View Full Version : First Day At Field With Automag..

04-02-2004, 06:21 PM
Well, I went out to gun owners night, lots of more experienced players there.. anyways.

I get all gassed up and paint-ed up, first game.. Ok, it shot well, couldnt exactly tell as I got shot out crawling out of the snake. My tank was sticking out way too much (No drop #$#%$%#%#$%#^#%^#Q^%$&@^@#$@%%@$& forward). So, I get ready for next game, and my mag shoots twice. Ok.. So I push the barrel in and twist it tight (Old style mag). Alright, workin fine now. I manage my way up the opposite snake, take one of the back players, and while trying to get a person I shouldve had EASILY, I got taken down. It absolutely wasn't and issue of my abilitys or aim, I HAD his back to me, but while maneuvering he got me. ALright.. so now I notice its really not going so good, Im chopping and double shooting. So I sit out, clean the internals and barrel, then tighten the screws. Next game, shooting ok, but every now and then it double feeds/shoots, and when I try to shoot over 4 Bps it chopped. Next game, Im on a team of more experienced people. I move up to left rocket, shoot one out, then turn around to see all the people walking off. So now its me on 3. I take another, and see one in the snake. I shoot. Miss. Shoot. Miss. I shot at him at least 5 times, all of them missed. Turns out, I just had no paintballs... Ugh, chalk that one up to N00Bness. So all in all the gun worked fine, but I noticed alot of double shooting (Which I attest to my barrel/detent). The one thing everyone kept reccomending to me was to get a drop. They said I had a good eye and mind for the game, based on how they saw me play, but with my setup I couldn't pull it out. I was able to use an impulse with vert-frame, and I did ALOT better, but the one thing I noticed, and the thing that helped me the most, was the drop forward.

Now, side story;

I got home and just today I was using up my paintballs. Well, I notice the barrels accuracy is absolute crap, which also bothered me at the field. So, I'm sitting out back, happily plinking coke bottles, when it double feeds/shoots. Strange.. so it keeps happening. I take it inside, clean barrel and internals. Go back out, it starts to chop.. BADLY. I notice, ATLEAST everyother shot is a chop, and next thing I know its chopping and double shooting nearly every shot. Cleaned it once more, and put it away.

So, in relation to the first story;
anyone have a drop they'd be willing to 'donate' for a price, of course? That or a barrel, I'd be willing to pay for either / both. The barrel I have now is brass, with a fairly large bore.

Second Story;
Is the problem the bolt, or barrel, or both? I'll upload the pics I took earlier of the breech, complete with shell stuck in feedneck, so maybe it will help to clarify the situation.

Thanks for hearing my rant.

04-02-2004, 06:42 PM
There are several factors to consider. The first is your signature, which is much larger than it should be, per the guidelines. Click the link in mine for help.

Other factors include:
What kind of body do you have?
What kind of valve do you have?
Do you have an agitating hopper?
What kind of paint are you using?
What's your air source?
Do you have a nubbin in your barrel?
Do you have a lvl 10?
What was your velocity?

I do have several of the items you might need, but let's try to determine if you even need them.

04-02-2004, 06:51 PM
Sorry, I'll fix my sig later tonight in flash.

I have a
classic right feed mag body
68' Classic Valve
Gravity-Fed Hopper
PMI / RPS Stuff, usually Big Ball (90% of the time)
HPA Tank (68/3000 PE)
Nubbin, check (plus one extra, I've tried switching them and saw no difference)
No Level 10.
At field, velocity was 250 (Field Limit). At house, a little higher, Id guess 290 or lower.

Thanks for the advice with my sig, and willingness ot help.

04-02-2004, 07:01 PM
that shouldent happen with a mag. not here. not now. not ever. there should be a law against bad mags, and the penalty is the goverment giving you a branbd new ... Emag!!! haha lol.

04-02-2004, 07:11 PM
gravity feed and standard feed are an issue in my mind.

powerfeeds use blowback gas to bounce the ball up against the powerfeed plug which adds increased downward velocity to the ball forcing it into the breech faster than it would in a standard feed. add to that a parabolic powerfeed plug and you can't go wrong.

also, gravity feed loaders (i'm assuming you mean a non agitated type of loader) are easily outshot.
for this, i reccomend a reloader. it spins every time it hears the marker fire. i love mine and much prefer it over a revvy.

if you have the $$, i'd reccomend going right to a ule body and adding a level 10. 40,000+ rounds through mine and no chops at all. just a few barrel breaks.
also, the bore size can be an issue. if it's too big, the paint can break by bobbling in the bore. the brass barrel may be an old school j&j. older barrels were typically larger bore. paint has since gotten smaller, especially rec type paint. i'm assuming that's a cost saving measure by manufacturers but that makes it a pita to get small enough bores.

i'm not a big fan of pmi stuff. i shot some fresh big ball the other day, no breaks, but it was much squirrelier than midnight.

04-02-2004, 07:13 PM
I have a drop.

http://users.adelphia.net/~sekhmets/JohnsPaintball/Picts/Nude_Drop_Forward.jpg :D

04-02-2004, 07:15 PM
Well thanks for the advice, but now I've found I won't even have the money for a Level10 (was selling spyder but noone will buy it, anywhere).

Yea, I wanted a powerfeed but it wouldve cost more and the dealer just got me what he could with my money..

I hate to say it but I'm starting to regret getting a mag over a BKO (same price) :( and I WANT my mag, but not while its giving me this crap.. :(

How much would you be willing to let it go for?

04-02-2004, 07:23 PM
All of your problems sound like your nubbin... (Although
some of your chops could be due to short stroking)

Which nubbin are you using? There are three types,
the round wire nubbin, the angled wire nubbing and the
plastic nubbin...

If you're using a wire nubbin, just take it out and bend
it in a hair more (enough so the balls don't roll down
the barrel) The plastic ones are fine if you have a good
paint to barrel match, but can really suck if you're
using a large bore barrel and small paintball.

I'll send you a wire and a plastic nubbin if you want.
Just give me your address.

Also, when you fire your mag, since you have a classic
valve you have to be very careful to pull the trigger
all the way and let go fully (also true with mechanical
cockers). It's definitely something you have to get used
to... The RT/X valves fix this by forcing your finger
back out once you completed the pull.

04-02-2004, 07:25 PM
Wow :eek: Thanks man (I have plastic nubbin).

Ill PM my address to you.

and yea, I understand to release the trigger fully, but this happens even when I just do a single shot.

Once again thanks for the help/advice. N00B in training..

04-02-2004, 07:50 PM
hmm, im gonna have to blame it on the detent, also, just a comment, you wouldnt want a bko, they chop ALOT (without mods) and need alot of stock stuff to be replaced to be any good, but they are light and fast

also, PM me about the spyder, im looking for a real cheap backup

04-02-2004, 08:04 PM
Got your address, I'll ship'm out on Monday when
I'm running by the P.O. for some other stuff :)

I'd say use the wire nubbin and bend it in and out
to suit. (Remember to take the nubbin out completely
to do this, the bends work better higher up on it.)
Don't bend them in too far otherwise you'll be breaking
the balls on the nubbins directly. (Which is why they
went to the plastic ones in the first place.) The plastic
ones are nice when you're running a barrel kit system since
you'd be sizing the barrel to suit the balls.

The BKO is a nice marker, (I have a BM2k myself to use as a
cheap but solid backup/loaner gun) and you can retrofit PDS
etc to it, but when all is said and done, if you can't
afford a LX bolt kit, you really can't afford to set
a BKO up right. You'd need to replace the reg on the BKO
right off the bat to keep your velocity sane unless you're
running a $300+ adjustable tank.

04-02-2004, 10:34 PM
Bad mags should be stripped down and rebuilt with new parts,.....(Worst thing that ever happened to a mag=splash and standard feed...best thing=LX and RT)

04-03-2004, 04:29 AM
my brothers mag suffers this problem my advice get a force feeding hoper.. other than that slowly start to upgrade your mag it will become better and eventually the gun of your dreams just hang with it. Also get a list of classic specs from the tech forum and check everything including trigger rod length and on/off pin length this may very well find the problem..hey i need to go try that on his mag!!!!!!

04-03-2004, 09:31 AM
Your priority number one definately needs to be a force fed hopper. Either a Viewloader, Reloader, or whatever, you need something to help with your shooting speed. Especially since your mag also as well has a standard feed and no level 10, you'll experience blow back which essentially will cause the balls in your feed tube to go back up into the hopper, causing double feeding. Get an agitating hopper, and most of your problems should be solved. The detents might have some extent to your problem, but it shouldn't be causing that much that often. I believe it's primarily your body/hopper setup. Fix the hopper first, then if you can later on the body, you'll have a kickin mag.

04-03-2004, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by OysterBoy
I hate to say it but I'm starting to regret getting a mag over a BKO (same price) :( and I WANT my mag, but not while its giving me this crap.. :(

And don't regret getting a mag over a BKO. If you had gotten the BKO, you'd still be experieincing the same chopping problems as an electro minus no agitating hopper=blender. Definately make an agitating hopper your number 1 priority.

04-03-2004, 12:14 PM
im sorry to go off topic in this thread but i was looking at kauai_paintball's sig and i noticed for his tank it said 68/3500......do they make 3500 sized tanks? all i know is 3000-4500 tanks, or did he mess up and but the 5 or the 3 there by accident.

again sorry

04-04-2004, 11:54 PM
[end threadjack]heh, oops, im getting that fixed, its a 47 ci 3000 psi tank.[/end threadjack]

04-05-2004, 07:55 AM
I'll have to agree with most people here. Your main problem is hopper + detent. You can easily outshoot a gravity feed hopper, and that will guaranteed make you chop if you don't have lvl10. Double feeding is the detent, and if you have the problem with a plastic detent, the barrel is way too big for your paint. Try to get hold of a nice barrel that fits your paint. That will also help your accuracy.

Finally, I would say that you should consider saving up for lvl10. It will save you from a lot of trouble,