View Full Version : Warp user input please

04-03-2004, 01:44 PM
hey guys,

I've been looking in the old threads but I need some more direct info than the usual "yeah I love it" or "yeah it sucks".

If you use or have used warp feed what do you think of it?

What are the most common field problems with it and what kind of maintenance does it need?

If you've ditched it and gone back to standard feed then why?

Thanks for your help:)

04-03-2004, 01:58 PM
I had a warp feed not to long ago. I loved it but went to a vertical feed ULE body because of weight (I play front). I upgraded my warp to use 2 9volts for longer life and it seems like everyone likes to upgrade their warps with the 12volt and on/off switch mods. Lately though, I've actually been thinking of going back to a warp but I'll have to see how well my current setup does in the upcoming tournies. I would suggest buying a used warp feed just to try it out for awhile (it takes a little getting used to) and if you don't like it you can always sell it. Good luck, on your decision. :D

04-03-2004, 02:03 PM
I'm kinda like remington... I used a warp for a good 9 months, then went with a verticle body setup... Now every time I play I start to think "Man, my warp sure would come in handy here"...

They are basically maintenece free... you have to oil the disks every once in awhile, or maybe keep a spare drive o-ring just in case, but there really isn't much that could go wrong with it after you set it up right.

One of the big complaints from people who don't use it is that it's heavy. The warp itself is only 1 pound... sure thats like half of the gun if you use an 03 shocker or something like that, but it really doesnt make that much difference. It does feel heavier because you put the hopper on it, so that adds weight, but its the same weight that would be on top of the gun.

I'd say definately try one out. They aren't for everyone, but if its for you, you won't ever go back to a standard hopper.

04-03-2004, 02:30 PM
Yeah pretty much the same here. I have 2 of them and used one on my Classic RT for a year. Then I started playing with a Halo B.

I think because I don't play front and I an not nearly as competitive as some, that Iended up with the Halo B because it's just 1 less thing to work on (though my warp only messed up 1 time on me). As a back player more often than not, even if I am sticking out, I can see the stuff coming and duck back in. Again, it's personal preference and playing with it for 1 game won't tell you enough. Play with it for a few months at least before deciding.

04-03-2004, 02:39 PM
this is good input guys, thanks:)

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04-03-2004, 05:23 PM
Where do i oil my discs? on the rod or the disc that holds the balls itsself? sorry for going off topic neways

the warp is an awesome upgrade i like how theres not a high vertical set up and it makes it so that your head will most likely be the highest part thats seen not your hopper, it helps feed fast if you have a slow hopper and its not all that heavy compared to the tank and gun itsself

04-03-2004, 10:16 PM
playing front, i never really liked having teh warp, and in the back, if you really work on form, you can do fine, but having the warp makes it really easy to expose minimal surface/target area

04-03-2004, 10:52 PM
umm i had a warp but ditched it for a couple of reasons.
the first is personal prefferance i think i learned to play vert and i couldnt get used to the hole not switching hands thing. however ill give the warp this because you dont switch hands you can quickly play both sides of your bunker and remain very tight. second being a front player i didnt not like the extra weight and the gun being off balance made it difficult to run and dive into bunkers. and i think ive gone through 2 or three warps having been cracked or busted completely when i dove into my bunker

04-03-2004, 10:55 PM
I tried to ditch it after playing with it for over a year straight. I jsut could not get into the swing of it. I have now purchased a second warp for my long awaited xmag.

Tip #1 I always put fresh bateries in my warp and put the old warp bateries in my revie...then the trash. You need fresh ones for sustained high rate of fire (olike 16bps). I always take it completely apart and clean it, lightly oil the disks and check the solder points. I soldiered all new wires to have a heavier gauge. I love it and will continue tournies playing with one. I have almost no profile with it. The only thing I dont like about it is when someone on the other team has one:D

Here is a pic of me in a tourney last Sunday at Apoc in WI. I owned that side of the field every time. Nothin nut hoppers and face masks.


04-03-2004, 11:05 PM
Well, its pretty much love it or hate it. You HAVE to try it before you waste the money.

Common problems include it simply getting in the way, and wires coming off. I have seen people constantly have to resolder wires.

On the upside it takes the hopper off the top, but thats about all.

I, personally, wouldnt use it, but thats just because it seems inconvenient. Just give it a try, and if you cant, buy it. Theres a for sale forum here if you dont like it.

04-03-2004, 11:12 PM
It's definitely not for everybody. Realze that it adds more complications to an already complicated system. If you don't have the patience to figure out all the quirks that go with the system don't bother yourself with it. If you do decide to go with one I'd recommend getting the big cell mod (from Havoc-online), the on/off is a must have too. And the bracket that comes with it sucks, go with a PUDBUDZ, much nicer. And yes, I use a warped system.

04-03-2004, 11:18 PM
I would of considered keeping mine if I didn't have to re-solder the wires 3 times in 3 weeks, it just got old fast. To me, I can play just fine with the hopper on top, it was just another thing to go wrong. I can tuck myself in so none of my hopper is exposed, its not very hard. The warp in my opinion is for 2000 not 2004. In 2004 we have hoppers that can feed by themselves at 22+ bps, we have lower profiles, and we have no rises. In 2000 they had revvys, the warp was definitely the fastest out there. They used high rises, people still use high rises, but you don't see them like you used to. Warps were a good idea, just need to be updated imo.

04-03-2004, 11:21 PM
why does the stock bracket suck?

Maybe I shouldnt get it then, I dont know anything about soldering wires.

04-03-2004, 11:37 PM
The stock warp bracket is made so that it can be adjusted. There holes are stretched out so it's more like a groove and I could never get the screws in tight enough to hold it still. The PUDBUDZ bracket is much more solid. AS far as the soldering you never know what'll go wrong with electronics. The only thing I have had problems with is the warp cable I got for my Wicked Air Sportz board and it didn't have to do with any wiring on my warp. I have friends with soldering irons, they take care of me.

As far as the so not 2004 comment I haven't found anything that is so far. I've gone through 4 Halo B's, all huge disapointments, busted in all kinds of different ways. The Apache is still luke warm for me as far as performance. I have a friend with a q-loader and I think that has potential but the jury's still out. With technology being where it is today I think all the hopper/feed systems on the market today are sorely lacking.

04-04-2004, 11:22 AM
I ran a warp on my emag and now on my RTP and I love it. It takes some getting used to the balance. I could never get the whole swtiching hands things down, so this works wonders for me. I think the biggest thing I like about it is having a clear feild of view over the gun, no hopper to obstruct it.

I haven't had the eletronics problems that other folks have. I've run various mods through both my warps, and currently my favorite is the 10.8v battery pack. I had it made locally and it's done wonders for my warp. I've also never had problems with the bracket.

04-04-2004, 11:28 AM
I love my warp. I alternate between that and my vert feed depending upon how lazy I am. After all it takes an extra 30 seconds to hook the warp feed up!;)

I like it for the speed and lower profile. The downside is the batteries. It is one more thing that can die during a game.

All in all, I like it!:D

04-04-2004, 12:08 PM
I know if you get a Warp ULE body you have to cut a notch in your rail to fit it. Is there anyone who provides this service?

04-04-2004, 12:23 PM
Warps are all about personal preferences. I have one and so does my neighbor and about half of the people who have held our guns say they love it, the other half says it gets in the way. The best thing to do is find someone with a warp and hold their gun to see if you like it.
Performance wise, the warp works great. I have some trouble with batteries(i have to unplug the batteries from the warp when i'm done to prevent them from dying) but i think there is a way to fix this. The only other problems i've seen are the soldering job. If you arent careful, the wires might get pulled out from the battery peice.
I found out that warps are great for bunkering. They give you a certain amount of paint in the warp so when you got to bunker, even if the hopper doesnt feed you are garunteed about 15-20 balls still feeding. Once you get used to the warp, you wont want to play without it. About 5 days ago my batteries went dead(hadnt remebered to replace them) and i had to use a regular feed and my gun felt all off.
Biggest bonus for me is i couldn't shoot out the left side of bunkers because it is my weak side. Now with the warp, i can just tilt it left and lean and its much easier/more effective

04-04-2004, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by nt2004
I have some trouble with batteries(i have to unplug the batteries from the warp when i'm done to prevent them from dying) but i think there is a way to fix this. The only other problems i've seen are the soldering job. If you arent careful, the wires might get pulled out from the battery peice.

Havoc Online does this. He modified my warp with an on/off and big cell conversion to make the batteries last longer. PM him for details.

04-04-2004, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by jayloo
I tried to ditch it after playing with it for over a year straight. I jsut could not get into the swing of it. I have now purchased a second warp for my long awaited xmag.

Tip #1 I always put fresh bateries in my warp and put the old warp bateries in my revie...then the trash. You need fresh ones for sustained high rate of fire (olike 16bps). I always take it completely apart and clean it, lightly oil the disks and check the solder points. I soldiered all new wires to have a heavier gauge. I love it and will continue tournies playing with one. I have almost no profile with it. The only thing I dont like about it is when someone on the other team has one:D

Here is a pic of me in a tourney last Sunday at Apoc in WI. I owned that side of the field every time. Nothin nut hoppers and face masks.


ya Jayloo i rember at the CCP 3man you were runnin the warp and ownin with it.

i'm runnin a warp curently and i play front and i honestly love it because when i'm playin left snake(i'm left handed warp on the right) its nice because they would only see my barrel and a lil of my head + when i'm shooting over the top of bunkers i just tilt my gun and take em out

04-04-2004, 01:14 PM
I had a warp I loved it no down sides for me atleast the only reason I got rid of it was because I traded it with my last gun for my viking (planning on getting another one soon).

04-04-2004, 01:25 PM
Sniper did you play the ccp 3 man on march 14th? By any chance do you remember the freakin Puerto ricans?:D

04-04-2004, 03:24 PM
i started using a warpfeed when they came out because of the rof i could maintain with out running my loader dry and chopping. The hopper off the top of the gun was a bonus. the negative side to the warp is shooting left(if you are a righty). my left shoulder suffered because of that. also, try to envision yourself running down the left tape of a field shooting at someone on the right side. there is no good way to hold that gun AND run in a normal manner.
high humidy and rain makes paint soft and tacky sometimes which CAN jam the flow of the warp. if it is raining out, and you are between games, run the paint of out of your warp until you play again, they can swell up and cause problems. The battery and on-off mods are definately recommended.

04-04-2004, 05:19 PM
I run a warp-left setup and I love it. The biggest advantage has to be the ability to shoot at odd angles. You no longer have to switch hands when changing sides of a bunker because all you have to do is turn the marker on its side.
I play front most of the time and as i've said in my initial impressions- its an idea upgrade for a front player. Other positions it may not make such a dramatic difference.

04-04-2004, 05:43 PM
I was reading the Warp thread in the tech forum and it kinda makes me iffy, the thing sounds kind of fragile. If something goes wrong on the field I won't be able to pull Havoc out of my pocket to fix it.

If I get it, I would use it in conjunction with a RT Pro with a ULE left body. But as far as loaders go i don't know.

Would a Revy be good enough with a mech marker setup or do I have to go for a HaloB, whats optimal?

04-04-2004, 06:19 PM
The Warp is not fragile at all, it's very reliable. If something goes wrong, it's more likely to happen while you are doing something to it(not playing) imo.

You have to understand that ppl with warp problems have almost no where else to go for quick answers, that's why that thread seems cluttered. There are hundreds of happy users that have no problems what so ever.

04-04-2004, 06:21 PM
good to know:)

04-04-2004, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Havoc Online does this. He modified my warp with an on/off and big cell conversion to make the batteries last longer. PM him for details.

thanks i'll have to do that next time i got some money.

04-04-2004, 07:12 PM
Check Havoc's site! (http://www.havoc-online.com/11501/index.html)

For the on/off and big cell he only charges $28 shipped! If you do it yourself, he'll sell you the parts even cheaper. He did a great job repairing my butchered Warp!

04-04-2004, 07:42 PM
I used a warp for a long time and loved it. Only switched for simplicity. They are not fragile. If you tie wrap the wires to the side of the case for strain releif, they never need to be soldered again. I posted pic's of the mod in tech form a year or more ago.

I switched to a 9.6v mini-car battery from radio schack and put it in the pucket of my tank cover. lots of power and rechargable.

It takes some break-in and it is not plug and play, but soon you'll have it all figured out. Go with intelli-feed link from trigger to warp, not giggle senser.

You have to learn to feed balls before you shoot (white button) and how to empty the thing, etc but you'll never get another hopper hit, but mask hits will increase. Afterall, the hopper used to block for the mask.

Oh yea, it you're a righty, I suggest doing what I did. Use a PFHL body, modify the bracket by extending the screw holes so the bracket runs down the center line of the marker, then there is just enough room for the revie on the left side and the hose runs up the right side to the bottom of the PF body. the warp is perpendicular to the marker. Better weight distribution and the hose is easier to route.

04-04-2004, 07:52 PM

04-04-2004, 08:05 PM
my warp ownes all. when i first got it it was much smaller than i thougth it was...it doesnt offset the weight of my gun too badly. and after getting used to the feel of it. i am in love. the smaller profile and the speed is pimp too. it is $ get that beast

04-04-2004, 08:13 PM
I just installed my warp setup. Makes my mag super tiny. Check it out:



04-04-2004, 08:15 PM
i had one and they are really nice to have if you allways get hit when your hopper sticks out. and its really fast you can have a revy on it and shoot with out missingfeeding. pluse there isent really any need for a lever 7 too when you have one . but they are very heavy. i dont know how heavy they are with a all ule mag cuse when i had one i had it on a all none ule gun. pluse if theres something wong with the sensor its a bi*$h to fix. and also its a pain in the @$$ to addjuse the sensitivty. but its allways good to have an intellifeed:D. i sold mine to soo i can get a rt valve at the time. if you want a light gun jest get a ule body and have a evo 2 on it. if you get a warp. have it intellifeaded.

04-04-2004, 09:30 PM
I liked the idea of intellifeeding your revy to your I-frame but in practice I think it looks kind of ghetto to have that little wire running from your gun to your hopper. Plus it just seems like one more thing that could get shot away.

does anyone know of someone who could do the warp hose through the revy mod to make the setup tighter, for pay of course:)? I dont have a dremel or anything. Miscue's revy mod on his gun looks like a quality job.

04-04-2004, 09:48 PM
I'd ask Havoc-Online if you want work done, he may be able to work someting out.

As far as wieght being a problem my arms used to be horribly tired by the end of the day using a hopper on top. It was pretty bad and I don't have that problem anymore. And son't even start about the 'you need to work out more'. I'm a little woman who never worked about before and I see no reason to start now.

04-04-2004, 09:51 PM
Konig, I have a clear set of revy shells that are cut for warp left hose passthrough (very clean job). I would be willing to trade for an uncut set of shells, as I am a lefty and can not use warp left. PM me if interested. Check it:
