View Full Version : The Big Debate Gun Weight

04-02-2004, 01:25 PM
As the title says what is your opinion as gun weight drops and as people complain about there gun being to "HEAVY". All you hear now is that thing is "HEAVY" how can you carry that around the field?

In my opinion it does not really matter to me as long as the gun works and meets my needs. Gun weight means nothing to me because I will still see you at the 50!

What is your opinion??

04-02-2004, 02:01 PM
The only time I even notice is when I'm playing a big scenario game, it's getting late and I'm on my way back to the reinsertion area after making it most of the way across the field.

Other than that, I'm too busy playing the game to notice the weight of my marker. I say if your marker is too heavy, you need to get more exercise.

04-02-2004, 02:21 PM
My opinion is that this horse is dead, and it's been beat. But what the heck, lets beat it some more. :)

My take on it is this, I personally, play better with a lighter gun. I'm more aggressive, active, and I can get more done on the field. So I go for the lightest setup I can get. If you're not that way, great! Good, your options aren't as limited as mine. To each his own.

In my opinion it does not really matter to me as long as the gun works and meets my needs One of my needs is lightweight.

Edit for spelling

04-02-2004, 02:25 PM
i think that the debate over the weight of your equipment is just as valid as it is in any other sport. lighter equipment is gonna increase performance its gonna help you go faster and farther. its not as important in paintball as it is in say nascar but lighter equipment will help you perform better. although you might not notice it because you are so into the game at the end of the day your body is fatigued and you are not playing at the same level you were at the beginning of the day. lighter equipmenr will help illiviate(sp) this problem and give you the edge over your apponent.

04-02-2004, 02:28 PM
Even though I have a stainless steel Minimag body and a Warp Feed on it, when I play I do not really notice it. You really just get used to what you have and don't mind it.

04-02-2004, 02:35 PM
don't have any paint handy, nor do i have an accurate scale, but the rough weight of my AA Apoc 68/45 is 4.7 lbs (empty, if it matters), and my cocker w/ barrel (bizerk pro) is 3.3 lbs, total w/o hopper+paint is 8 lbs. (can't wait for that ULE'd rogue mag + apoc2k coming next week, hehe).

04-02-2004, 02:40 PM
to me wieght isnt as much of a concern as size. i like mags because they are so compact, even tho they may wiegh a little more that some other guns. guns like the impulse/bushmaster i find to be tall and akward to play with. the new shockers are great but they are too light for my liking, i feel like its going to break when i play with it. thats why ill stick with the ULE emag as my favorite gun for its size and wieght. Its a reasonably light marker with a good solid feel.

04-02-2004, 03:25 PM
I like all the good points and I see what your saying but I wont let weight hold me back from shooting a good gun. I try to get lightweight barrels, hoppers, guns, air tanks or whatever but im not afraid to use something heavy to play.

04-02-2004, 04:19 PM
i shoot a matrix and a trix normally weighs more than other electros but once u get on the field u can even notice the weight and if ur complaining go lift some weights

04-02-2004, 04:25 PM
I think in todays game that it comes down to mere ounces when it comes to weight differences between most guns on the market now.For the most part everything is aluminum and milled down to make the marker as light as possible. What the weight of a setup really depends on is what hopper, tank and barrel you use.

For me playing with a lighter gun is much easier than a heavier gun. It makes snapshooting much easier and faster. Also it's a lot easier to run at nearly full speed off the break while shooting and being able to actually put paint where I want it. If you use a heavy setup now go use something really light and I can almost bet by the end of the day you'll notice a difference. I know just by switching my norise body for a ule body on my retromag I noticed a difference.

04-02-2004, 04:35 PM
Heh, I halved the weight of my marker when I swapped my
solid stainless steel Dye (aka boat anchor) barrel with
a cute little aluminum one. I have to say, I have an
"all-ULE" mechanical and the weight saving's all moot
once the Halo B and 68/45k gets stapped on :(

04-02-2004, 04:35 PM
I don't consider my Mag heavy as I have played with a VM68 before.
I mean 3hrs with a fully outfitted VM68 I don't care if your Hercules your still going to be tired.
But having a light marker is adventageous as it takes less effort to manover it.
I do find it a bit ridiculous when I here people saying that they got this part for X amount of $ and it will save them a few grams and that it will help their game.
Come on maybe a few onzes you'll get a slight quicker respone but a couple grams that's just laughable.

04-02-2004, 04:41 PM
I don't even play scenarios or tournaments; I just play recball, and I notice the weight of my gun. After 5-6 hours of getting into almost every game possible, and playing mid-front every game, I get pretty worn out. Especially if I do this two days in a row -- then it really starts to wear on me.

Can some of you big strong guys recommend some exercises that I can start adding to my regimen so that gun weight will become negligible to me? I'm so out of shape.

You know, the odd thing is, of all the people who have held my gun (impulse, angel, matrix, intimidator, even some mag owners), not a single one has ever told me to "go lift weights" or "you need to exercise more." They usually say, "Man, that's nice." But online, I suddenly become really out of shape.

Weird, huh?

04-02-2004, 05:53 PM

In comparison to other emags mine is a rock. Between the stainless valve and the brass barrel its a heavy beast. Personaly I have found the extra weight makes for a good stable shooting platform which works well for playing in the back.

04-02-2004, 05:56 PM
yea, a heavier marker does normally make for stabiler shooting (espicaially a heavier barrel) but i really dont knotice any difference on the field, i cant really even tell weight differnces at all, because i played with my mag for ever, and now my imp feels about teh same to me, but everyone that shoots it comments on how light it is :confused:

04-02-2004, 06:07 PM
Personally, I like mine to be light weight, its not a neccessity, but it just feels nicer on my arms and tires you out less after 6 or so hours of playing. But that's just me. Sometimes a heavier set up is good cause it's stable, but I also find it harder to snap easy when its like 'massive' heavy, like 14+ pounds.

2-3 pounds: My favourite, but hard to keep stable when trying to pull off longs strings when moving.
4-6 pounds: Good for stability, great for the average player, but a bit harder to keep agility 'high'.
7+ pounds: a bit to heavy for my tastes, tires me out fast when playing long games and make my arms sore if i dont have a good 'shoulder' into the tank.

That's all just marker weight btw, no tank, hopper, barrel, drop, etc.

Just my 2 cents.

04-02-2004, 06:32 PM
BTW.... I had my hands on a brand spanky new Alias Timmy last night... those things are light as a feather. Shocked the crap outa me, weighed alot less than my 2k2.

04-02-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by OfficerGoat
BTW.... I had my hands on a brand spanky new Alias Timmy last night... those things are light as a feather. Shocked the crap outa me, weighed alot less than my 2k2. :D :D I pick mine up tomorrow.


04-02-2004, 07:11 PM
well think about it the average person doesnt lift weights or anything of the like and what do you do with your gun every time you pick it up, your basically curling a 8-15 lbs marker depending on your setup and then hold it up for who knows how long. i know that isnt a problem with me (especially since my gun weighs something like 7 pounds fully loaded) however some people that adds up.

04-02-2004, 07:19 PM
Im 6'3", 245 lbs, and I'll take the lightest gun I can get. Less to carry, easier to run with it, easier to swing around to engage multiple targets or changing threats. I am so tired of those "lift some weights" comments. Why wouldn't you want a lighter gun?

04-02-2004, 07:20 PM
Maybe Im a wimp

I came to a position where I had to post someone for most of a game, and post well. Now after about three minutes I was getting sick of holdign teh marker that precise and unloaded half my hopper just for weight

Halo TSA backman, warp, ULE E-mag.

But I think we have basically reached a point where were going to see "too light" come into effect.

04-02-2004, 08:16 PM
I don't know... I'd love to get a featherlight viking ;)
(But the wife'd kill me if I added yet another marker,
I'm sneaking all my mags in as "spare parts" since she
can't tell the difference between them.)

I think the air tank and hopper full of paint is gonna
be the limitting factor... Plus the "cheap" feeling
you get by holding some of the newer parts is going to
start weighing in people's decision sometime soon.

04-02-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by knodeoff

In my opinion it does not really matter to me as long as the gun works and meets my needs. Gun weight means nothing to me because I will still see you at the 50!

Ok, I'll see ya at the 50, but I'll be there first, because my gun is lighter:p

When you are walking back after that long day of play or after a long tourney or even a big scenerio, you are beat. It helps carrying a 7 lb setup back, instead of a 10+ lb setup. I recently got a Z timmy, 2.5 lbs. Slap a revvy on that, and a 72/45 tank, its a nice light setup. I played some outlaw yesterday, I don't think I have ever ran so much in 1 day in my life. I was hardely tired, having a light gun helped ALOT.

04-02-2004, 08:34 PM
i believe that a lighter marker can make a difference, especially in tournaments. try playing all day in 100 degree vegas weather. a one pound difference will make a difference in how you feel playing the last game of the day. i'll take as light as possible any day.

have you guys ever handled a cyborg? those things weigh 2.1 pounds. i thought vikings were light at 3 pounds even.

04-02-2004, 08:34 PM
I'm 6`6", weight 240 lbs and work out a bit considering my wife is a personal trainer and the NCOIC of the base gym, so I'm no weak little guy, but I must say that I completely agree with bulldog on this one. I may be able to carry more because of my size but also because of my size I already move slow enough. have a 6 pod pack and I wont go out with anymore than 2 pods in it. When I bought it I thought the more the better but I quickly learned that I don't play as well when I'm weighed down. Same goes with my cloths. When I go out and play in a long sleeve shirt and thin pants I play a lot better because I feel quicker for some reason. It's not easy to explain this except to say that it's just how I feel. When I use the lighter gun, lighter pack, and lighter tank, I play a lot better. I don't think I can make anyone understand it really lol. I just explain it like this. My wife says because of my height and size I already move in slow motion like the treeants in lord of the rings. Why do I want more things aiding to my slow motion? hehe.

04-02-2004, 10:25 PM
Big Guys Unite!!

6'1' 220 lbs.


04-02-2004, 10:34 PM
personally i think people who make a big deal out of weight are pansys :o

i mean i never heard anything like a guy dropping his gun in the middle of a shoot out b/c his gun was goign to break off his arms.

basically weight only matters if you re a back player, thats where the tension is at.

but really weight doesnt matter, live with it, work out a little more. think of those who shoot stock emags :rolleyes:

04-03-2004, 12:09 AM
lol, I played with a Z gripped, WARPED! classic RT! with a heavy arse no barrel, and a huge HEAVY aluminum n2 tank up untill a while ago, dont even start to complaighn about your setup, and i was playing with that back when i was 15, 5'3" and ~100lb i win, hands down, just stop crying now

04-03-2004, 12:17 AM
I can't post my Sandridge with stainless barrel and heavy old Max Attack for too long. 10+ pounds is way too heavy, no matter how stable it is.

04-03-2004, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Kha0Z
My wife says because of my height and size I already move in slow motion like the treeants in lord of the rings. Why do I want more things aiding to my slow motion? hehe.
She must really love you!

I try to make my gear as light as possible. I am real happy with my ULE bodied, milled RF Wingless railed E-Mag. Much lighter than stock.

I also notice I move slower with more clothes on. It's been a bit cold here the past few weeks. One time I played in a hoodie w/ a t-shirt under it and my usual pants. I could barely move. I took off the hoodie and I was Flash! Other regular players even noticed that I had been slow then went back to usual.

04-03-2004, 02:01 AM
I have to say, it's really interesting reading this thread, and I don't mean in the sheer-comedy-of-xXhAppyAznXx's-response kind of way.

I'm surprised at all the big guys supporting light setups -- usually you get the big guys going, "I'm big and tough, you need to go lift weights you pansy."

04-03-2004, 02:15 AM
To quote one of my favorites:
"Heavy is good, heavy is sign of reliability. If it does not work, you could always hit him with it."

Jokes aside, I prefer a heavier gun. I found a way to use the weight of the gun to bring it to firiing position quicker.
That and the lack of weight in lighter gun (the old Dye Ultralight Cockers for example) made me think that I was going to break them if i was too rough with them. Plus, I just feel better when I have the weight there reaffirming the gun's prescence in my hand.
I guess that I could say that a heavier gun feels more substancial (sp?) in my hands.

04-03-2004, 02:23 AM
Heavier. Easier for me to steady the gun.

It's the reason why I shoot better with a .44 single action pistol than I do with a .22 single action.

6 feet 2 inches 240lbs.

04-03-2004, 02:47 AM
ok this definitley has been shot to death but i will post my opinion.

ill admit just with a classic mag on a 88/4500 my arms do get tired but as far as runing with my gear im just as fast as with out. it comes to personal prefrence and i have none. if it shoots and doesnt break on me than im happy..played a game with an e-mag and the weight was overally exagerated people just need to stretch before the game a little more. oh fyi 5'8" and 130 and i have no problem with any gun you hand me ill be just as good.

04-03-2004, 03:44 AM
I know that my arm gets a bit tired carrying my Warped stainless steel Minimag. I guess cuz i don't really work out. I never have.

04-03-2004, 03:54 AM
For me personally, I like having a lighter setup because its easier to snapshoot.

I'll pivot the marker to one side at the bottom of the grip and it makes it easier if I only have to snap 3 or 4 pounds instead of 10.

My original mag I could snapshoot like nobodys business... I was a little slower with my emag...

I just plain cant do it effectively with a buddys warped, all-stainless, RT.

A lighter setup is also easier to switch hands with. I'm the kind of guy that likes to use both sides of his bunker.

04-03-2004, 04:17 AM
To me, weight means nothing without balance. I prefer a gun that has a center of mass inside of the trigger guard, something I can balance on my index finger when I'm holding the gun with a neutral grip. A gun like this is easier to re-direct than an off-balanced gun, regardless of the weight. In my experience, a balanced 10 pound gun is easier for snap shooting than an off-balance 7 pound gun. But again, that's my opinion, it's worth exactly what you paid for it.