View Full Version : I too have been pulled to the dark side...

09-29-2001, 10:56 PM
not the dark side of evil but the dark side of a Cocker hehehehe.
Yes it is true I am getting a Cocker. I want a Cocker becuase of its upgradability and tweaking abilities. I am gonna trick the heck outa it by the end of next year. After I take it to a few local tournies next year with my team, I'm gonna take a break from paintball once again to upgrade it. For now this is what it has:

2k1 cocker
68ci 3000 PSI Pure Energy Fiber Wrapped tank.
Dye SS 12"
PMI Perfect Drop

So pretty much stock. I got it for only $320, the tank alone is $180. But when I run into some money before and mabe after some tournies I will be adding this:

Blue Rock Reg w/ knob
Blue Kapp Ram
Blue Bomb 3 way
Blue Kapp Beavertail
Blue Kapp Twisted Cocking Knob
P&P Blue Backblock
Slingshot Bolt
Chrome Front Block
Blue Ergo Reg
WGP Hinge Frame Nickel
32* Blue Sticky Grips

Yes, this will be expensive I know
but it will be sooo worth it when I have a sweet cocker to show off everywhere hehehe. But I will upgrade gradualy, so I know what goes wrong in different places

09-29-2001, 11:00 PM
You forgot to list all the tools you will need to fix it all the time especially since your making the biggest mistake of mixing parts...lol...j/k good luck with it...make sure you got timing down pact. That is a key to the operation of it...

again good luck...

09-29-2001, 11:22 PM
Avoid the Kapp stuff.. If you want the pnumatics to work well stick with STO 3 ways and Rams, with a FGP / Rock Or MacDev mini regs.

Really look at a Super Fly Bolt, Pro Paintball Bolt

As for Hammer Kits Pro Paintball again makes a really good set.

As for Hinge Trigger, The STO trigger look the best and work well, but if you want one that just Rock look at the Shocktech, it may look kinda ghetto but they are freaking fast as all get out.

Have fun and for giggles keep try of the bills on that gun :)


09-30-2001, 12:37 AM
... And have fun. One day I'll probably end up getting a Cocker, but it will never replace my 'mag, I just love it too much... Ive always been intrested in complicated things hehe :D

09-30-2001, 03:29 AM
eclipse blade trigger (perhaps shocktech, but i prefer blades)
shocktech Bomb 4-way,
shocktech bolt.

please don't get the slingshot bolt. i don't like it when money is wasted.

i've done quite a few cockers before, and these are the only upgrades i think are worth spending money on (because they actually make a difference).

09-30-2001, 07:18 AM
For that price, just get an Emag with a freak kit and a HALO. (Refers to video):eek:

09-30-2001, 07:43 AM
So... when can we expect you to come crawling back?

09-30-2001, 09:03 AM
Not another 1. Oh well, good luck w/ it

09-30-2001, 09:14 AM
Oh and Rob, r u sayin all KAPP cocker parts r bad, even the new falme cockers?? I have a teamate who is really intrested in getting 1.

09-30-2001, 09:26 AM
Haha agreed, good luck with it man...I'd say it will be fun. Yeah I would go with Pamlmers stuff...has the best reputation and performance that I know of.

09-30-2001, 09:42 AM
i have to admit-i do like the way cockers shoot when they are working-they also do look very cool

09-30-2001, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by zvanut
Oh and Rob, r u sayin all KAPP cocker parts r bad, even the new falme cockers?? I have a teamate who is really intrested in getting 1.

all the kapp stuff i have used isnt as good as the stock pneus, shocktech and palmers makes the best aftermarket pneumatics.......ive shot a flame cocker and it shoots exactly like the other kapp cockers....which isnt all that good for the money u spend on them(but they do look cool as hell) if he really wants a cocker and has that much money, tell him to get the shocktech SFL

09-30-2001, 03:51 PM
heard of those cocker super bolts? They are like a spring loaded thing that make ball not chop. The spring I guess slows the bolt down before it gets to the ball and it dosent chop it. Anyone know if these are any good?
And I will probably get a shocktech or STO ram. Thanks.

09-30-2001, 08:11 PM
Well, I have a 2k1 vert feed cocker. I have put a palmer quickram, quickswitch and a MacDev Sonic micro-reg on the front. Also Rat valve and WGP hinge trigger. It shoots over 300 fps easily with under 350 psi input. I purchased everything new, but NPS is practically in my backyard, so I get great deals. I put the whole gun together for @ $650. The big question, of course, is it worth it? Yes and no.

First, low pressure is a gimmick and pointless. I see Matrix's chop at 190 psi quite regularly. Same with my Cocker at 350. I wasn't worried about low pressure, just a result of the parts I used. Therefore, what do I think really needs replacing? probably just the 3-way and grip frame. The hinge works best with a quickswitch or bomb. The stock Clippard ram is great as well as both the low-pressure and in-line regs. The in-line is a pain to adjust, but once you have you shouldn't need to touch it anymore.

Any other upgrades will be for cosmetic purposes at best. That is why I did it, just wanted the gun all black and chrome. A little vanity never hurts and, after all, that is what Cockers are all about.

Next is performance. Well, it is accurate, but no more accurate than it was stock. It is definitely much easier to shoot quickly, but it is still possible to short stroke (believe me). My E-mag is every bit as accurate and much easier to shoot fast. Granted, my E-mag cost more, but you will probably find the same of a Bushy or Imp, which costs significantly less.

I like my Cocker. It has been very reliable so far (3 weekends, haven't even had to adjust the velocity). However, my Emag is definitely a superior gun. Of course, this is my opinion. I also am much more familiar and comfortable with a mag, which adds to the bias. But, if I had to, I could use a cocker for my main gun. It is definitely capable.

10-01-2001, 12:38 AM
i believe what you are referring to, the "super-bolts" :rolleyes: is the slingshot bolt. it supposedly reduces blowback and avoids chopping, but doesn't live up to either magical power.
blowback is a result of poor timing, and chopping is a result of short-stroking-plain and simple.
if you short stroke or mistime the stock wgp bolt, slingshot bolt, doesn't make a difference.

unless you're really experienced at timing autocockers, i wouldn't recommend even trying to time the slingshot bolt. even if you could time it right, i wouldn't recommend using it.
it just copulates with your timing in the rectum.

10-01-2001, 03:47 PM
im selling my mag to either build my own custom spanky cobra cocker or get an emag. i was going to go along the lines of getting an emag, and if i didnt like it sell it and build a cocker.

10-01-2001, 04:07 PM
I wouldn't build a cocker using a Spanky body. They have had a lot of problems with qaulity control. Some are not tapped and threaded properly, and others have internal tubes that are not linear. If you're smart, you'll buy a stock body for $40 from someone, and then have it milled and annoed to your liking. Why use a body that is available to everyone when you can have something tottally unique?? As far as KAPP parts go, I have been less than satisified with them. I recently bought a KAPP hammer kit w/ SS IVG, and a KAPP Pro Series cocking rod. Suffice to say, the rod did not fit through the IVG, and it didn't even thread into the hammer!! No thank you.