View Full Version : ....whoa

04-04-2004, 10:50 PM
I was on pbnation for about 2 minutes... and I think Im gonna go kill myself now.

Im glad most of the people on these forums are educated.

04-04-2004, 10:51 PM
You've just got to know where to go. God help you if you go into the general forums, its "agg" and "rawr" hell out there.

04-04-2004, 11:20 PM
from what i find about pbn is that most of the people hate mags and think dynasty is all great

and most of all they follow the same thing wether its choice of gun *timie* and most hated gun mag

and those people are so uneducated its not even funny

04-04-2004, 11:26 PM
Yes, PBN is bad for your health. Avoid it.

04-04-2004, 11:33 PM
haha yea ignorant kids...
heres a convo ive been having:

me: yea... um mature a little more, the only reason a decend sized group of ignorant kids dont like SP is just to be "cool"
zefreak:"yea... um mature a little more, the only reason most people dislike SP anymore is cause "its cool" but its not... thats just stupid.."

Yeah, umm... hows the ignorance treatin ya? People dont dislike SP because its cool, they dislike SP because they think they are a bad company, which they are. You either are not aware of what Smart Parts is getting away with or you are trying WAY too hard to be different and rebelious.
me:Yeah, umm... hows the ignorance treatin ya? People dont dislike SP because its cool, they dislike SP because they think they are a bad company, which they are. You either are not aware of what Smart Parts is getting away with or you are trying WAY too hard to be different and rebelious.
Me- ignorance? your the one being ignorant... your putting words into my mouth. i specifically, and clearly stated that, some, a good deal of people, dont like SP cause everyone else does.

You cannot deny the fact that paintball is alot about copying stuff.

Whether its gun designs, or sayings, alot of new people copy what more experianced/knowledgable about the sport people do/say/think. So, theres that group that just hates sp to hate them.

and dont try to toy with psychology, the idea of being rebellious to get attention is one portrayed by those who are really desperate for attention, dont have much in the ways of intelligent competance, and go about thinking the wrong way.

thusly i dont think that im just trying to be rebelious... im bringing a practical opinion out into the open, so as we all can further a intelligent conversation about a ongoing problem/situation.

Just a note:

most anti-smartpartsistic statments are just "they suck" or "they're gay"

while most neutral/pro smart parts statments are followed by reasonable opinion..

just my observation/personal opinion

Has yet to respond.. buhahaha ;)

04-04-2004, 11:42 PM
ahahaha thats great! im nuteral/anti SP i think it was wrong of wat they did but hey thats life and the governemnt
and you just gotta move on

but anyways i got in a arguement with another kid on that dynasty forum bc i said dynasty is a a bunch of sell outs who have no style of play. and i got flamed and i asked one person why they like dynasty and they replied " Because they are cool and they win alot" now lets make a guess on what gun he has hmmmmmmmmmmm not a mag possibly a angel shocker or a spyder!

04-04-2004, 11:45 PM
i tried to post up some good info on pbnation about the smart parts issue cus alot of people there really dont know whats happening, and i got flamed by an idiot who knew nothing...so i just read that stuff for laughs and post seriously here...

04-04-2004, 11:47 PM
i say we invade and flame
and this will get us banned but it will be for a purpose!

04-05-2004, 02:15 AM
see what happens when you try too fool around with SP ppl you end up on the ground laughing your *** off or beating the **** out of 2 sucker punk lil kids who tryed to bad mouth mags. coupple words of advice ppl stay on AO

04-05-2004, 12:23 PM
hahah yeaaaa *sigh* AO is great...

04-05-2004, 12:29 PM
Compared to PBN, AO has a monopoly on commonsence. The average IQ is also about 100 points higher... no most of us don't have an IQ over 135...

04-05-2004, 06:27 PM
yeah i told those kids that i had an emag and they were all...why would you waste your time with that pile of stainless steel. its so heavy and worthless. i was a little shocked and then i was sad and then i just left...and now im here AO styles

04-05-2004, 06:35 PM
I tried putting up a fight there once in my life. Then I got sick of it and started posting floods of crap just to degrade the forums more.

I hate them

04-05-2004, 06:55 PM
i say we have a IQ contest like the contest on fox where they had the blondes n the women n men well any ways have the AO'ers and stupid people (pbn'ers)

04-05-2004, 09:44 PM
WEll maybe the tides of war will change after the DW trigger hits the stores... there gonna be like AGD man ur cool timmys ahh there jus super spiders. ask them why? oh becuase they shoot fast

04-05-2004, 11:26 PM
i was on there the other day and i started a riot and i said AO had smarter people and they said AO was only for "mag ***s". not really i own a trix and dont really likes mags but the enviroment is better.

And i doubt mags will get the same respect as a timmy or an angel becuase they are not flashy and the reason i think timmys sell is because they look like flashy spiders and noobs like to look at a pimped out version of their gun but o well when someone buys alot of one type of gun it gets annoying.

04-06-2004, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by NoFearPaintballer
i say we have a IQ contest like the contest on fox where they had the blondes n the women n men well any ways have the AO'ers and stupid people (pbn'ers)

haha thats like not even funny, if i remember correctly im 148, or 142 (professional test), but i get 154 at iqtest.com (i wish :rolleyes:, but it says its withen 5 points of a professional test, which seems to be true) something the rather, i cant remember too well waht about you guys?

Target Practice
04-06-2004, 02:08 AM
Just took that same one Glickman, scored a 151....:D Yay!

04-07-2004, 03:28 PM
hehe, but seriously, some of these tinkerers on this forum come up with such ingenious ideas it makes my head spin. its like... wtf. i shouldve thought of that

04-07-2004, 04:55 PM
Yeah, considering the average PBN member ranges from 13-18 yrs of age. What the hell do you expect?

It's like putting a 15yr old boy next to a hot girl and expect him to NOT try and get some! Man aren't we all the pride of obvious observation here on AO?

I don't know what's more repetative. Idiots saying "agg" or crybabies saying "PBN sucks" I'm not really sure.

Here's a novel idea. Don't go there.

04-07-2004, 04:57 PM
I find it incredibly ironic that there are people who think AO is unbiased, yet we continually see these kinds of threads.

IQ = Idiot Quotient
Glad to see so many people are proud of their high scores!


Originally posted by Meph
Here's a novel idea. Don't go there.
Couldn't agree more.

04-07-2004, 06:55 PM
I was bored in school and took the advanced IQ test on emodes.com. I hurried through it because the class was ending, I got 133. Not too bad for rushing through the IQ test.

Edit: What the hell does agg mean? A Great Gun?

04-07-2004, 07:51 PM
obviously i'm from PBN...(any moron that can read can see that) but i mod some of the forums, PBN has its advantages and disadvantages, it has a lot of young people on there, and a lot of them are spoiled little rich kids on there. but, if you are looking for overpriced guns you can find them there, if you are trying to sell something, dont go there, unless you have a super trix, timmy, 03 shocker, angel, or impulse, you wont sell it... trust me i have two old school shockers at rediculously low prices on there for over a month and couldnt sell them...

i usually go there first since i mod on there, but i do prefer this site...PBN is a little more organized and i'll give them that, the mod staff is nice there, for the most part, Tony (owner) is a great guy, very open to his staff, and for the most part the site is ran well, not saying this site isnt ran well...

but as far as mags go, this is no doubt the best place with the best people/and deals...in fact my zgrip mag i got here...and my previous mag, i got here...
(props to IronDogGreg, great trader!)

but yeah love this site...its an asset to any serious paintball player, a must.

04-07-2004, 08:03 PM
Crap...a 158?

Maybe I just don't have any common sense.

04-07-2004, 08:06 PM
The thing about PBNation is that there are lots of kids and lots of regulars pissed off about the reposts and such.
Really not a bad site to find info on any "other" brand of marker is you are willing to sift through the posts or search.

04-07-2004, 08:16 PM
Well, the majority of the 'IQ tests' Ive taken showed usually in the 153 - 150 range, so, Ill say Im around 140 for real.

As for PBN.

Dont even think about it, they contribute nothing and just perpetuate the 'paintballers are morons' mentality.