View Full Version : HALO and EMAG on FULL AUTO at 15 BPS Video!!!!

09-30-2001, 02:55 AM
Mag Owners,

I have been saying for some time that the current loaders just can't keep up with todays firepower. Here is the latest video from our buddies Chris and Tex showing what the right loader and gun combination can do.

Note that the gun actually has muzzle rise caused by the kickback of so many balls coming out of the barrel. Watch as he compensates for it in the first few shots. This is an AO exlusive!!

For your viewing pleasure:


09-30-2001, 03:00 AM
Humm not sure if this is working right, mods any ideas?


09-30-2001, 03:03 AM
here it is:


09-30-2001, 03:10 AM
Got it thanks Phar!

09-30-2001, 03:14 AM
no problem, always here to help.

stupid 56k modem, takes forever to download.

09-30-2001, 03:20 AM
Holy hell! That may have been one of the coolest things I'm yet to see in my life.

Anyone care to spot me some money?

09-30-2001, 06:09 AM
where can you buy the HALO loading system?And how did he get it on full-auto?

09-30-2001, 07:15 AM
Ahh ah ahhhh ah ah ahahhhhah *Speechless*

That is AWESOME!

How much is the HALO expected to cost again? And when is it going to be on sale? (And expect me to buy an EMag soon too! )

09-30-2001, 07:28 AM
just get a warp aren't they supposed to do like 20bps??

09-30-2001, 07:32 AM
Yeah how fast can warps do? Still that is simply amazing. It's kind of like the one on the Oddesey Paintball site. How fast can warps do?

09-30-2001, 08:49 AM
How did he get it on full-auto?

09-30-2001, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by MJS1214
How did he get it on full-auto?

He's Tom Kaye... For testing purposes they can throw any lines of code in there they want. We could have it easily too, but it's some kinda safety/insurance liability I believe.

09-30-2001, 08:55 AM
WOW! that is just another reason why AGD's slogan should "when 10bps just isn't fast enough". How fast can the warp feed feed?

09-30-2001, 09:00 AM
I think TK has a couple of new buddies over there, LOL. anyways that would not be a bad upgrade for anyone :)

09-30-2001, 09:09 AM
I think the warp can feed upwards of 20-24 bps..???

But without a proper loader to feed balls into the warp you will only get a short burst of paint before your rev can't keep up and you start chopping.

But the Halo can keep up with the warp with no problem as you can see.

09-30-2001, 09:28 AM
I wanna know how fast the warp can do. I know after like 20 shots you would have to slow down because the revy can't spit the balls into the warp that fast. But for the 20 shots it would be frigging sweet.

09-30-2001, 12:41 PM
If you want to see how fast the warp will run see Bill Mills Loader test on Warpig.



09-30-2001, 12:54 PM
why did u set it at 15bps and not 16? Its suppose to do a constant 16.... Did u chop at 16? OH Tom, i thought the warp is limited to 16bps which the HALO is too. Therefore wouldn't it feed at the same pace

09-30-2001, 01:57 PM
The Warp will feed reliably with a hopper that can keep up at these rates.

9V - 16-18bps
12V - 22-24bps

We shot Rob's E-Mag at 16bps FA with a HALO at the IAO and it didn't skip a beat. Even if the HALO can feed faster than you can shoot any gun, it doesn't mean the Warp is pointless. I have said it before and I'll say it again, the Warp is not all about feed rate. If you want to have that dumb hopper on the top of your gun, then by all means do so. I'll just keep shooting it when you come out the side or over the top of a bunker. It's funny when I show paintball guns to people that have never seen them before, the first thing they comment on is how stupid the gun looks with the hopper on the top. Yet, still a lot of paintball players think the Warp makes the gun bulky and they don't want to go away from having the hopper on the top... go figure.

09-30-2001, 02:16 PM
So the E-mag there is some kind of "super" E-mag that can be put in full-auto as well?Can AGD do that to all E-mags?(with a small fee of course)

09-30-2001, 02:37 PM
There's nothing special about that E-Mag except that it has a different firmware that allows the FA mode. No, you can't have that installed on your E-Mag no matter how much money you offer AGD.

09-30-2001, 03:06 PM
wow, now that is amazing!

09-30-2001, 03:35 PM
I hope I'm not the only fool. I don't get anything when I click on your links. Please help. I want to see the good stuff too!

09-30-2001, 04:20 PM
That is amazing! want one of those real bad... if it can keep up with that E-Mag, it will have no problem keeping my ReTro Warp Fed mag happy without even thinking twice... thank god they left viewloader, Im sure BE would have messed up that sweet loader somehow... :D

09-30-2001, 04:34 PM
That is so bloody cool. I wish I could do that but, of course, it wouldn't be very safe, but still... that is so cool!

09-30-2001, 05:29 PM

09-30-2001, 06:10 PM
Jeez.......(rubs eyes) Whats that?

09-30-2001, 06:12 PM
Doobie want NOW!

09-30-2001, 06:30 PM
dumb question but what does this say about your 11.2 (i think it was) and 12.66(again, i think) feed rates for perspective vertical feed and powerfeed style guns?

15bps on a powerfeed gun would throw your awnsers off by what? 33%???

I am a firm beleiver in solid math, but when you give me video saying otherwise.....


09-30-2001, 06:44 PM
Actually, the HALO pushes the balls down the feed neck and into the gun. There's a large wheel that the balls sit in and it spins pushing the balls down the feed neck. So, it doesn't rely completely on gravity.

09-30-2001, 07:08 PM
I'll be getting myself one of those :)

09-30-2001, 08:22 PM
So couldn't the halo feed sideways? You'd still have a hopper on top sticking out though. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that. How fast can it go with the warp on?

10-01-2001, 02:48 PM
You still didn't answer me question lol. Why did u set it at 15bps when the HALO is suppose to do a constant 16? Did u chop at 16?

10-01-2001, 08:06 PM
I only had 33 seconds of paintballs. Its way to much fun shooting nerf footballs out of the air. Next time I go out I'll keep going till I chop. Maybe Wed. or Thur.

10-01-2001, 11:14 PM

My views are totally oppisite yours. I think hoppers up top look cool. And while there is no disputing the warp's performance I think it is bulky and ugly. I respect your opinoin though, and I hope you respect mine.

10-01-2001, 11:25 PM
I just finished watching the video. I am speechless. That is insane. Its too bad thats too dangerous to use in a game. It would be great for laying cover fire in a senario game. I know I wouldn't move if 15 balls were coming over my head in a second. I wonder if I could get that performance with an electric Minimag. HEHEHE. To bad it's retailing at $134 (thats what it is on Nat. PB supply).

10-01-2001, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by LeadBasedPaint

My views are totally oppisite yours. I think hoppers up top look cool. And while there is no disputing the warp's performance I think it is bulky and ugly. I respect your opinoin though, and I hope you respect mine.

The hopper on top looking 'cool' and the warp looking 'ugly' is fine. That's a matter of personal opinion. And you know what? Everytime I look at Vil3's pic of an Emag with a hopper on top, I actually think it looks pretty cool too... Although I can't figure out for the life of me, why. Maybe I've gotten used to it. Then again, when I look at the pics AGD's main site has up with the warp feed and a Emag, I revert back to it.

I don't think BlackVCG was really addressing that - aesthetics - in his post though. He was talking about, not only the 'practicality' the use of a Warp feed provided, but the performance as well. Which you covered with, by saying that there's no disputing the warp's performance. :)

10-01-2001, 11:46 PM
Yes it is a matter of taste and opinion. Looking at some guns such as the Shocker or EM1 and could never understand how anyone would think they look good, while my brother on the hand thinks they look sweet. The warp is the same way. My friends think it looks awsome.

10-01-2001, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by LeadBasedPaint
Yes it is a matter of taste and opinion. Looking at some guns such as the Shocker or EM1 and could never understand how anyone would think they look good, while my brother on the hand thinks they look sweet. The warp is the same way. My friends think it looks awsome.

lol Same here. The Shocker or the EM1 look good? err... no.

But yes, a matter of taste.

10-02-2001, 12:07 AM
Completely. :)

Ninja B0Y
10-02-2001, 11:37 AM
Now THAT is how paintball should be played...haha

10-02-2001, 11:54 AM
Incredible! I am speachless. But you know what? I do not want one now...I could never afford the paint... ;)

10-25-2001, 06:50 AM
OH sweet mother of god!!!

Has it occured to anyone that that video may be speeded up?



10-25-2001, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by ciaran.mooney
Has it occured to anyone that that video may be speeded up?
Enough people here actually know Chris and Tex and have seen this demonstration in person that a hoax would've been sniffed out by now. I know that every time I walk into a room where Tex already is, he is demonstrating that HALO to someone; new paintball player, pizza delivery guy, UPS driver, whomever.

It really is that fast.

10-25-2001, 07:27 AM
*in his state of delusion, slateman cries*:


10-25-2001, 07:27 AM
whoa where did this come from? havent seen this thread in a while....:confused:

10-25-2001, 09:31 AM
Wow !!!!:eek:

10-25-2001, 10:04 AM
It sounds like a friggin tommy gun!!!!!!

11-02-2001, 09:16 PM
you think that sounds like a tommy gun? how about putting it on a custom98 with the response trigger?

11-02-2001, 10:23 PM
I have seen hte mag with electro grip frame set to 16 bps with the halo hopper- all 4 videos.. it was.. unsetlling.
I saw a rough drawing of the internals of the halo and to me, it looks like they have what looks to me like what the old Tipmann F/A's loader sytem used to look like... only electric. the F/A was a fully-mechanical- full auto gun, wich was air powered yet uesed a spring to give it hte full auto effect. now they had a spring powered feed too, which looked like a coffee can with a star shaped rotor in the botoom that, on every shot, turned 1 ball's width around, feedign exatly 1 ball into the gun. the HALO looks like it had a small rotor at the bottom which does this. it feeds the balls layong on it into the neck. Strage, though, that we saw Dennis Tippmann himself a few months ago testign out a prototype tippmann hopper based off the F/A's hopper desing, yet powed by excess blowback gas.... hmmmm..

11-03-2001, 01:02 AM
BlackVCG - I actually read much the opposite of your discription of the halo. On warpig, they say that the halo doesn't force the balls down the feedneck, but it sorts them. They specifically said that it does not force them and that any rumors of the sort were incorrect. can you confirm on this or am i mistaken? i do not mean to challenge you, just to get a better mechanical understanding.

11-03-2001, 07:14 AM
man that would suck to be the reciving guy of all that paint, he would have to refill like 20 times agame... too expensive for me! man that is fast tho