View Full Version : This one is for all the kids..

04-04-2004, 02:57 AM
On a scale from 1 to 5 how much do your parents support paintball..

1 - They despise it, you have to sneak money to even buy/play paintball, the cringe at the word paintball and do not support you playing it at all.

2 - They don't mind that you play but they won't pay for anything paintball related. They will drive you to paintball (if your under 16) if they have nothing better to do.

3 - They arn't 100% for it, but they understand why you like it and they will lend you money for paintball/buy paintball related items for you only on christmas/birthday's, but they would never buy you a whole gun. They've even played once or twice with you and will drive you to tournaments/paintball if you stress that it is really important to you/your team.

4 - They occasionally pay for a day of paintball for you, they will drive you almost whenever you want unless they are doing something extremelly important. They've even played paintball a few times and express that they enjoy it. They would buy you that special gun for christmas/your birthday because they know how much it means to you.

5 - They always pay for you playing paintball, and for buying anything paintball related. They are vairly avocate to extremelly avocate ballers themselves. They bought you that one special gun for no reason and have invested more in your setup then you have.

Mine are a 3

04-04-2004, 03:12 AM
Kind of like number 2 for me. My dad understands the sport and doesn't mind me playing it. My mom believes it promotes violence and doesn't like me playing, but won't stop me. Neither will pay for my equipment or field fees since I have a job and I am old enough to pay for everything.

04-04-2004, 03:38 AM
my mom is a 2, but my dad is a 4, so it all works out.

04-04-2004, 03:44 AM
Probably a 4.5. I paid like 75% of my viking though and my mom paid for the rest. She's coming up to watch my team and be my pod lady this weekend. I should have some awesome pics of this coming weekend in my first real tourny. Seeing Dynasty, ton tons, and avalanche should be awesome.

04-04-2004, 03:57 AM
Both my parents are 3's. I would rate them 4's, except they never pay for any of my stuff, except clothes, school supplies, and food. But my dad does pay for car parts occasionaly and some of my gas, but I drive his car most of the time.

04-04-2004, 04:24 AM
i think i would call both my parents 4's. Even though my mom never plays with me she occasionally comes to whatch. My dad, on the other hand, has his own gun and also gets in the game most of the time i go.

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-04-2004, 04:55 AM

04-04-2004, 05:40 AM

Yes, NEGATIVE on your scale. If you guys looked back at some of my earlier posts you would understand. I spent a total of 2 years trying to convince my parents that paintball wasn't the devil... and then when I failed, I just went to AO and asked for help... Didn't work very well so Tunaman got fed up with my problems and solved them for me by giving me a mag. Then I just went out with my friends to the field until now... Now I can drive :)

Oh, and 3 years after I started my paintball endeavor, they still don't approve/support my paintball addiction. lol, the more they try to discourage me the more they strengthen my love for paintball... My mom recently tried to ground me from paintball until I finished college, lol. (BTW: I'm still in high school. My mom wanted to ground me from paintball for 5 and a half years!)

04-04-2004, 08:26 AM
mine are a 3-4. They both think it'S really cool, but can't take it as a 'serious' sport. Oh well. They buy me stuff for christmas if I write santa for it (that was a joke, just so you know). my dad loves it, but like I said doesn'T agree with me taking it serious.


04-04-2004, 09:39 AM
I am insulted, I don't fall in any of the categories. I demand a #6 be put in there for parents who advocate but don't spoil. My parents haven't paid for a dime of my paintball (except my AO jersey which was a bday present). They rarely give me rides. But they support my paintball expenditures avidly, just not financially. They come out and watch me play sometimes, they ask me about what is going on in the paintball world, etc. Though skeptical at first about how running around shooting people was productive, they saw how much fun I have and also realized that this wasn't some backyard game that I was playing, but rather that it was an evolving, highly physical sport. They support paintball as much as they do tennis (behind me fully, but I am responsible for my costs.

Their main thing is how dirty I get :D.

04-04-2004, 09:45 AM
I'm at a 2. My dad knows I play, he doesn't care about it aslong as I don't always talk about it (VERT HARD to do :p). He almost always drives me to the field but he'd never spend a DIME on it for me.

04-04-2004, 09:48 AM
3.5 My dad does play with me, but he doesnt pay for anything except entry and a little of the paint. Hes the cheapest person in the world.

04-04-2004, 10:04 AM
My dad drives me to the field every weekend. He likes watching me play also. He won't buy anything for me really, but like if I need 20 bucks to have enough to buy paint, he'll give me the money. The most he's ever lent me was 200 for my impulse and didn't make me pay him back, even though I had 200 to pay him back with. He won't play paintball, I think he's afraid he's too old for it.

04-04-2004, 10:12 AM
I'd have to say about 1.5

They let me buy stuff, Dad bids on EBay for me (my money). They won't make trips specifiaclly for paintball, but its okay if its on the way. Neither would lend me money, they think if I can't afford it, I don't get it. I agree.

04-04-2004, 10:12 AM
Probably like a 2.5... I occasionally get stuff for b-day/Christmas, and have gotten a ride once or twice, but nothing really more than that... they won't let me play if there's any sort of reason that could possibly be seen as a conflict. :(

04-04-2004, 10:33 AM
My Parents are probably a three. They never buy me paintball stuff just for the hell of it, but they will buy me paintball stuff as a gift for x-mas or bday. They don't give me rides anywhere because I can drive now, but before my dad would always give me rides to the field. And although my parents won't up and buy me a 2,000 dollar gun they are very supportive. My dad loves tinkering with my paintball gun almost as much as I do. And when I got my iR3 he was amazed at how much technology is in the sport. My mom could really care less, she just likes that I'm having a good time and wasting all my money on paintball instead of drugs.

04-04-2004, 10:37 AM
Well, im 15, so i guess this can still apply to me.

they drive us alot, and im really thankful for that, but soon that wont be nessissary.

I pay for all of my gear (yes, 6.50 an hour can pay for paintball) they do pay for little stuff here and there, but if its like over $50, its for a birthday or whatnot

My dad plays tournies with me and my team, and hes pretty good.

so i dunno, my dad will buy paint for us every once and a while, but i pay for all of my stuff.

knowing u earned every dollar's worth of gear is very satisfying.:D

04-04-2004, 10:54 AM
my dad would be a five since he plays, got me started with paintball, and bought me a mojority of my equipment until recently when i got a job at a field so now i can fund myself... i guess im one of the lucky ones

04-04-2004, 11:02 AM
I say a 3

04-04-2004, 11:04 AM
2 - They don't mind that you play but they won't pay for anything paintball related. They will drive you to paintball (if your under 16) if they have nothing better to do.

Before I got my license they used to drive me. They think I'm wasting my money but they don't really mind.

04-04-2004, 11:07 AM
I must be a Five.

Although I can say I don't think I ever actually bought my kid a marker. Well maybe one... but I go through markers like a junkie goes through crack. And always keep the two going and up to date. And most often the kid gets to use whatever he wants of those to use. Our markers are always "family" markers more or less. He plays more so he reaps more of the benefits of them I guess. No matter what I get he always claims the best one (in his opinion) to use as primary. But he is always at my whim as to what is kept and what is sold to go to the next marker. However nothing I ever get would be considered inferior I guess.

I give him money to play from time to time. Maybe a tourney entry depending on how he acts and behaves. Sometimes in spit of that. I would rather he play paintball than get involved in unhealthy activities. So I just consider it an investment in his future. He is my only child so he gets spoiled a bit I guess.

I guess you could consider me to be his "sponsor" :D

04-04-2004, 11:40 AM
Enigma and I support my son 100%. But I guess we would considering we play too. On the other hand, his dad is totally against it but who cares what he thinks.

04-04-2004, 11:50 AM
im about a 4. they never pay for me to play but will buy me stuff for Xmass and birthday and whatever, they bought me my first two markers and my dad always likes to point out they are HIS markers. my dad used to drive me down to the field every sat. and sunday. rain or shine, some times at like 7 in the mornin. hes never played, but when ever the subject comes up when we have company or what ever he exsplains how safe the sport is, how advanced the markers are. they are wicked cool about it

04-04-2004, 12:53 PM
2.5 for me

My parents understand, and sometime my dad plays, but they wont pay for anything.

04-04-2004, 12:57 PM
we have alot of younger players on this board who are definitely number 5's:)

04-04-2004, 01:06 PM
my dad and my step dad are both 3.5s my mom is a 1.5 and my step mom is a 3

04-04-2004, 01:14 PM
I guess my parents are 4s. They will pay for paint and air most of the time and support me going out and playing on weekends. I do have to buy my own equipment(unless its Christmas or my birthday) and get it ok'ed from them, which usually takes alot of insisting and explaining on why I need a $500 gun or a barrel kit :D

04-04-2004, 01:18 PM
my parents are a 4, they never played with me, and once in a while pay for me but they enjoy it

04-04-2004, 01:46 PM
Well, based on yours I would say 3, but my parents are definitely a 5 to me. They completely support it, and know I have plans with it. They back all the time and money spent on it 100%. However, they dont pay for it. They get me paintball related stuff for my birthday etc, but dont just pay for practices, or buy me guns. If they had to, they would, because they know how important it is to me, but they dont have to, so they dont.

04-04-2004, 02:19 PM
2.75 i would say

04-04-2004, 02:24 PM
1 possibly 1.5 on a good day..

Mag Master 04
04-04-2004, 03:17 PM
my dad is 3 and my mom is 2...but thats the only time i get stuff is b days and christmas. i buy all my gear:cool:

04-04-2004, 06:28 PM
5 - They encourage me to play and would probably force me to if I tried to stop. They have always driven me everywhere that I ask of them, but now I have my liscense so its all good. If I ever asked them to buy something, they would. I pay for my guns and any parts, and probably about half of my paint. They pretty much consider paintball as a cure for depression and a way to get me outside, so they will do about anything they can to keep me in it as much as possible.

Im one of the lucky ones.

04-04-2004, 06:55 PM
3 - They arn't 100% for it, but they understand why you like it and they will lend you money for paintball/buy paintball related items for you only on christmas/birthday's, but they would never buy you a whole gun. They've even played once or twice with you and will drive you to tournaments/paintball if you stress that it is really important to you/your team.

see, I work 6 hours a week... and get $6 an hour... thus every paycheck goes into paintball. My parents are cool because they dont make me pay for my gas/insurance/my car; and let me use all my money for paintball. It's even cooler that my mom just bought me a pair of DYE Core 03 pants:)

04-04-2004, 09:20 PM
well i guess my mom is coming around a lil bit ill give her a 4 cuz i can drive n shell loan me the car for the day n loan my sum safty money for bent drops n other various thigns that may go wrong that dont cost much

my dad a 3 i dun think he understnad why im dumping money into this rather then finishing my motorcycle. i supose if i got a warthog u no the 1 by tippman id have to force him to stop wasting my paint

step dad 3.5 hes played a few times but he prefers woods ball n will only play if i agree to let him use my backup gun\mask

step mom 4.5 she doesnt realy buy me stuff but she would if i asked she understands boys need sumthin to do and often talks my dad into getting me fun stuff

04-04-2004, 10:12 PM
3.5...because my parents bought all my starting pgear (mag, nitro, hopper, etc.) but it was for xmas/bday...since then my dad will drive me anywhere...and I can talk him into paying the field few most of the times. Occasionally get a case of paint out of him, but latley nothing, but im getting a job this summer. O ya he has never played before...i wish he would its SO FUN!

04-04-2004, 10:21 PM
7. My dad actually plays all the time, and we go out to play with each other, and my parents bought me all my pain and entry up until a couple of months ago. They also pretty much bought me all my starting gear, like the very first stuff, even though they said I worked for it. I still don't think I actually did enough work to deserve the gun, but i'm not gonna complain, eh?:p Now they make me pay for everything pb related, but they still get me pb stuff for my birthday and christmas, and they are really supportive.:) It's a whole different rating thingy.

04-04-2004, 10:23 PM
Mom = 2
Dad = 3.5

Nick O time
04-04-2004, 10:27 PM
well ummm i think mine is 4. but my parents buy me and my bro new gear and shiz like that for christmas. and they just decided to sponsor my team so its like a4.5 now. so we can play chicago open now. yeah.:p

The Deacon
04-04-2004, 10:27 PM

04-04-2004, 11:25 PM
a 3. they dont normally give me any $$ for it, on occasion theyve bought a case for me or something, but its not often. wouldnt i dont think buy me a gun, but did substitute teh approx 300 id normally get for xmas gifts and gave my cash for my empire timmy. so they help out a little, but its mostly my money.

04-04-2004, 11:31 PM
i cant concentrate on reading the scale so... ill just describe

-my parents are ok with it, but they re major safety freak. so as long as i show my mask, and my barrel condom (with no air and no balls) than they re cool
-as long as i dont spend over 100 for my gun :rolleyes: (check out my sig). hey i paid for it, i earned money overtime (3 years from a spyder shutter)
-they dont pay a penny of my paintball relations. only gas money to take me to the field. which we have different parents drive us at times (hey, im 16, no license, no car, no insurance, CA is expensive :o )

Major Jam
04-04-2004, 11:32 PM
My dad plays paintball as do me and my kids. :)

04-04-2004, 11:53 PM
They will take me whenever i want but won't lend me money. They think its a waste of money and for b-days they give me money on how much they would spend and i use it for paintball so i don't know. Its a mix.

04-05-2004, 12:25 AM
my parents HATE it, i cant run around the house with my gun
my step dad is a -18 my mom is a 1.8 ish, they wont buy me anything, but they dont make me sneak my money around

04-05-2004, 12:27 AM
a 2 for sure, my dad doesn't care if I play and all and he knows that I am totally into it, as long as I can pay my bills, he has never given me a dime towards the sport, only one time when he went to play, he thought it was ok

04-05-2004, 12:53 AM
2. Its funny, beacuse every time I play, my mom reminds me that "she won't pay for me this time" as if she payed for me last time:rolleyes::D

04-05-2004, 02:08 AM
2 and 4

04-05-2004, 07:39 AM
4.5 I have to pay for most of the upgrades and gun stuff but I never have to worry about paint or entrance fee.

04-05-2004, 08:25 AM

they support me 100%, money, guns etc...

04-05-2004, 08:53 AM
my parents are between 3 and 4. They support me playing, but do bug me about school alot:rolleyes: They dont play and never will. They will lend me money, but they do not buy me anything, with the exception of a pair of pants. I pay for EVERYTHING, and im proud of it.

04-05-2004, 10:33 AM
mom=1 dad=2 because it keeps me busy not doing drugs and ****.