View Full Version : eblade reflex vs. shocker...

04-03-2004, 09:55 PM
well the lazy guys at air wernt able to help me, so maybe you guys can.

what would you rather have a ebladed 03 dye blue/clear reflex,

or a 03/dynasty/toxic shocker?

ive been thinking of eblading my reflex, but after feeling the shocker, it had to be pry'ed outta my hands..

what do you guys think?

04-03-2004, 09:57 PM
I'd wait a few and pick up a strange shocker;)

04-03-2004, 09:58 PM
they kinda look.. weird.. but i really like the toxic shocker. all i really need to decide is blade vs. shocker tho, picking out the model isnt that hard ;)

04-03-2004, 09:59 PM
I love my shocker personally but i can't really compare it to anything so i cant help sry.

04-03-2004, 10:08 PM
i dont like cockers at all, so i would go for the shocker, but ive been wanting to shoot a shocker anyway, so deffinately the shocker

04-03-2004, 10:29 PM
heh thanks guys, if/when i get it, ill try to post a video of the boune ;)

04-03-2004, 10:31 PM
Here's what you do. You sell the Dye cocker. Next you get a BETTER cocker pre-made w/ eblade or race. ;)

I like cockers better than the 03 Shocker personally...

Plus, you won't have to wash your hands everytime you use your gun, cuz let's face it, SP guns leave taint.

04-03-2004, 11:09 PM
Pics of these new shockers?

04-03-2004, 11:36 PM
sure, theres a few,
Dynasty Shocker:

Nasty Shocker:

Octane Shocker:

They also fixed the effiency, with a free bolt upgrade , and thats the only problem ive ever heard about.

04-03-2004, 11:46 PM
Id get an Octane Shocker, if anything. Thats the only Smart Parts product Im fully behind, it departs from the standard mag-ripoff.

04-03-2004, 11:55 PM
yep, gotta thank you canadians for that one, thats a nice shocker.

04-04-2004, 12:06 AM
It's good to hear someone <i>fianally</i> say they liked the Octane. Just about everybody I hear says it's too dull and whatnot. Personally I like the way they look but we're pretty alone.

<a href="http://www.angelfire.com/mech/zds/skr03/pl/index.html" alt="PL Shocker guide" target="_blank">http://www.angelfire.com/mech/zds/skr03/pl/index.html</a>

04-04-2004, 12:22 AM
heh thats all the better tho, theres nothing like having one of 4 guns in your country ;)

the only thing is it looks like its the heaviest outta all, but its still worth the look

04-04-2004, 12:26 AM
I really don't like the looks of the octane.. I would much rather get the Nasty.. Infact I am probablly getting one lol..

But either way I would totally take the shocker over the ebladed cocker.. I hate cockers though so it's biased.. But one other thing is that there is almost no way to get rid of all bounce out of an e-blade.. Therefor in any tournaments chances are if you get tested for bounce you will get pulled.. Believe me when I had my cocker I made the trigger stiff and fairly long .. Untill it got rather hard to walk and it still bounced.. A electronic frame on a cocker doesnt mix..

04-04-2004, 12:29 AM
actually i just checked out the strange shocker, it looks pretty cool (as a cad atleast) http://www.angelfire.com/mech/zds/skr03/pl/strange.html

also the toxic shocker IS out, and i got the rare chance to hold on ;)

04-04-2004, 12:31 AM
Toxic shocker or Dynasty would be my second pic.. Those toxic ones have really sexy curves.. But the dynasty one has the cool little jewl.. lol

04-04-2004, 03:19 AM
Shocker all the way!!!! I really like the Dynasty and 2003 Shockers in blue. Very light and nice triggers. I don't really like e-blade trigger, they don't feel that good. Plus I don't like 'cockers in general. One other thing, why didn't they call the new Shocker for this year the "2004 Shocker". Isn't it the year 2004 and not 2003???

04-04-2004, 03:41 AM
People actually call them 04's (Some of the ones I've seen for sale) even though SP doesn't. But I wouldn't get either marker to be honest. DM4, Cyborg, and Viking thats the way to go. But if I had to pick I would get the Dynasty shocker... Dynasty's a pimpin' team and thats a pimpin' marker. But I hate SP... So I would never get one.

04-04-2004, 10:08 AM
you... i want ur butt over here

i havent seen you posting your argument yet ;)

i would also like to note, that i have seen only 1 used shocker up for sale anywhere so far...
that coitenly tella ya something:D

04-04-2004, 12:28 PM
is it just me or do all these new shockers remind you of comic books. That strange shocker CAD model reminds me of spider man

04-04-2004, 02:26 PM
I own an 03 shocker and the things I like about it is that it is extremely light, it is very accurate with the stock AA barrel, and it is very easy to hold a fast, steady stream of paint with it and I am by no means a trigger god. You also may have heard that the efficiency sucks but it is not that bad even with stock bolts. I personally am not that concerned with efficiency with all day air at any respectable field. All of my friends 03 shockers shoot fine and never break down, mine however is just a dud I guess because in the 2.5 months I've owned it, I have only had it for 3 weeks. First the on/off switch broke, than I got it back had it for 3 days and the solenoid blew for unknown reasons. Everyone else I know has had very good luck with their 03 shockers, just not me.:mad:

04-04-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by AGDFlash
I own an 03 shocker and the things I like about it is that it is extremely light, it is very accurate with the stock AA barrel, and it is very easy to hold a fast, steady stream of paint with it and I am by no means a trigger god. You also may have heard that the efficiency sucks but it is not that bad even with stock bolts. I personally am not that concerned with efficiency with all day air at any respectable field. All of my friends 03 shockers shoot fine and never break down, mine however is just a dud I guess because in the 2.5 months I've owned it, I have only had it for 3 weeks. First the on/off switch broke, than I got it back had it for 3 days and the solenoid blew for unknown reasons. Everyone else I know has had very good luck with their 03 shockers, just not me.:mad:

Well for what it's worth, I hope that changes for ya..

And ya you can't really call efficiency on them bad.. Especially if your trying to compare them to a mag.. Cause stock there both about the same I believe..

04-04-2004, 03:18 PM
wow, I never even heard about that Octane shocker. I like!

04-04-2004, 03:23 PM
What I don't get is whats up with those angled drops.. ?

04-04-2004, 03:46 PM
Yes I hate those angled things. I do not understand why they choose to do that, considering the point being to keep the liquid CO2 out of the gun...I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of players with this gun ditched CO2 long ago...

04-04-2004, 04:02 PM

You better go with the gun you know best! I would take the e bladed autococker anyday after learning about them. If you know nothing about autocockers they have great tech viedos if you got the time. The shocker has it flaws, I really don't like anything from smart parts except for there barrel kit. Autocockers will take some getting used to. My problem was watching the gun when I was fireing, its pretty sexy.

04-04-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by 1ofkind

The shocker has it flaws
thats it... no examples? you know what the alleged flaws are?
thats it...

its also been fixed with a free brand new bolt installed in the new markers, the older guns, their owners are asked to email SP for a free bolt upgrade...

so they fixed it....

what flaws are YOU talking about?

dont just say "it sucks" or "it has problems" without a example, and reasoning...

im trying to keep up a intelligent, well thought out tpoic here.

04-04-2004, 04:44 PM
Well Glick,

I would recommend the Nasty Shocker. I have shot a 2003 shocker, and (I hate to admit it!) but I thought it was super. It's a really smooth feeling marker, and the marker is so quiet...it's amazing.

The EBladed cockers are definitely nice and all, but I would take a shocker for sure.


04-04-2004, 08:58 PM
heh thanks for that advice, and im gonna get one of the privatly branded shockers, (anything but the 03 pretty much) theirs a new one comming out soon, the evolve, whats REALLY nice is that it will have a LPR and cocker threading, which is perfect for a matrix guy like me ;)

04-04-2004, 09:37 PM
Personaly were I spending that sorta cash another gun I would take a close look at would be the new Timmys... specificly the Alias.

The Alias solves alot of the old balance probs the timmys had + they are ALOT lighter than the old ones. Another great choice to make the water even more muddy. ;)

04-04-2004, 10:29 PM
Hey, I just realized I get a new bolt kit from SP! yay

04-04-2004, 10:52 PM
heh wow, thanks i nearly forgot that the alias is so inexpensive. lol quite a choice you can get in that price-range, does it shoot like all the other timmies?, cause ive shot the other ones, but not the alias.

but its still not as light and compact as the shocker, so im leaning towards the shocker

04-05-2004, 01:01 AM
Having held both in my hands I would say the alias is a hair lighter. But thats a personal guess... they are both feathers. Its worlds of difference from my 2k2. Like I siad... both guns are feather light and they both rip.

Functionwise the new timis are the same, however they shortened em up and made a major change in the electronics. They are ready to rip out of the box. The only real drawback on the timi is that you almost have to get a new barrel for it.

04-05-2004, 01:21 AM
A Intimidator is really just a tricked out Spyder. LOL (same type of stacked tube design)

04-05-2004, 01:43 AM
An alias is probably going to be my next gun. They are awesome and they friggin' rip!!

04-05-2004, 01:58 AM
Have you thought about an Omen at all? I LOVE my omen. They're so easy and simple to use, and they are chop free! I have yet to chop one in my breech in over two months of indoor practice.

I know I might get flamed for suggesting the Omen, but I have had numerous people with Timmies, a few guys with Impulses and one guy with a Shocker tell me that my gun "rips hard." I even had an impulse owner tell me that he wanted to trade his Imp for an Omen.

I hope I'm not coming off too bossy, just a suggestion =)

P.S. - The shockers are damned nice, even though I really look down upon Smart Parts.


04-05-2004, 02:44 AM
The free upgrade bolt for shocker is not the high effiency bolt. It's a mostly aluminum bolt system to replace the all delrin one that came stock with the older shockers. They had problems with the old delrin ones swelling up in warmer temps and/or getting grooves in them after so many uses. The grooves would cause leaks. The SP H.E. bolt will cost you in the niegborhood of 100 bucks. Its suppose to get in the neigborhood of 1400 to 1500 shots from a 68/4500. Some say a little more. Some less. Oh and the effiency of the stock bolt as opposed to a mag is much worse. I only get about 100 more shots off of my shocker with my 68/4500. I ran a 68/3000 off of my emag. So that was about 800 from 4000-4500 fill with the shocker. While i was getting 700 from a 2500-3000 fill on my Emag. I aint complaining though. My shocker shoots straight and far. I got spot checked today at the field because a ref thought i was running hot with the way the shocker was shooting. I chrono'd at 265, hehehe. Oh btw the octane is the only shocker so far thats cocker threaded. Everything else is shocker threaded.

04-05-2004, 03:30 AM
Get the alias. They are much smoother shooting wise compared to the older timmys (so I've read). If you have extra bones, I would pick that up. Plus you could trade anything for it if you ever wanted to get rid of it. Look at the cyborg also its about 900+ish and it rips right out of the box. My teammate owns one of the first black to yellow fade ones (1 of 15). Its sweet and light as crap.

04-05-2004, 11:40 AM
as a person who has shot both i would go with neither, every shocker i have shot has just been a blender, those were the older ones that needed the new bolt so i don't know if that got fixed or not. the alias work GREAT for about a month, then they just blend things as well. i have shot and played with both and decided to get a lasoya which works great so i would go with neither a alias or shocker.

04-05-2004, 11:48 AM
thanks for the very useful article ;)

i just dont understand waht u mean by "just" started to blender, i have a dye trix, and ive never blendered except when i had my eye off at 15 bps. i cant see how they can just start blendering, maybe if its not taken care of and the eye was off, but i dunno.

I clean my trix every other day, whether its used or not

(yea ive been told to seek help ;))

Have you thought about an Omen at all?
nah, ive shot them, their internals are kinda complicated, like a impulse and a timmy mixed together, and my dye trix does basically what the omen does.

the thing is tho, its all about weight for this gun. just pick up a shocker, you could imagine urself doing supermans over the xball "x" , and running to the 70 on the break ;)

Oh btw the octane is the only shocker so far thats cocker threaded. Everything else is shocker threaded.

The guys at evolve, at getting their own shocker, the evolve shocker, which will have cocker threadings as well, but will ALSO HAVE A LPR!!!woooohoooo. i think i might wait for that, there a great bunch of guys too.

04-05-2004, 03:27 PM
LPR's are next to worthless on a Shocker 03.

No sKiLLz
04-05-2004, 03:51 PM
Where the hell can they put it? I was wondering that for the longest time, how are they going to put an LPR on the thing. There's no room. I thought that's why they were working on the Nerve.

The Alias has the new Frenzy board, and they moved the LCD to the grip frame, moved the grip frame forward an inch on the body, and shortened it on both horizontal and vertical axis. It's very light and compact, and comes with a very thin lightweight trigger. The eye is break beam vs. the Shocker IR, so you won't have concerns about paint type/color. No contest IMHO.

Plus the Alias doesn't look girly.:D

04-05-2004, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Ydna
LPR's are next to worthless on a Shocker 03.

ok guys... i noted this before, but i guess noone reads my posts :

when posting on this topic, if u say "dont get this" or "that sucks" please give a reason. simply saying that "cockers suck" wont help anyone, while "cockers suck because you have to time them, and their slow" is something that can be helpful to other people.

04-05-2004, 10:23 PM
Sorry, heh it's just that I get do fatigued of explaining it over and over on shockerowners.

In order to mount an LPR, you must first install a special vertical adapter. The input to the Shocker from the vertical adapter is not a standard 1/8" NPT fitting, instead there are two sets of holes (right and left). The right hole will product the operating pressure whereas the left holes will produce pneumatics presure (to the soleniod). So what the LPR vertical adapter does is seperate these two and connect the left ones to the LPR, which is also mounted on the front of the LPR. Picture of it installed can be seen <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/mech/zds/skr03/upgrades/lpradapters.html" alt="LPR" target="_blank">here</a>.

The reason it is pointless is because the soleniod already operates at 90-psi as stock. This is without an LPR, with whatever circca 190-psi input from the Flo. It's a funciton of the soleniod inserts, if you want to know.

So because of this, the LPR will allow you to drop the pressure from 90-psi to....what? 80-psi? Don't go lower then 70 though, or you'll get some bad results. Anywyas, this is a 20-psi drop, which is next to nothing in terms of efficiency or consistency. The only real function it serves is to protect the soleniod in the vastly unlikely event of a complete reg failure or large spike, which <i>yes</i> will almost always result in a leaking solenoid, however no permanent damage is caused unless you supercharge the hell out of it.

One or more of the prototype Shockers (open bolt prototypes only) were tapped to involve an LPR on the front (<a href="http://www.shockerowners.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1411" alt="LPR" target="_blank">click here</a>). Needless to say, there's a reason why they stopped milling the bodies to accept them.

04-05-2004, 10:32 PM
heh thanks! that makes alot of sense, i just didnt know they alraedy operated that low. from what it seems, it could use a decent sized volumizer. One that actually has a purpose.

04-06-2004, 12:22 AM
What use would a volumizer have? Consistency is pretty good on my 03 shocker w/ an average of about 8 fps differences with good paint and I don,t notice any shootdown.

04-06-2004, 12:30 AM
hm, cause thats the only other problem ive heard about, not having enough time to "recharge" so to speak. but thats about my trix anyway, cool.

04-06-2004, 12:40 AM
Are you talking about the 03 shocker not having enough time to recharge or a matrix?

04-06-2004, 12:49 AM
the shocker, althought ive had drop off on the trix due to bad o-rings, but it was easily fixed.

04-06-2004, 01:53 AM
Do some shockers drop off or something? I have not noticed any shootdown with mine.

04-06-2004, 01:59 AM
How about the new Smart Parts Nerve? It comes with a Freak Barrel and Max Flo Air System.

04-07-2004, 01:20 AM
The nerve does look cool and all, but it is pretty much an impulse upgraded with a shocker grip frame and built in lpr.

04-07-2004, 07:41 AM
I have a freeflow eblade and an 03 shocker. I love both. I don't get bounce out of my eblade and the trigger is reallll short. The only negative I can think of for the shocker is the FSDO... Sometimes I get it really bad and I do have the aluminum bolt. When I get the evolve or freeflow it should be gone though.

I'd say get a shocker, easy to rip fast enough, small and light.

04-07-2004, 08:36 AM
well for fsdo, have u tried lubing up ur bolt and checking o-rings? cause i always thought that it was normal on my trix till i found a o-ring was slit

04-07-2004, 10:02 AM
Yep yep... much lube and the orings are good... not a big problem though.

04-07-2004, 04:19 PM
You can also try removing all teh grease from the soleniod spool.

04-07-2004, 05:29 PM
I have gone through 18 guns in the last year trying to find the one that worked with my playing style... eblades, matrixs, shockers, emags, angels, and in the end I have come back to the shocker. It is exteremely small and light, which is nice for playing tight in any situation. Although, I have had some nice eblades, factory edition Eclipse guns, and they rocked. So in the end it is all a matter of preference, try both see which you like. it is just a matter of what fits you better as a player.

To the person offering him to try a omen. Why dosnt he try a hybrid spyder like a tes or any other lower cost gun? He asked about 2 specific types of gun so why bring in the oh so sweet Omen. I also believe you that your gun rips, but after seeing those videos of your team playing I do not believe it makes one bit of difference in the world.

04-07-2004, 06:17 PM
haha well, lets not rat out on him now. i think what hes trying to say is that you guys are popping ur hoppers out , tilt your gun about 5-10 degrees towards teh hopper.

04-08-2004, 12:53 PM
You guys need more headwear and a lot of things: More sandanas, 16inch Dye ULs, Colored Proflexs, Not matching Timmys, and Extreme Rage Harnesses. Not only will you play better but you will be a Agg team :rolleyes:

*making fun of some pbnation AGG guys*

But ya your team needs practice...;)

04-10-2004, 01:15 AM
I just got my 03 shocker back today from SP to get the spool valve and solenoid replaced. It is shooting awesome now with no problems. I just hope it keeps it up this time and I don't have to send it back again. Also I want to get the SP HE bolt. Has any body ever used or owned one? I just want to know how they are before shelling out $100.

04-10-2004, 01:47 AM
Dynasty Shocker or 2003 Shocker.

04-10-2004, 02:33 AM
Glickman: even with out the sp patent stuff, there is no way id buy a sp marker. the efficency problems ive heard of(from dynasty, i have emails), the reliability problems, the lack of good tech service(from posts on online forums).

with an emag with xvalve, milled rail, ule body: it will weigh close to the weight of a shocker, be much more reliable, cost less, with 3.2 software you can hit 20 bps with no shoot down(provided your fingers are fast enough), be more efficient, and if it does break, you get it fixed by agd, who have the greatest tech service ive seen(props to jon and roman)

04-10-2004, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by mag/cocker lover
Glickman: even with out the sp patent stuff, there is no way id buy a sp marker. the efficency problems ive heard of(from dynasty, i have emails), the reliability problems, the lack of good tech service(from posts on online forums).

with an emag with xvalve, milled rail, ule body: it will weigh close to the weight of a shocker, be much more reliable, cost less, with 3.2 software you can hit 20 bps with no shoot down(provided your fingers are fast enough), be more efficient, and if it does break, you get it fixed by agd, who have the greatest tech service ive seen(props to jon and roman)

He was asking between the two. I said Shocker because it really is nice. Regardless of the patents and stuff. I do agree with you on the Mags though. I've called the tech dept. and they are the BEST.