View Full Version : I need to choose a force feed hopper.

04-03-2004, 02:59 PM
I was originally thinking a used halo and i found a few with z code on them for round $150 bucks if im lucky (the prices are canadian but they all will be so you can still compare ) Or and egg with z board for $110.

Now those are all used hoppers for only $104 PLUS TAX which here in canada is 15% so im looking at...around $120 so not too bad and its brand new.

But however there anrt a lot of reveiws on it and i think that it would be in the way, plus I dont have a position right now but i was kinda thinking I would play back so the 100 balls would most likely be gone quiclky. But lets not make that the deciding factor because i dont really care that much i dont reall use a whole lot of balls as it is....thats right no though.

Anyway tell me what you think, i shoot a b2k3 and i chop A LOT with my revvy cause my eyes are broken and its costs around 40 bucks to fix them and i dont want to with any of those hoppers i shouldnt need them....right?

some reviews of the q here...


if anyone cares ill give one here if i buy it aswell

ok i really hope this isnt in the wrong spot. thanks guys

04-03-2004, 03:06 PM

any of those is great, so you can give me your revy hah.

Seriously tho man, Id just take an Eggy. ANd I'm glad to see you finally decided to come over here :)


04-03-2004, 03:13 PM
Halo all the way

04-03-2004, 03:14 PM
My logic for suggesting the Halo is that it's a conventional design (in that it sets atop the marker like most loading systems) so you know how to work with it. The other reason I suggest the Halo is because it really does an excellent job in keeping up with high ROFs. I am willing to deal with the 6 batteries that it takes and the fact it only hold 170 balls for it's consistant ability to keep up with 20+ bps (see my rapid-fire video (http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/rapidfire.mov) for refernce)

Sure the Q-Loader can do that as well but seems to me that the Q-Loader is a bit like the Warp. Because it's an unconventional design that requires you to make it fit somewhere that works for you, some people will ove it and some will find it a pain.

If you hated the Halo, it would not be hard to sell it and get a different one.

But the real test is to borrow one (if you can) and play with it. I can talk all day abou it, but if you don't like it, then what does it matter?

04-03-2004, 03:40 PM
I would definatley have to say go with the Q. Ive had all the loaders you listed and the Q is by far the best one.

04-03-2004, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by OysterBoy

any of those is great, so you can give me your revy hah.

Seriously tho man, Id just take an Eggy. ANd I'm glad to see you finally decided to come over here :)


Oyster you were right this forum owns pbf.....lousy buggers over there.

thanks everyone for the help!

And Z man, the biggest factors in my mind for the Q are:

1. that it is small and reduces your size greatly because i was looking at my revvy and i though that it was acctually quite big for my gun (b2k3 and hopefully/possibly a mag in the future) and that a halo will be considerably bigger.

2. BATTERIES! I am on a budget , currently i have no job although i am trying hard to get one I have not been successfull. So not having to replace all those batteries (or even two 9v's) is not something that i would look forward to and possibly not even be able to do. (my parents pay for nothing)

3. It also balances the gun out quite nicely, in one of the reviews it said it weighed about the same as a 12 oz so i taped one to my gun and it was almost prfectly balanced.

04-03-2004, 04:19 PM
apache, it rocks
edit- although its not really force fed... it works the same as an egg

04-03-2004, 04:31 PM
I run with a Q for very good reasons, But i voted other
because I usually recommend the Ricochet Apache to
most people...

I'm saying Apache because it's comparable in speed to an
Egg 2, smaller in profile than both and 1/3 the weight
of a Halo B. I picked one up used for $65.

It's slower than the Halo/Q... If you find yourself
outshooting it, you'd outshoot an egg2 as well so
your only choice is to go Halo/Q.

Now as to reasons for a Q? No batteries, fast enough that
you won't even need a LX, robust, (if you break a ball
in a hopper, you're screwed, if you break a ball in the
Q pod, you unload it and insert a new pod and get a fresh
new feed mechanism.) Very low hopper profile (since it
mounts under the gun or like a warp), and consistant feed
at any angle. Very fast reloading times with no spills once
you get it down.

Odd looking, long, pods are slightly larger, low shot count
per pod (100 vs 140), there is no "perfect" place to mount
it and finally, the pods are expensive.

04-03-2004, 08:04 PM
An egg is not a force fed loader. The HALO was the only one until the QLoader came out.

04-03-2004, 09:20 PM
I'd say go with the Halo due to its proven method of reliable fast feeding and ability to feed at good angles.

Next I'd say go for the Egg 2. It's a great loader that's hard to outshoot and has great storage.

Qloader is a good option but it's lack of mounting options and lack of durability worries me (throwing pods kinda thing).

But I still say, try for yourself all of them if you can.

04-03-2004, 09:25 PM
After playing 4 rough games with the Q, I'd say
chucking them is just fine... though I wouldn't
suggest hurling it at a concrete floor as someone
found out. The only problem is if someone steps
on it.

USAF-Flyboy with a Mag
04-03-2004, 09:26 PM
I would go with the Halo B. As was stated earlier, other then the Q loader (which I am not a fan of), the halo b is the only true force fed loader.

04-03-2004, 09:51 PM
yea the egg has been ruled out, ive tried one i dont like the shape and design of it, as well i can out shoot it.

HOWEVER i wont ever have to chance to fire a halo and definately not a Q loader (ill be the one letting people try it out it being whatever i end up buying...q loader is still what im leaving towards)

04-03-2004, 10:26 PM
I'd say go with your gut then man, the one that usually sticks in your mind the longest will make you the happiest. Unless im just ignorant.

04-03-2004, 10:43 PM
i have a only tested q if ur interested, i was just asked to give it a review, so i tested it once at a homemade chrono.

ill get some pics when im not so lazy :D

04-03-2004, 10:44 PM
if you bought a used halo, you would probably have enough money for a new egg with z board. used halos aren't that cheap

04-03-2004, 10:53 PM
my advice?

By an Egg2 and then save up for a HALO


because the Halo can be crap with brittle paint and in that instance you'll love me for telling you to buy an Egg2

I run both - it depends on paint. I love the HALO but wait till you blend paint with it

04-03-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Glickman
i have a only tested q if ur interested, i was just asked to give it a review, so i tested it once at a homemade chrono.

ill get some pics when im not so lazy :D

yeah man id really appreciate it.

oh and family guy owns!

04-03-2004, 11:32 PM
I suggest get a used y board eggy, and fix your eyes, it would be cheaper to just fix you eyes and keep your revvy.

04-04-2004, 12:36 PM
well halo is owning all other hoppers....so do you guys want pay for my batteries :D

04-04-2004, 01:16 PM
Since your tight no a budget I would say a Q-Loader due to know batteries..

But honestly I think you should fix that eye first and then just use your revy until you have enough for a Q/Halo.. You might think you wont chop with a nice fast hopper.. But it still happens.. Especially with a halo because the last few balls will be slow because some may be in the front.. And if the batteries get low you will chop like crazy if your shooting faster then 15 bps.

04-04-2004, 02:15 PM
Just sold my gun this morning and now currently have 300 dollers, so buying the hopper isnt the big deal....maybe since i have this money now i could buy recharble bateries? Thing is that im kindof liking the Q loader, i find that when i put even my revvy on the top of my gun it gets top heavy (odviously) and although ive never been hit in the hopper its stil nice to have it down there where i dont have to worry about that.

04-04-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Digits
Since your tight no a budget I would say a Q-Loader due to know batteries..

Especially with a halo because the last few balls will be slow because some may be in the front.. And if the batteries get low you will chop like crazy if your shooting faster then 15 bps.

so i should get the Q then :)

edit srry i had to double post cause I needed to quote plus I wanted to see if my sig worked :p

04-04-2004, 03:00 PM
U could keep it and get a warp feed there not that cheap but theres no blimp n it will keep up wsiht nearly any rof ull hit with true semi. and that fact you dont have a mag isnt a problem proteam makes a wapr feed neck i beleive

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-04-2004, 09:01 PM
HALO B with Victory board.

Odyssey has GREAT customer service, and they make a great product. Any time I've had a problem, they've been more than happy to help me.

04-04-2004, 09:12 PM
if you don't have eyes, don't get the egg, because you will outshoot it if you are decent on the trigger. I have a B2k3 w/ a halo and it works very well.

04-04-2004, 09:59 PM
man it really sucks having to decide its soo hard lol, i played paintball today and there were a few times were i shppting upised down or on an angle would have came in handy. but there were also time where having the Q there would have gave me away