View Full Version : When someone posts about "1 of a kind"...

04-03-2004, 03:57 PM
Isn't every gun one of a kind considering they all have different serial numbers?

Just wondering... =)

04-03-2004, 04:10 PM
in theory yes, But i think it's mostley to do with cosmetics

good point though

04-03-2004, 04:17 PM
next week i should have a 1 of 20 Dark Timmy in custom gloss black anno with Hellfire orange accents!!!!

woo woo for me!!!

Head knight of Ni
04-03-2004, 04:41 PM
So does that make AGD markers extra special because you can have a distinct serial # and 1-5 stars.:eek: :D

04-03-2004, 04:46 PM
i think its what people put into their guns and the games they play with them that make them one of a kind.

04-03-2004, 04:48 PM
Well no... since just numbering them is done only to distinguish them from all the others of "their kind". Since they are all of the "Same kind" that's the only way to tell them apart. It however does not change "thier kind" as being the same. They would have to have something distinctly different in their construction that was unique from all "others" of their kind to then make them "one of a Kind". One of a kind meaning their are no others of that kind. Now one can argue how many changes to takes to really be able to start calling them "one of a kind" but I think just numbering them is not going to satisfy most anyone as meeting that criteria.

For instance Cars, Motorcycles, Guns etc all of the same model all have a different serial number. But they are of same kind. They even have different colors but that alone does not make them one of a kind.

Now if someone Gold plated say a Chevy Malibu... then one might argue it was one of a kind. Or if someone put Gattling Guns on a Harley.. then one might argue it was one of a kind. It just depends. Soon as the second guy Puts Gattling guns on his Harley.. well... no longer!

One of a kind things should be reserved for things that CANNOT ever be reproduced in ever fashion and all. For instance a Diamond or Jewel or something.

Not that all One of a kind things are good. Sometimes there is one of a kind because it was stupid to have made one at all!

04-03-2004, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
For instance Cars, Motorcycles, Guns etc all of the same model all have a different serial number. But they are of same kind. They even have different colors but that alone does not make them one of a kind.

My miata is actually 1/3000 in the US. Special option packages as well as paint make it rare combined with the fact they only made it for one year.

Flip side is that there are alot of "rare" 'guns that doesnt mean they are worth anymore than any other. Keep in mind that pb is still small fries compared to other industries, Heck there are less than 3k E/Xmags!

04-03-2004, 08:13 PM
Blazestorm=smart arse:D

04-03-2004, 09:04 PM
Just stating the facts, how people decieve others by making them think it's "One of a kind" when all guns are one of a kind.

Silly marketing schemes, learn how to sell without them.

04-03-2004, 11:47 PM
wow... blazestorm is still alive :cool:

i have a 1 of 12 freeflow rhythm... i dont care, it looks pretty and it shoots fast, and its damn efficent and all that other good junk

what i find most pathetic is when someone calls their stock bodied autococker with a new trigger frame "custom"

or a stock bodied imp with a few upgrades that they say is 1 of 1

or when someone tries to tack $500 onto the pricetag of a gun cause he just anodized it purple :rolleyes:

04-04-2004, 04:19 AM
Oh look, look, I have a 1 of 1 Brazz Eagle Talon!!!!11 Yo HAVes to get this gat man!!!1.1.11! Dud3z d15 thang r0x02zzzz jo b0x0rzzs. Its one of a kind because some guy who was standing by the Naughty Dogies looked at it and laughed man.!!!11 strait up yo!!1 Chris Lasoyaz brother's proctologist's mother's aunt's dentist's son's friend owned it man!!!!1111 DIz is da schiznit you!!!!111

...that kind of stuff really bothers me. I mean, who really cares if its one of a kind or who owned it.

04-04-2004, 05:00 AM
How about "first of its kind"? ;)

04-04-2004, 01:32 PM
I have a one of a kind Bko. It has a scratch on the left side of it that no one else has! I also have a one of a kind Speed with alittle piece of tape on the bottom of it that no one else has.