View Full Version : Thinking of buying a mag, Questions...

04-03-2004, 07:35 PM
I am considering buying one of the rt-ule packages. I'm not quite clear on the trigger systems, can someone explain the pros and cons of the rt vs. the ult? Is the AGD store the best place to buy, or are their any dealers with better pricing?

trains are bad
04-03-2004, 07:53 PM
RT-several pound trigger w/ good reactivity.

ULT ~1lb trigger pull, less reactivity (so I understand)

I have a question about the ULT. I might get one since I need a on/off pin. But I wasn't to keen on the idea since I have no problem w/ the RT and I heard the ULT is more shortstrokeable due to the lessened reactivity.

What kind of reactivity can you get out of the ULT by cranking your pressure up to 1000+?

04-03-2004, 10:45 PM
Is the RT as reactive as the rt on a tippmann A-5? I've shot one of those, and if you set it right it's almost like full auto.

04-03-2004, 10:56 PM
I heard full auto! ;)

Here is the basic rundown.

The RT valve dose have a similar "feel" as the kick on the A5 but unlike the A5, you can controle that kick to tourney legal degrees or go hogwild and blow the A5 out of the water in speed.

Since I like tooing my own horn and I have taken the time to build the site, you can read to your heart's content about the ractivity of the RT valve and how it can be applied below:


And if you just want to see what "fast" is for the RT trigger here is my ever popular rapid-fire video (http://www.zakvetter.com/Videos/rapidfire.mov)

The ULE Trigger mod eliminated this bounce almot entirely. You can still make it go full auto but that is if you don't properly adjust the ULE Trigger shims and whatnot. Unlike the standard RT trigger (which is all but impossible to shortstroke) the ULE Trigger can be shorstroked and might take you a little time to learn.

The big advantage that people like about the ULT is that the trigger pull is MUCH lighter to the extent that you can walk the trigger (which is pretty neat).

Bottom line is, of course, it's a matter of preference. Some of you will spam that it's a must have allong with the X-Valve and Intelliframe but it really comes down to trying it out and seeing if you like it.

04-03-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Rhinopkc
Is the RT as reactive as the rt on a tippmann A-5? I've shot one of those, and if you set it right it's almost like full auto.

For the most part, it is. If you have an adjustable tank, and bump up the pressure to about 1000 psi, you can get the ReTro Valve to runaway fast enough that it'll feel like full auto.

Edit: Looks like I got beat to it by the man himself. :D

04-03-2004, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Remington
Edit: Looks like I got beat to it by the man himself. :D

I smelled it! I was like a moth to the flame!

04-03-2004, 11:33 PM
Where's the best place buy??

04-03-2004, 11:40 PM
The AGD store has pretty decent prices but you save big when you buy used. Deside exactly what you are looking for and then you might check the calssifieds and eBay. You can get a high end Mech RT Pro for under $500 easy.