View Full Version : qloader mounting positions

04-05-2004, 07:28 PM
ive looked around qloaders website, and im not in favor with the multiple mounting positions that they have

i dont know why but i remember seeing it mounted onto a n2 tank. this would be the best position because its down and out of the way, and it just makes the n2 tank wider, instead of having a giant tube under your barrel or parallel with your front grip. has anyone done this or can anyone think of how to do this? does the qloader come with the brackets to do this?

also, im seriously thinking about buying one, because i like the idea of a generally flat-topped marker, and i hate the warp because its unreliable, and it doesnt grip paint. to those who own it- is it worth it?

04-05-2004, 07:31 PM
the warp rox, it is a little heavy though.

04-05-2004, 07:36 PM
Sposedly they have something coming out soon that will attach the qloader to your tank. I read about it somewhere. I've also heard of people rigging theirs to do it allready.

04-05-2004, 07:46 PM
The warp doesnt grip paint?!?!
Why hasn't anyone told me this before?
Jesus, I must have been hallucinating paint coming out of my barrel all this time! No wonder I cant hit anyone! :p

04-05-2004, 08:02 PM
It had problems with proball, I had to use a cardboard
shim on my warp to get it to grip those suckers.

No the qloader does not come with that mount, you'll
have to wait for them to come out officially or
commission someone to make it fo you.

04-05-2004, 08:18 PM
#1 - Warp rocks. A little heavy, maybe... moreso if you're a puss, I guess. :p Reliable and fast, down out of the way, proven effective... what more could you want?!? :)

#2 - It doesn't seem like it would be too incredibly difficult to mount a qloader to the side of your tank yourself... maybe two rings of something around the tank, and not much more?? Or am I missing something... :confused:

04-05-2004, 08:32 PM
I had mine mounted awesome, parellel (sp) to the left of the barrel - however I found the best mounting position is on someone elses gun.. like Docs in Alaska, gods I hated it.

Wonderful idea though, and those who have liked it have really liked it, I did not, I have a list of reasons but basically the system outsmarted me

trains are bad
04-05-2004, 08:40 PM
I have one, it sucks.
