View Full Version : Video of Prison fight from California?

04-02-2004, 12:52 PM
has anyone seen this thing. Seems they released a video of a fight that shows (supposedly) a Corrections Officer over using force.

What does this have to do with paintball?

Well if you watch closely.... several officers come running in to help subdue the two Inmates and at least two of them are pointing what looks like paintball markers. I can clearly see hoppers. Have no idea what load they using. Probably Bismuth Balls (heh I said balls) as you would not use Pepper in a enclosed room. I did not see them fire any. But it seems they are using Paintball Markers in these California Prisons.

Be sure to look around for this. It was released yesterday I think. Its probably on the net somewhere by now. I saw it on last nights National News.

04-02-2004, 01:10 PM
They are, I see them in there all the time. They would use them as a stand off weapon, even in an enclosed space. The best application I have seen for them, however, is to deal with dogs at a property where a search or arrest warrant is being served. The old alternative was just to shoot the dogs.

04-02-2004, 01:15 PM
just shoot the dogs.....

The Frymarker
04-02-2004, 01:22 PM
Yes my husband and I saw it yesterday on the news...the looked to be Tippmann's I could be wrong.

The news anchors said that they were held at bay with "guns". My husband and I laughed, because they never get the facts straight.

04-02-2004, 02:35 PM
Yes they are Tippmann model 98's. Most of the time they are filled with pepper spray. Good for riots.

04-02-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by The Frymarker
I laughed, because they never get the facts straight.

Hehehe ive long since stop taking news seriously for factual content. If I find it worth intrest I normally hop to their site and get the strait -albeit biased- story

and well anytime it involves military actions I normally have to translate it for everyone else.

04-02-2004, 02:40 PM
Yea Branden, but I doubt Pepper Balls would be good "inside" a Prison. I know they using them in riot control outside but can you imagine them shooting off one in that room? I mean you would incapacitate both the inmates and the Gaurds right?

04-02-2004, 02:42 PM
At the range in the video, they might get a whiff, but not the full effect.

04-02-2004, 02:44 PM
So you think they using Pepper or Bismuth stuners?

04-02-2004, 02:49 PM
I've only ever seen the pepperball rounds available. Whenever you escalate to a pure impact less-lethal round, you increase the chances of a serious injury. An impact weapon at that range is going to be packing quite a whallop.

Think of it this way. Police officers routinely use spray cans of OC, and whats the range on that? I dont think that the pepperballs put more OC in the air.

Eatem Alive
04-02-2004, 02:53 PM
they showed a copy of the document regarding the situation and the word "pepperball" was in there.

also, i think that was from c.y.a (california youth authority) right here in good ole stockton...#330 on the list of places to live of it's size (not good). what happened to "all american city" of 1999?

04-02-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Steelrat
I've only ever seen the pepperball rounds available. Whenever you escalate to a pure impact less-lethal round, you increase the chances of a serious injury. An impact weapon at that range is going to be packing quite a whallop.

Think of it this way. Police officers routinely use spray cans of OC, and whats the range on that? I dont think that the pepperballs put more OC in the air.

Well I was going to say that the Bismuth at the range they were could be lethal. So either choice is not really that good indoors like they were. I suspect that the Pepper would indeed spread. Its a very dry powdery substance I think. Not certain.

But looked to me like the Billy Clubs was doing a fine job! ;)

04-02-2004, 03:12 PM
The prison guards don't have to stay in the room after they shoot the prisonsers. I'm sure they are shot from a distance so it doesn't affect the guards.

04-02-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

I suspect that the Pepper would indeed spread. Its a very dry powdery substance I think. Not certain.

The Pepperballs are available with both a liquid and a powder fill. There's also a training powder version with a non-irritating powder, some of which I happen to have. It doesn't spread very far from the target - even compared to pepper spray, which is commonly used indoors in correctional facilities. My neighbor is a correctional officer who is immune to OC, so after an inmate gets sprayed breaking up a fight he does the interviews. After a day like that, he comes home and it's in his uniform so strong that my eyes water just to chat down at the mailbox a few feet away from him.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

04-02-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by billmi
...My neighbor is a correctional officer who is immune to OC, so after an inmate gets sprayed breaking up a fight he does the interviews. After a day like that, he comes home and it's in his uniform so strong that my eyes water just to chat down at the mailbox a few feet away from him.

That would be AWESOME to be immune to that crap! :eek:

04-02-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by billmi
The Pepperballs are available with both a liquid and a powder fill. There's also a training powder version with a non-irritating powder, some of which I happen to have.

Somebody I know very well that looks a lot like me (wink) might happen to have 10 real live Power filled pepper ones as well... Not naming any names or nothing. But they legal here in SC to own for personal protection. Not many places that you can. However he has never shot one to find out.

04-02-2004, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Raven4000SX
The prison guards don't have to stay in the room after they shoot the prisonsers. I'm sure they are shot from a distance so it doesn't affect the guards.

In the Video they were pretty close range and pointing. But from what I could tell they never discharged them at all. But you could tell they was ready to.

04-02-2004, 03:47 PM
Pepperball Technologies, Inc is based here in San Diego, CA (pepperball.com) I love how they sell a rebadged Tipmann M98...oh well...probably way over charge for it too..

04-02-2004, 03:55 PM
video for the fight is on this page: http://www.kron4.com/Global/story.asp?S=1756657

04-02-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
..probably way over charge for it too..

They do... :D

04-02-2004, 04:00 PM
pepper balls would be awesome for home defense and for seasoning and tendorizing steaks!:D

What are bismuth balls?

04-02-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by frenchman309
video for the fight is on this page: http://www.kron4.com/Global/story.asp?S=1756657

Great! Thanks for that.

A bismuth ball is just a plastic ball filled with heavy powder and its more less just to blunt force knock someone down. Knock the breath out of em or stun them so to speak. Not good to get hit with at close range.

04-02-2004, 04:09 PM
o'man thats kinda cool, and scary.

04-02-2004, 04:21 PM
I just happen to have 5 OC FN rounds here...so beat that;)

That kid took a pretty good beating. Kinda curious what set it off. And Phil, there were no sticks involved...it was just the guys fists.

04-02-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Great! Thanks for that.

No prob Unka Phil :D

04-02-2004, 05:10 PM
Great for paintballing against cheaters/wipers. When their eyes start burning and watering they will definitely head to the dead box. With Level 10 you won't chop any so it won't affect you.:D

i forgot they would have goggles on but their lungs will feel it for sure.

04-02-2004, 07:04 PM
dont suppose someone can mirror the video for me? The video there doesnt work for me and I really wanna see it.

04-02-2004, 07:58 PM
Wow can you say owned?:eek:

Tell you what, don't prosecute them, give those guards a bonus. Also, Youthful Offenders? The punks were 19 and 21, they should have been convicts in real prison!!!

04-02-2004, 08:52 PM
Wow can you say owned?
word... he just got worked

04-02-2004, 10:15 PM
totally,...19 and 21 and they start a fight and then as soon as they get hit they wanna stop....I don't think so...I'd be taking them to school, and I hope they brought a lunch cause its gonna be a looong lesson lol

04-02-2004, 10:19 PM
No billy club! Pfffttt... they dont know abuse then. :D

No seriously the Officers pointed out that the fight started in the room when they were attacked by the two inmates...and then the resulting fight spilled out into the cameras view. So as to the tape...what you see is AFTER the two officers inside that little room were attacked by the two inmates. Not the whole incident.

04-02-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
No billy club! Pfffttt... they dont know abuse then. :D

No seriously the Officers pointed out that the fight started in the room when they were attacked by the two inmates...and then the resulting fight spilled out into the cameras view. So as to the tape...what you see is AFTER the two officers inside that little room were attacked by the two inmates. Not the whole incident.
It's like one of the trials going off and on down this way with the LAPD slamming a kid down onto the hood of the car. All caught on tape by a bystander. They focus on the slamming of the car but what you don't see is what was done previously or the language the kid was probably using. Back to the topic at hand.

Personally I don't feel the guard was in the wrong. He defended himself and held the guy at bay til help arrived. As far as the guard that kicked the other one he won the hog tieing event and probably was just shutting that one up from his dirty mouth.

04-03-2004, 04:23 AM
The pepperball concept is currently being tested at different facilities in the state. I work in a super max and we don't have them here. From my expireance, that would not have been the best option in that situation. I would like to see them used in a yard fight. Its not uncommon for 20-30 inmates to be fighting each other and you have only a handfull of officers to break it up. You could pick out a few aggressers for the pain compliance (direct hit) and effect the surrounding area with the OC (pepper powder). The thing I find disturbing about that Video is the officer spraying pepper spray. He should have jumped in the mix and pulled the counceler off the ward (even though he was probably getting what he had comming) and help secure him. There is a serious adrenaline rush that comes over you when you are violently attacked. The staff member punching the ward about the head, would probably have thought he only hit him a few times. It makes me sick when the media gets stuff like this and implies its the normal thing. This was on the national news, yet I saw nothing about the officer that was stabbed 7 times just a week ago. I can't count the number of proffesional men and women who have been seriously assulted by these scumbags. They say thier human rights are violated? These pieces of cr#p are not human.

Per capita, the California Youth Authority has a higher percentage rate of murderers than the California Department of Corrections.

04-03-2004, 04:32 AM
This is pretty crazy, I was watching a History Channel series today, and they were showing the guards (LA County Jails) holding what looked like Tippmann ProCarbines with rregular hoppers, Java compressed Air tanks, a long drop forward, and I think they said they they loaded pepper balls.
My step dad work up in the PA corrections system and he said they they carry or used to carry paintball guns.

04-03-2004, 05:34 AM
Screw that I just keep a spare automag loaded with marbles.
Small bore barrel and the old wire nubbins whork great. Someone comes in here at night they are leaving with a few less teeth :)

Originally posted by thegiantc
The pepperball concept is currently being tested at different facilities in the state. I work in a super max and we don't have them here. From my expireance, that would not have been the best option in that situation. I would like to see them used in a yard fight. Its not uncommon for 20-30 inmates to be fighting each other and you have only a handfull of officers to break it up. You could pick out a few aggressers for the pain compliance (direct hit) and effect the surrounding area with the OC (pepper powder). The thing I find disturbing about that Video is the officer spraying pepper spray. He should have jumped in the mix and pulled the counceler off the ward (even though he was probably getting what he had comming) and help secure him. There is a serious adrenaline rush that comes over you when you are violently attacked. The staff member punching the ward about the head, would probably have thought he only hit him a few times. It makes me sick when the media gets stuff like this and implies its the normal thing. This was on the national news, yet I saw nothing about the officer that was stabbed 7 times just a week ago. I can't count the number of proffesional men and women who have been seriously assulted by these scumbags. They say thier human rights are violated? These pieces of cr#p are not human.

Per capita, the California Youth Authority has a higher percentage rate of murderers than the California Department of Corrections.

04-03-2004, 06:34 PM
Turn the tables on these punks. The guards and councilers should file civil rights suits againt these punks as they are of age for denying them their civil rights and assault ant battery. After all the kids got bruises, but the counciler got a busted nose!

04-03-2004, 06:34 PM
The marker in the video looked like a pro carbine. I have seen them advertised in US Cavalry catalogs including different types of ammo for them.

04-03-2004, 07:28 PM
They probably beat up some poor old lady and stole her purse and broke her hip. That guard was doing what the law says you can do...protect himself. The punk might have stapped him with a sharpened toothbrush or something. Keep giving them nikes and vcrs, fix their teeth...etc. I say knock all the teeth he has left out the back of his throat.:mad:

04-03-2004, 08:02 PM
lol i know this guy who is a guard...instead of fighting w/ the innmates like that when they give him any kind of trouble he just files a report on it and they get mad extra time tacked onto the their sentence so none of them give him ****

but yeh if you dont wanna get your *** kicked by a dude with a club and pepper spray how bout ya dont break the law?

oh and whoever it was w/ the idea about the marbles...i know it was just a joke but what about using darts? b/c i know some blowguns can shoot darts and paintballs so im guessing you can get .68 caliber darts. just turn down ur velocity and make a clip feed system. talk about shooting darts =)

04-03-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by poolshark5226
dont suppose someone can mirror the video for me? The video there doesnt work for me and I really wanna see it.

04-03-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by baka
pepper balls would be awesome for home defense and for seasoning and tendorizing steaks!:D

I would be afraid of them releasing these to the puclic, I know a few morons who would get a kick out of putting 3 in every hopper when they play just for the hell of it.