View Full Version : bunkering

09-29-2001, 09:19 PM
ahhhh, isnt it great! dont you love when your playing and all of a sudden, the chance for the PERFECT move arises.you leap from the cover of your bunker come up to the enemys bunker and nail him only to discover that yet another bunker is open for bunkering! a double play-within less than 30 seconds you have made a play worth catching on tape-its an awsome feeling

09-29-2001, 09:24 PM
i ususaly don't get bunkered, i tend to play near the back of the field.

10-03-2001, 11:59 PM
I haven't been bunkered, and I haven't bunkered yet. Almost bunkered someone, but my gun crapped out, and I decided to try anyway. I ran up and ordered the guy to surrender. I ended out getting shot. Maybe next time.

E==Mag MAN
10-04-2001, 06:03 AM
Bunkering is awsome i love the rush.My best bunker every i came up over a bunker with my new emag lit 3 people up a triple bunker that move led to the take over off the hill and we flanked em.But i play front because thats were the best action is it just hurts when your the sucker getting bunkered.

10-04-2001, 08:39 AM
you think a double bunker is fun, wait till you get a tripple. its unreal.


10-04-2001, 03:32 PM
I play front too. Back is just boring. Although i'm still pretty new at it, so I haven't gotten any bunkers.

10-04-2001, 04:18 PM
i love bunkering its sooo fun-its funny to look at to

10-04-2001, 05:21 PM
Ahh guys! You have me all tingly and thinking about when I got a triple bunker! Haha I am still tingly because now I REALLY want to play paintball. Well I always want to play paintball.

Don't be intimidated by my long post! Read it, it's cool!

When I got my triple bunker, me, and my team mates made a plan at the beginning of the game. We were playing 3 man so it was me and 2 others. When the whistle blew immediately the other 2 guys started laying a crapload of cover fire so I could run up the side. The other team frantically ran to the bunkers and hid because my team mates were spraying paint on all three bunkers. I was running as hard as I could up the side...

When I could almost see the side of the guy closest to me I sprinted hard and then dove into a slide...slid for about 10 meters while shooting. Took out 1 and 2, but couldn't see 3 yet. So he moved back in his bunker so he could see me and started shooting like mad. Then I scurried into the closest bunker and tried to avoid his shots.

The other 2 members of the team were walking up slowly...still shooting and keeping him down...so I popped uo, fired about 10 times and hit him 3 times.

So it kind of counts for a triple bunker! Hehe it felt so amazing and after when we were cheering and hooting I noticed I was panting so hard I was going to fall over :D. Oh well it was worth it!

Try that plan it is really fun!

10-11-2001, 08:46 AM

You slid for 10 m? You must have really been movin. Oris tat a bit exagertated. I gotta try that some time. Most slides i've done were sliding in behind enemy lines. Thats really a rush. Running through thier fire and getting behind them. It is also pretty cool cause they practically crap thier pants cause they are surrounded. Problem is that when I do that my team getts the kills cause I don't move up after im behind them fast enough.