02-2004, 01:34 PM
When he says paintball commercial, im fairly certain he means a commercial advertising paintball products... which would be cool.

But of course there is no need. It wouldnt increase sales, really, unless it was for brass eagle stuff. You dont see paintball commercials for the same reasons you dont see skating commercials, say for decks, or anything else like that.

04-02-2004, 01:55 PM
Watch the paintball stuff on OLN - NPPL, PSP, etc. I've seen Kingman, Tippmann, WDP and JT commercials. I've also seen a commercial for a "local" paintball field (about an hour away - there are closer ones).

04-02-2004, 02:31 PM
when fox sports aired last years nppl, they had some paintball commercials. although there have not been any mainstream broadcast of paintball commercials. However, paintball has been in a few commercials lately, Kia and a beer commercial. On ER last night Dr Kovach even suggested a paintball game for his girlfriends sons birthday

04-02-2004, 02:55 PM
Too expensive for Paintball companies to run a commercial. The only ones you will see are on cable during a paintball show. Doesn't make any sense for them to blow money on a network primetime spot.

Basically they know the market is small so they advertise when the customer base would be watchin. Kinda like you see fishing supply commercials during a fishing show.

Target Practice
04-02-2004, 03:04 PM
IMO, we don't really need any. Take AGD for example. They don't need to advertise their products, because they can rely on an underground following to advertise for them. It helps keep costs down.

Bedides, and don't get me wrong (I'm all for expanding the sport), but maybe if paintball was more mainstream, it might bring in people we would rather not have playing the game.

04-02-2004, 03:16 PM
i've seen late night ones for local shops, and during the NPPL super7 (on whatever channel it aired on, TiVo recorded it for me) it had lots of'em

04-02-2004, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Target Practice
Bedides, and don't get me wrong (I'm all for expanding the sport), but maybe if paintball was more mainstream, it might bring in people we would rather not have playing the game.
I don't see how that's any different than the current situation. There are plenty of people who play who I wish wouldn't, such as people with bad attitudes, big egos, and hot tempers, not to mention the wipers.

Growing the game will help the game.